Affiliation of Law Colleges Rules

Affiliation of Law Colleges Rules

Rules Contents  
1 Name & Commencement  
2 Definitions  
3 Ownership  
4 Security  
5 Building  
6 Class rooms etc  
7 Canteen & firs aid facilities  
8 Qualification of Principal of Private Law College  
9 Whole time Teachers  
10 Qualification of Part – time teachers  
11 Number of Lectures  
12 Days of Classes  
13 Library  
14 Number of Books in Library  
15 Subscription of Law Journals  
16 Book Bank  
17 Qualification of Librarian  
18 Seating in classroom  
19 Number of Students in a classroom  
20 Timing of Classes  
21 Admission percentage of students to evening classes  
22 Attendance record  
23 College record  
24 Fee Concession  
25 Period of affiliation  
26 Inspection  
27 De-affiliation and forfeiture of security  
28 Nominee on Governing Body  
29 Standard of legal education  
30 Accounts  

Affiliation of Law Colleges Rules

           Whereas the rules of different Universities in the country imparting legal education regarding affiliation of private and government law colleges, presently in vogue, are not uniform and instead vary from each other;

And whereas the mushroom growth of private law colleges is causing deterioration of the standard of legal education;

And whereas it is imperative to have strict control and check on the law colleges for improving the standard and quality of the legal education.

And whereas it is expedient to create uniformity in Rules of affiliation of all the Universities imparting Legal education.

Therefore, the Pakistan Bar Council hereby propose the following Rules for adoption by all the Universities of Pakistan imparting legal education:

1.         Name & Commencement:    

(1)  These rules may be called the “Affiliation of Law Colleges Rules”.

(2)      They shall come into force at once and will also be applicable to all law colleges affiliated or to be affiliated.

2.         Definitions:

(a)        “Act” means the Legal Practitioners & Bar Councils Act, 1973.

(b)        “Council” means the Pakistan Bar Council.

(c)        “Rules” means the Pakistan Bar Council Legal Education Rules, 1978.

(d)        “College” means the Law College affiliated with a University.

(e)        “University” means the University, having the Faculty of Law, established under a statute and recognized by the Pakistan Bar Council.

3.         Ownership:       The ownership of the College with all its assets shall vest in a body corporate and not in any individual. No change in ownership of the body corporate will be permissible after affiliation without prior approval of the University.

4.         Security:    The applicant shall prior to enrolling and admitting students shall deposit a sum of Rs. One Million with the concerned University as security. This amount shall be invested by the University in the Bonds and Securities and the profit earned thereon shall be equally divisible amongst University and the applicant.

Provided that the applicant shall not be entitled to withdraw any amount out of its profit and the same shall be added to the security amount of the applicant.

Provided further that the security amount shall be raised by 5% annually for the new applicants after the adoption of these rules.

Provided also that the security shall be refundable to the owner on the closure of the college with the approval of the University after deduction of the dues of the University, if any.

5.         Building:   The College shall be located in a spacious, separate and independent building on a plot of at least 2000 sq. Yards, without any other institution or person sharing the premises.

6.         Class rooms etc.     The College shall have at least three class rooms with one having seating capacity of 150 or more students, a common room, a ladies room and a separate staff room.

7.         Canteen & firs aid facilities:       The college shall have adequate canteen, toilets and first aid facilities.

8.         Qualification of Principal of Private Law College:           The qualification of a Principal of a private Law College shall be Master’s Degree in law from a recognized University with at least 10 years teaching experience or a Bachelor’s Degree in Law with 15 years teaching experience.

9.         Whole time Teachers:   There shall be at least two whole time teachers with academic qualifications and experience as prescribed by the University.

Provided that the whole time teachers shall deliver at least 25% of the total lectures delivered during the academic year.

10.       Qualification of Part – time teachers:      The part – time teacher should have the qualification and experience prescribed by the Rules. The number of lectures delivered per week by a part – time teacher shall not exceed eight.

11.       Number of Lectures:     The College shall ensure that each class receives at least as many lectures per week as are prescribed by the University. In the absence of such regulation of the University each class shall receive at least 18 regular lectures per week including one tutorial session.

12.       Days of Classes:           Classes shall be held six days a week and the academic year shall not be less than that of the University.

13.       Library:            The College Library should provide facilities for at least 20 percent of the total number of students on the rolls.

14.       Number of Books in Library:    Initially books worth not less than Rs. 5,00,000/- will be acquired for the College Library. Thereafter at least Rs.60,000/- shall be allocated annually for acquisition of books for the Library.

15.       Subscription of Law Journals:    The Library will subscribe to at least two reputable foreign Law Journals or access to inter-net and acquire at least one set of all Law Reports published in Pakistan.

16.       Book Bank:   The College shall establish a Book Bank to provide for the prescribed textbooks.

17.       Qualification of Librarian:  The Librarian of the College Library should be qualified and paid according to the University Regulations.

18.       Seating in classroom: Seating in classes will be provided for 100 percent of the students allocated to the class.

19.       Number of Students in a classroom:  There shall not be more than 100 students in a class.

Provided that the University shall regulate the number of classes/sections in the College keeping in view the facilities available.

20.       Timing of Classes:   The College shall have morning classes. Colleges will not be allowed to have evening classes only. There shall not be any afternoon class.

21.       Admission percentage of students to evening classes:     The total number of students in LL.B. parts I, II and III in evening classes shall not exceed 50 percent of the students admitted in the morning classes.

Provided that the Colleges shall ensure that the evening classes shall be displayed with in a period of 6 years.

22.       Attendance record:       An authenticated Attendance Record of all students shall be redisplayed on the Notice Board in the first week of every succeeding month in accumulative form and a copy of the same shall be sent to the University by 15th of every month.

23.       College record: College record shall be removed from the College premises and shall remain available for inspection at all reasonable time by the University.

24.       Fee Concession:    The College shall make available full fee concession to at least five percent and half fee concession to at least ten percent of the enrolled students.

25.       Period of affiliation:   The affiliation shall initially be for a period of three years. The affiliation of the college complying with the regulations of affiliation or such other regulations as may form time to time, be prescribed, shall be extendable for further successive period of three years.

26.       Inspection:        There shall be at least one inspection every academic year, of the Law College by Inspection Committee comprising of Dean, Faculty of Law (in the absence of Dean Faculty of Law Principal of Law College of the concerned university) as its Chairman, Governor Board of studies in Law, Principal/Dean of University Law College from another province, a representative of University Grants Commission, a Member of the Pakistan Bar Council and a Member of the concerned Provincial Bar Council.

27.       De-affiliation and forfeiture of security:   The University on receipt of an adverse report from the Inspection Committee, may de-affiliate the College or impose fine not exceeding one hundred thousand after due notice and opportunity of hearing. The University may also forfeit the security or any part thereof in case of serious contravention of the rules.

28.       Nominee on Governing Body:   The Governing Body of the College shall also have a sitting or forme Judge of the High Court nominated by the University syndicate.

29.       Standard of legal education:      The standard of legal education shall be laid down by the Pakistan Bar Council in consultation with University Grants Commission, the Universities and Provincial Bar Councils. The directions issued by it in this behalf shall be complied with and followed.

30.       Accounts:         Every college shall maintain a Bank Account with a scheduled Bank and its accounts shall be audited every year.


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