Counting of Votes (General Elections) (Amendment)  Order,  2002

 WHEREAS the Counting of Votes (General Elections) Order 2002 envisages, inter alia, transparency of the entire procedure of counting from individual polling stations to finalization of results of entire constituency by the Returning Officer, under which the sealed ballot boxes will be opened at the polling stations, counting of votes shall be completed in the presence of polling agents, statement of count shall be prepared, carbonized copies whereof shall be provided to the polling agents present at the spot after obtaining their signatures on the statement of count and a copy thereof duly signed by the Presiding Officer shall be affixed at a prominent place outside the polling station immediately after its preparation, for information of general public.

AND WHEREAS a Returning Officer shall prepare the statement containing preliminary results of total votes cast and obtained by individual candidates On the basis of statements of counts submitted by Presiding Officers; require the candidates or their election agents as may be present in his office to sign the statement containing preliminary results; announce the preliminary results at the spot in respect of his respective constituency; affix a copy thereof outside his office for information of the general public and also send a copy of it to the Election Commission Secretariat, Islamabad for its release to the electronic media and press.


AND WHEREAS it is expedient and in the public interest to further streamline the process of counting of votes at the polling stations, communication and announcement of preliminary results of elections and consolidation of election results to make the process more transparent.


NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of its powers conferred under Article 218(3) of the Constitution, Articles 5(3) and 6 of the Election Commission Order, 2002 (Chief Executive’s Order No. 1 of 2002), and all other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Election Commission is pleased to make the following Order for the forthcoming General Elections, 2002:


1.  Short title, extent and commencement. (1)This Order may be called the Counting of Votes (General Elections) (Amendment) Order, 2002.

(2)  It shall come into force at once and shall apply for the forthcoming General Elections, subject to the provisions of the Representation of the People Act, 1976 (LXXXV of 1976) (hereinafter referred to as the Act).

(3)  It extends to whole of Pakistan.


2.  Insertion of new sub-articles (3) and (4) in Article 7 of the Counting of Votes (General Elections) Order, 2002.In Article 7 of the Counting of Votes (General Elections) Order, 2002,

the following new sub-articles shall be inserted, namely:-

(3)  The consolidation of results of all constituencies of National Assembly and Provincial Assemblies shall commence, as far as practicable, on the day following the poll and as soon as polling bags of all polling stations are received by a Returning Officer and completed not later than the 12th October, 2002.’

(4)       The Returning Officer, immediately after consolidating results in the prescribed manner under Section 39 of the Act, shall cause affixation of a copy of the consolidated results outside his office for information of the general public and duly signed copies thereof shall be provided to the candidates or their election agents as may be present at the spot.

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