Ehtram-e-Ramzan Rules, 1981

Ehtram-e-Ramzan Rules, 1981

15th July, 1981

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 9 of the Ehtram-e-Ramzan Ordinance, 1981 (XXIII of 1981).  The Federal Government is pleased to make the following rules:-

1. Short title and commencement.     (1)  These rules may be called the Ehtram-e-Ramzan Rules, 1981.

(2)  They shall come into force at once.

2.  Definition.  In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context.  “section” means section of the Ehtram-e-Ramzan Ordinance, 1981 (XXIII of 1981).

3.  Canteen.  Etc.  to be protected from public view.    In a canteen, restaurant or dining car referred to in clause (a), (b), (c) or (d) o section 5.  eatables or articles of smoking shall only be served at a place protected from public view by means of a curtain or screen or otherwise.

4. Classes of persons to be admitted to canteen, etc.          Only the following classes of persons shall be admitted to a canteen, restaurant or dining car referred to in clause (a), (b), (c) or (d) of section 5, namely :–

(a)        In the case of a canteen maintained in a hospital……………………..

persons who are for the time being in—patients in the hospital:

(b)       In the case of restaurant or canteen within the premises a railway station, airport, seaport or bus stand or in a train or air craft, or the dining car of a train……………………. Persons who have in their possession a ticket or voucher which entitles them to travel by the means of conveyance concerned beyond a distance of seventy five kilometers, including the distance already covered; and

(c)        In the case of a canteen within the premises of a primary school ……….. age students of the school who have not attained the age of puberty.

5.         Form of bond. A bond to be executed by a person arrested under sub Section (1) of section 7 shall be substantially in the following form namely:-

I (name), of …………………………. Being charged with the offence of …………………….. do hereby bind myself to attend be required to attend to answer the said charge and to continue so to attend until otherwise directed by the Court; and in case of my making default herein.  I bind myself to forfeit to Government the sum of rupees………………………………………..

Dated this…………………. Day of………………………

I do hereby declare myself surety for the above named…………………… of that he shall attend in the Court of…………… on the day he is required to attend, to answer to the charge on which he has been arrested, and shall continue so to attend until otherwise directed by the Court; and in case of his making default therein.  I bind myself to forfeit to Government the sum of rupees……………………….

Dated this…………………. Day of………………………


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