An Act to amend the Times Institute, Multan Act 2020

ACT IV OF 2021



No. PAP/Legis-3(58)/2021/2495.–The Times Institute, Multan (Amendment) Bill 2021, having been passed by the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab on March 02, 2021, and assented to by the Governor of the Punjab on March 16, 2021, is hereby published as an Act of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab.

Whereas it is expedient to amend the Times Institute, Multan Act, 2020 (XXV of 2020) in the manner hereinafter appearing;

Be it enacted by Provincial Assembly of the Punjab as follows:

1. Short title and commencement.–(1) This Act may be cited as the Times Institute, Multan (Amendment) Act, 2021.

(2) It shall come into force at once.

2. Amendment in Section 2 of Act XXV of 2020.–In the Times Institute, Multan Act 2020 (XXV of 2020), hereinafter referred to as ‘the Act’, in Section 2, for clause (t), the following shall be substituted:

“(t)     “Company” means the Ali Bin Usman Pvt. Ltd, a Company registered under the Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017);”.

3. Amendment in Section 4 of Act XXV of 2020.–In the Act, in Section 4, in clause (a), for sub-clauses (i) & (ii), the following shall be substituted:

“(i)     management sciences, social sciences and arts, science and technology, law, allied health sciences, medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, engineering and information technology, provided that in case of medicine and engineering education, approval of the Pakistan Medical Commission and Pakistan Engineering Council respectively shall be a pre requisite; and

(ii)      such other branches of knowledge, as the Board may determine with the approval of the Chancellor given on the recommendation of a committee constituted by the Government and, where applicable, subject to the prior approval of the relevant statutory body of professional education;”.

4. Amendment in Section 18 of Act XXV of 2020.–In the Act, for Section 18, the following shall be substituted:

18. Board of Governors.–(1) The Board of Governors of the Institute shall consist of the following:

(a)      Chairman of the Company;

(b)      Rector;

(c)      maximum four members of the Company to be nominated by the Chairman of the Company;

(d)      four persons including at least one woman from amongst eminent scholars, business persons or academicians to be nominated by the Chairman of the Company;

(e)      two members of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab including one female member to be nominated by the Speaker;

(f)       Chairman, Higher Education Commission or his nominee not below the rank of a Director;

(g)      Vice Chancellor of a public sector University in the Punjab nominated by the Chancellor; and

(h)      Secretary to the Government, Higher Education Department or his nominee not below the rank of an Additional Secretary.

(2) The Chairman of the Company shall be the Chairman of the Board and the Rector shall be the Vice Chairman of the Board.

(3) The members of the Board other than ex-officio members shall hold office for a term of three years and shall be eligible for re-appointment on the expiry of their term of office.

(4) The quorum for a meeting of the Board shall be one half of the total number of members with at least three ex-officio members.

(5) The Registrar shall be the Secretary of the Board and the Secretary shall, with the approval of the Chairman of the Board, call the meeting of the Board.

(6) The Company may fill a casual vacancy occurring because of death or resignation of a member of the Board nominated by the Company to the extent of the remainder of the term of the former member.”

5. Amendment of First Statutes of Act XXV of 2020.–In the Act, in the First Statutes:

(i)       in Paragraph 1, in subparagraph (2), after clause (d), the following new clauses shall be inserted:

“(e)     Faculty of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences;

(f)       Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences;

(g)      Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology;”.

(ii)      in Paragraph 6, in subparagraph (1), for clause (e), the following shall be substituted;

“(e)     one eminent scholar to be nominated by the Company; and”.

(iii)     in Paragraph 8, in subparagraph (1), for clause (i), the following shall be substituted;

“(i)      one nominee of the Company.”.

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