ELECTRICITY RULES, 1978 (Sind Amendment)



Notification No. SOPP-5/6-73. (Sind Gaz., Pt. IV-A, 21-12-78). In pursuance of the provisions of Rule 48 of the Electricity Rules, 1937, the Government of Sind are pleased to direct that the Rules and Forms issued under the said Rule 48 shall stand reconstituted to the following extent:-

1. For Rule 9, the following shall be substituted: –
‘9–Examinations. -Examinations under these Rules shall be held once a year separately for Karachi and Hyderabad Regions with respective centers at Karachi and Hyderabad on such date or dates as may be fixed by the Board.’

2. For Rule 14 and Notes thereunder, the following shall be substituted: –
’14-Qualifications. No Candidate shall be eligible to appear in the Supervisors Examination unless: –
(a) he is of at least twenty one years of age;.
(b) he is certified by a registered Medical Practitioner to be physically fit;
(c) he has passed Matriculation Examination or an equivalent Examination from a recognised Board or University;
(d) he has passed Examination for wireman ; and
(e) he has at least five years’ practical experience in electric trade, acceptable to the Board.
(1) Examination under the old Rules for failures: Provided that a candidate who has previously failed in the examination shall have one chance to appear in the next examination under the old Rules.
(2) Examination from Supervisor’s Competency certificate Examination. A candidate who possesses a degree in Electrical Engineering from any recognised University and at least and year’s practical experience in Electrical trade after passing Degree or possesses three years Diploma or equivalent certificate in Electrical Engineering from any recognised Board or Technical Institution and at least three years Practical experience in electrical trade after passing Diploma may be exempted by the Board from passing the Supervisor’s Examination subject to such tests as it may consider proper.’

3. In Rule 16, for the notes the following shall be substituted: –
(1) Exemption from Wiremen’s Examination. A candidate who possesses the following qualifications and experience may be exempted from passing the Wiremen’s Examination of the Board subject to such tests as it may consider proper’
(a) Passed 18 months or one year Wireman Course from any School or Institution approved by the Board.
(b) Successfully completed an apprenticeship on practical training for a further, period of six months or one year so that a full period of two years, has been served, subject to such tests as may be considered proper by the Board.
(2) A candidate who is physically fit and possesses original certificates of competency or permit for Electrical Supervisor/wireman from any other Province in Pakistan or a foreign country issued by competent authority shall be entitled to an equivalent exchange certificate or permit on payment of prescribed fees subject to such tests as may be considered proper by the Board; provided that the candidates for Supervisor’s exchange are matriculate and not less than twenty one year of age.’

4. For Rule 23, the following shall be substituted: –
’23. Grant of Certificate of Competency and Permit to Supervisors.
(i) Every candidate who secures forty percent marks in individual subject and forty five percent marks in the aggregate shall be declared to have passed the Supervisor’s Examination.
(ii) Every candidate who has passed, the Supervisor’s Examination or has been exempted from passing such examination be granted a Certificate of Competency in Form B or C, as the case may be and a permit in Form D.’

5. For Rule 24, the following shall he substituted: –
’24. Grant of Certificate and Permit to Wireman.
(i) Every candidate who secures forty percent marks in individual subject and forty five percent in aggregate shall be declared to have passed the Wiremen’s Examination.
(ii) Every candidate who has passed the Examination for Wiremen shall be granted a certificate in Form E and a permit in Form G.’

6. For Rule 26, the following shall be substituted: —
’26. Withdrawal, Suspension and Cancellation of Certificates and Permits.- A certificate or permit granted under these Rules shall be liable to the withdrawn or suspended for such period as the Board may decide if the holder thereof is found guilty of negligence or malpractice or infringement of any of these Rules or instructions issued from time to time and shall stand cancelled;
(a) on the death of the holder ;
(b) on holder becoming permanently disabled ; and
(c) on holders being convicted by a Court.’

7. For Rule 28, the following shall be substituted:
’28. Grant of duplicate Certificate or Permit.- A duplicate of the Certificate and Permit granted under these Rules shall be issued on payment of fees prescribed and on production of proof of the loss of the original certificate or permit to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Board together with the latest copy of the Photograph of the holder of such Certificate or Permit.

