Civil Servants (Seniority) Rules, 1993


 [The Gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary, Part II, February 28, 1993]


          S.R.O. 163 (1)/93. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 25 of the Civil Servants Act, 1973 (LXXI of 1973), read with Section 8 thereof, the President is pleased to make the following rules, namely: —


          1.         Short title, application and commencement. (1) These rules may be called the Civil Servants (Seniority) Rules, 1993.

          (2)      They shall apply to all civil servants except those governed under: —

                   (a)      The Police Service of Pakistan (Composition Cadre and Seniority) Rules, 1985;

                   (b)      The Occupational Groups and Services (Probation, Training and Seniority) Rules, 1990; and

(c)      The Establishment Division’s O.M. No. 1/2/74 ARC, dated 23rd March, 1976, and as amended from time to time.

          (3)      They shall come into force at once.


          2.        Seniority on initial appointment. — (1) Persons initially appointed on the recommendations of the selection authority through an earlier open advertisement shall rank senior to those appointed through a subsequent open advertisement.

          (2)      If two or more persons are recommended in open advertisement by the selection authority their inter se senior-ity shall be determined in order of merit assigned by the selection authority.

          (3)      If only one candidate is recommended in open advertisement by the selection authority, he shall count his seniority form —

(a)     The date of recommendation by the selection authority, if he was already holding in the same post on ad hoe basis; and

(b)     The date of his joining the post after being recommended by the selection authority if he was not alrea-dy holding the same post.


          3.         Seniority on promotion. — Seniority in a service, cadre or post to which a civil servant is promoted shall take effect from the date of regular promotion to that service cadre or post.


                   Provided that –

(a)      Civil servants selected for promotion to higher posts on an earlier date shall be senior to those selected for such promotion on a later date;

(b)      Civil servants selected for promotion to higher posts in one batch shall, on their promotion to the higher post, retain their inter se seniority as the lower post; and

(c)      Civil servants eligible for promotion who could not be considered for promotion in the original reference in circumstances beyond their control or whose case was deferred while their juniors were promoted to the higher post, shall, on promotion, without supersession, take their seniority with the original batch.


          4.         Seniority on appointment by transfer. – Seniority in a service, cadre or post to which a civil servant is appointed by transfer shall take effect from the date of regular appointment to the service, cadre or post:

          Provided that –


(a)      Persons belonging to the same service, cadre or post selected for appointment by transfer to a service, cadre or post in one batch shall, on their appointment, take inter se seniority in the order of their date of regular appointment in their previous service, cadre or post; and

(b)      Persons belonging to different service, cadre or posts selected for appointment by transfer in one batch shall take their inter se seniority in the order of the date of their regular appointment to the post which they were holding before such appointment and, where such date is the same, the person older in age shall rank senior.


          5.         Seniority of officers of the Armed Forces on induction in civil posts. – Officers of the Armed Forces of Pakistan who are inducted in a civil service, cadre or post in accordance with the Government orders and instructions shall take seniority in that service, cadre or post from the date of such induction:


          Provided that the officers inducted in one batch shall, on induction, retain their inter se seniority as in the Armed Forces of Pakistan.


          6.         Inter se seniority of civil servants appointed in the same calendar year. – Persons appointed by tran-sfer in a particular calendar year shall, as a class, be senior to those appointed by promotion or by initial appointment to such posts in that year, and persons promoted to higher post in a particular calendar year shall, as a class be senior to those appointed by initial appointment to such posts in that year.


          7.        Repeal and savings. — The General Principles of seniority circulated vide Establishment Division’s O.M. No. 1/16/69-D.II, dated the 31st December, 1970, and all other existing rules, orders and instructions relating to seniority except —

                   (a)      The Police Service of Pakistan (Composition, Cadre and Seniority) Rules, 1985;

                   (b)     The Occupational Groups and Services (Probation, Training and Seniority) Rules, 1990; and

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