[Gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary, Part-II, 20th June, 2011]

S.R.O. 634(I)/2011, dated 18.6.2011.—In pursuance of Article 100 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the President is pleased to make the following rules, namely:—

1.         Short title and commencement.—(1) These rules may be called the Attorney-General for Pakistan (Terms and Conditions) Rules, 2011.

(2)  These rules shall come into force on the 1st July, 2011.

2.         Retainership, perks and privileges, etc.—An Attorney-General for Pakistan shall be entitled to retainership, perks and privileges as admissible to a Judge of Supreme Court which are:—

(a)        Salary                                                  Rs. 368,186/-;

(b)        Superior Judicial Allowance                Rs. 170,625/-;

(c)        House rent if official Residence
not provided                                        Rs. 68,000/-.

(2)        During the tenure of his office, the Attorney-General shall be entitled to the use of an official chauffeur driven car maintained at Government expense, but as is in the case of Judge of the Supreme Court shall have to bear the cost of petrol used in the car during a month in excess of three hundred liters.

(3)        Where the Attorney-General is required, otherwise than under rule 4, to leave the Capital in the performance of his official duties, traveling and other allowances on the scale admissible to a Judge of Supreme Court on tour shall be paid to him for journey necessarily performed in the course of those duties.

3.         Absence from office.—During the absence, for any reason, of the Attorney-General for Pakistan the person appointed to act as Attorney-General for Pakistan, shall receive the full emoluments of the office and shall exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of the office.

4.         Duties.—(1) It shall be the duty of the Attorney-General for Pakistan to give advice to the Federal Government upon such legal matters, and to perform such other duties of a legal character, as may be referred or assigned to him by the Federal Government and in the performance of his duties he shall have the right of audience in all Courts and tribunals in Pakistan.

(2)  For the performance of duties mentioned in sub-rule (1) the Attorney-General for Pakistan shall be paid no fee other than the retainership payable under Rule 2.

5.         Appearance in Courts etc.—The Federal Government may require the Attorney-General to appear before any High Court or any tribunal in any case, suit, appeal or other proceedings in which the Federal Government is concerned and a daily fee of ten thousand rupees shall be paid to him for every day of his appearance before such Court or tribunal. If such a reference requires him to be absent from his headquarters the days of his absence, not being days of departure to and return from such appearance, shall be included in the days of such appearance.

6.         Responsibilities of Attorney-General for Pakistan.—(1) The Attorney-General for Pakistan shall not:—

(a)        engage in private practice so long as he holds the office of the Attorney-General;

(b)        advise or hold briefs against the Federal Government;

(c)        advise or hold briefs in cases in which he is likely to be called upon to advise, or appear for, the Federal Government;

(d)        defend accused persons in criminal prosecutions without the prior order or permission of the Federal Government;

(e)        accept any appointment in any company, corporation or organization owned or controlled by Federal Government, without the prior permission of the Federal Government; and

(f)        make a conceding statement unless so authorized by the Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Division or with the prior approval of the Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Division or the head of the administrative Division or the department concerned in writing.

7.  Repeal.—The Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affair’s Notification No. 11(27)/50-E, dated the 3rd July, 1952 is hereby repealed.

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