8. For Rule 29, the following shall be substituted:
’29. Grant of Electrical Contractor’s Licence.- An Electrical Contractor’s Licence shall be granted only to a person (or a registered firm), if such person or firm–
(1) holds a certificate of competency and permit and personally executes or supervises all work undertaken by it or him or has employed a supervisor holding a certificate of competency and permit under whose direct supervision such work is carried out and has in his or its employment atleast one licensed wireman;
(2) has in possession the following instruments for carrying out tests required under the Electricity Rules, 1937 :–
(i) one insulation testing set of 500/1000V, constant pressure type zero to infinity range;
(ii) one portable Voltmeter suitable for 0-50V range;
(iii) one tong tester of 0-100A 0-500V range; and
(iv) one earth resistance tester of 0-10 ohms range ;
(3) (a) for the purpose of carrying out normal electrical contracting business maintains separate, independent, suitable business premises of not less than 6 Sq meters in a commercial Area/Bazaar/Main Road to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Board ;
(b) has at its business premises sufficient quantities of various electrical wiring material and tools and a sign = board of not less than 1 Sq. meter in area hung or posted at conspicuous place to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Board; and
(c) Produces documentary proof to the satisfaction of Secretary of the Board for being owner or tenant of the premises.
(4) Produces a solvency certificate from a competent Court or a Bank Guarantee to the tune of Rs. 10,000.
(5) has no direct or indirect interest in more than two Electrical Contractor’s Licences.
1. All applicants for grant of Contractor’s Licence shall get themselves registered with Income-tax Authorities of the Region and shall submit G.I.R/R.R. Registration Certificate.
2. All applicants in partnership for grant of contractors’s licence shall submit partnership deed registered under the Registration Act, 1908.
3. The existing Licenced Contractors shall obtain new licences under this Rule within one year of its enforcement.
4. Every supervisor or wireman in the employment of a Licenced Electrical Contractor shall submit an affidavit on a stamp paper duly attested by a First Class Magistrate and a Declaration in Form K or I and M or N respectively, as the case may be.
5. The Board shall be competent to relax for a specified period the condition of having any testing instruments which are not readily available in the market during that specified period.
6. If a Licenced Electrical Contractor at any time desires to shift his business premises he shall intimate at least one week before shifting to new premises alongwith the address and rent receipt of prescribed fees.
7. If at any time the Licenced Electrical Contractor fails to maintain his business premises as defined in Rule 29 (3) his licence shall stand suspended.’:

9. For Rule 32, the following shall be substituted :’
’32. Cancellation of Contractor’s Licence.- If the holder of a Competency Certificate on the strength of whose permit a licence has been granted to an Electrical Contractor, leaves the service of such contractor, such contractor’s licence shall be deemed to have been cancelled unless such contractor employs a person holding a certificate aforesaid within one month from the date on which such holder had left such contractor’s service.’

10. For Rule 33, the, following shall be substituted :–
’33. Notice of termination of service of Supervisor:-
(1) If a holder of Supervisor’s permit in the employment of a licenced electrical contractor leaves the service or his services are terminated, the termination of the service shall be notified to the Secretary of the Board both by the contractor and the permit holder.
(2) The contractor shall notify the name and certificate and permit number of the supervisor engaged by him and shall submit the permit to the Secretary of the Board for endorsement.

11. For Rule 39-A, the following shall be substituted:-
’39-A. Notice before commencement of work,-No electrical installation work including additions, alterations, repairs and adjustments to existing installations except such replacement of lamps, fans, fues, switches and other component parts of the installations as in no way alters its capacity or character shall be commenced by a licenced electrical Contractor without notifying in Form P to the Electric Inspector or his Assistant,’

12. For Rule 42, the following shall be substituted :–
’42. Renewal of Contractor’s Licence.-
(1) Every Electrical Contractor’s Licence granted under these Rules shall be renewable every year in the month of January on payment of the prescribed renewal fee or in the month of February on payment of additional prescribed late fee.
(2) An application for renewal of licence shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Board during the month of December alongwith:-
(i) Staff register in duplicate incorporating all the changes in staff, the intimation of which has been submitted under Rule 37. ‘
(ii) Testing instruments in working order with name and licence No. of the firm engraved on the instruments.
(iii) Inspection Report of the business premises if the premises have not been inspected during the last currency of the Licence; and
(iv) Licence (in original) to be renewed.
(3) If the Licence is not got renewed within the stipulated period it shall stand cancelled and a new licence shall be issued on payment of initial fee fixed for issuance of a licence if any application is made during the same Calendar year in which the original licence was to be renewed.’

13. For Rule 43, the following shall be substituted :-
’43. Grant of duplicate of Contractor’s Licence.– A duplicate copy of an Electrical Contractor’s Licence shall be issued on payment of prescribed fees and on production of proof of the loss or mutilation of the original licence to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Board.’

14. For Rule 43-A, the following shall be substituted :–
43-A. Change in name.-The name in the licence shall be changed on payment of the prescribed fee and production of Income-tax Clearance Certificate in the original name of the firm and G.I.R. No. in new name provided that no change shall be made if it involves a transfer of assignment of the licence to another person even through power of attorney.’

15. For Rule 45, the following shall be substituted :–
’45. Malpractice and infringement of Rules :-
(1) If any person or firm holding a permit or electrical contractor’s licence is found guilty of misconduct, malpractice or infringement of these Rules or instructions issued thereunder from time to time the Secretary of the Board shall submit a report in this behalf to the Board.
(2) The Board may on receipt of report under Sub-rule (1) and after consideration of the same, pass such orders as it may deem fit : provided that no order shall be passed without hearing the holder of the permit or the licenced contractor against whom report is made if he wishes to be heard.
(3) The decision of the Board on such report shall be final and communicated to the person concerned,’

16. For Rule 46, the following shall be substituted :-
’46. (a) No Contractor’s Licence shall be granted to an Electric Supply Company unless in the opinion of the Board the grant of such licence is necessary in the public interest.
(b) Where such Licence is granted to an Electric Supply Company the Company shall employ supervisors and wiremen exclusively for the purpose of the licence in accordance with these Rules.’

17. For Rule 47, the following shall be substituted :-
’47. Cancellation of Licence granted to Supply Companies.-The Licence, granted under Rule 46, shall be liable to be withdrawn, if it is used for purposes other than those for which it was granted.’

18. For Rule 48, the following shall be substituted :–
’48. Fees. 1. The fees payable under these Rules shall be as follows:-
(i) Examinations
(a) Supervisor’s Examination … … 50.00
(b) Late fee for Supervisor’s Examination … … 50.00
(c) Wiremen’s Examination … … 10.00
(d) Late fee for Wiremen’s Examination … … 10.00
(ii) Fees for Exemption from:
(a) Supervisor’s Examination … … 50.00
(b) Wiremen’s Examination … … 10.00
(iii) Fees for Exchange of Permit of:
(a) Supervisor’s … … 10.00
(b) Wiremen’s … … 5.00
(iv) Fees for Duplicate Certificates and Permits:
(a) Supervisor’s Certificate or Permit … … 10.00
(b) Wireman’s Certificate or Permit ‘. … 5.00
(v) Fees for supplying marks-sheets for:
(a) Supervisor’s Examination … … 5.00
(b) Wiremen’s Examination … … 5.00
(vi) Fees for Contractor’s licence for:
(a) Grant of new licence … … 200.00
(b) Renewal of licence … … 100.00
(c) Late renewal of licence … … 100.00
(d) Duplicate licence … … 25.00
(e) Change in address and Inspection of new business premises 25.00
(f) Change in name of the contractor licence granted 25.00
(g) Change in Supervisor to be paid by both contractor and incoming supervisor … … 10.00
2. Fees shall be paid through Challans/Pay Orders.
3. Fees shall not be refunded.

19. For Rule 49, the following shall he substituted :-
’49. Remuneration for Examiners.-The examiners appointed by the Board shall perform such duties as may be determined by the Board and shall he entitled to receive honoraria as under :–
(i) For setting Supervisor’s written paper (A&B) combined … … Rs.75.00
(ii) For marking answer books … … Rs. 1.00 per copy
(iii) For oral and practical test at the Supervisor’s Examination at 50% of Rs.2.00 per candidate (proportionate share).
(iv) For setting question papers for Wiremen’s Examination … ..Rs.100.00
(v) For practical wiring tests at Wiremen’s Examination … … Rs.0.50 per candidate
(vi) For practical jointing tests at Wiremen’s Examination … … Rs.0.50 per candidate
(vii) For oral and practical tests in Wiremen’s Examination at 50% of Rs.1.00 per candidate (proportionate share)’.

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