An Act to develop, regulate and control sports in Gilgit-Baltistan

[Gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary, Part-I, 6th June, 2012]

WHEREAS, it is expedient to establishment of a Sports Board in Gilgit-Baltistan for promotion of Sports activities in the province.

It is, hereby enacted as follow:-

1.  Short title, extent and commencement.–(1) This Act shall be called the Gilgit-Baltistan Sports Board Act, 2012 (Act No. I of 2012).

(2)     It extends to the whole of Gilgit-Baltistan.

(3)     It shall come into force at once.


2.  Definitions.—In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context:-

(a)     “Board” means the Gilgit-Baltistan Sports Board established under Section 3 of this Act.

(b)     “Association” means an association of any sports or game formed under Section 10 of this Act.

(c)     “Bye-laws” mean the Bye-Laws of an association.

(d)     “Chairman” means the Chairman of the Board.

(e)     “District Committee” means the District Committee of the Board.

(f)      “Divisional Committee” means the Divisional Committee of the Board.

(g)     “Executive Committee” means the Executive Committee of the Board.

(h)     “Funds” means the fund of the Gilgit-Baltistan Sports Beard.

(i)      “Government” means the Government of Gilgit-Baltistan.

(j)      “Meeting” means meeting of the Board.

(k)     “Member” means the member of the Board.

(l)      “Regulation” means the regulation made by the Board under this Act.

(m)    “Rules” means the rules made under this Act.

(n)     “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Board.

(o)     “Prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act.

(p)     “Sports” shall include, Hockey, Football, Athletics, Wrestling, Cricket, Weightlifting, Squash, Swimming, Martial Arts, Rowing, Boxing, Cycling, Basketball, Netball, Baseball, Golf, Volleyball, Shooting Ball, Rifle Shooting, Table Tennis, Badminton, Lawn Tennis, Rafting, Hiking, Paragliding, Polo, Kabaddi, Rugby, Body Building, Skiing Mountaineering, Billiard, Snooker, Futsal, Fist Ball, Tug of War and other local games which the Government may be notification in the official gazette, specify.


3.       Board.—(1) There shall be a board to be known as the Gilgit-Baltistan Sports Board.

(2)     The Board shall be a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal with powers, subject to the provision of this Act, to acquire and hold property both moveable and immoveable, and may by the said name sue and be sued. The tenure of the Board shall be two years after expiry of the tenure the Governor shall re-constitute the Board.

(3)     The headquarters of the Board shall be at Gilgit or such other place as Government may fix by notification.

4.       Composition of the Board.—(1) The Governor Gilgit-Baltistan shall be Chief Patron of the Board. The Board shall consist of the following:-

(a)     Minister for Sports Gilgit-Baltistan         Chairman

(b)     Chief Secretary Gilgit-Baltistan              Vice Chairman

(c)     Secretary Sports Gilgit-Baltistan             Member

(d)     Secretary Finance Gilgit-Baltistan           Member

(e)     Secretary Local Government
Gilgit-Baltistan                                       Member

(f)      Secretary Planning and Development
Gilgit-Baltistan Member

(g)     Secretary Education Gilgit-Baltistan       Member

(h)     Three elected Public representatives
of (GBLA) to be nominated by
Chief Minister                                        Member

(i)      Three Seniors representatives of
Sports Associations to be nominated
by the Secretary Sports Gilgit-Baltistan
in consultation with the Chairman.         Member

(j)      Two representatives of Women Sports
Associations to be nominated by the
Secretary Sports                                     Member

(k)     Director General Gilgit-Baltistan
Sports Board                                          Secretary

(l)      Two leading Sportsmen to be nominated
by the Secretary Sports Gilgit-Baltistan  Member

(m)    Two Philanthropists to be nominated
by the Secretary Sports Gilgit-Baltistan
in consultation with the Chairman          Member

(2)     An official member appointed by virtue of his office shall cease to be member on vacating such office.

(3)     A non-official member shall, unless he resigns by addressing a letter to Chairman of the Board or is removed earlier, hold office for a period of two years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for a term not exceeding one year.

(4)     If the seat of a non-official member becomes vacant during the term of his office, the vacancy may be filled in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1), and the member so appointed shall hold office for the residue of such term.

5.       Removal of a Member of the Board.—The committee may, by order in writing, remove a non-official member, if he:-

(a)     Refuses or fails to discharge or becomes incapable of discharging his duties under this Act.

(b)     Has in the opinion of the board abused his position as member.

(c)     Has without reasonable cause, absented himself from three consecutive meetings of the Board.

(d)     Has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude.

6.       Functions of the Board.—The following shall be the functions of the Board namely:-

(i)      To organize, promote and develop sports and physical education in Gilgit-Baltistan, and lay down the general policy thereof.

(ii)     To foster love and enthusiasm for sports and games among all Sections of the public.

(iii)    To promote the formation and efficient functioning of the associations.

(iv)    To co-ordinate, encourage and patronize the activities directed towards the sports and games in the Gilgit-Baltistan.

(v)     To register sports associations, other sports organizations, Gilgit-Baltistan Olympic association and hold their elections.

(vi)    To receive any moneys, financial grants, donations or subscriptions from any person, body or organization.

(vii)   To give grants in aid to the associations for promotion and development of Sports and games.

(viii)  To ensure that grants given are utilized for the purpose and accordance with the object for which they are given.

(ix)    To do generally all-such acts and things as it may think to be necessary and conducive to achieve its aims and objects.

(x)     To arrange training and coaching programs.

(xi)    To approve annual budget for Gilgit-Baltistan Sports Board.

(xii)   To promote formation and efficient functioning of the association/Gilgit-Baltistan Olympic Association.

(xiii)  To ensure control establishment and maintenance of sports complex/stadia, gymnasiums at provincial and district headquarters of Gilgit-Baltistan.

(xiv)  To exercise overall administrative and functional control on all sports complex, stadia and play fields in Gilgit-Baltistan and to ensure their proper maintenance and utilization.

(xv)   To organize annual youth programs, sports competitions of various age groups in different games.

(xvi)  To do all such acts and take such steps as the Board considers necessary to fulfill its intended aims and objectives,

7.  Powers of the Board.—Subject to other provisions of this Act, the Board shall have full powers:-

(1)     To acquire and dispose of property and generally to enter into contracts, inconformity with the provisions of this Act.

(2)     To appoint and determine the terms and conditions of service of the officers and servants of the Board.

(3)     To formulate the budget of the Board for approval of Government.

(4)     To set up an Executive, Division, District or other committees for carrying out the purposes of this Act.

(5)     to delegate powers to the Committees, Secretary or other officers and servants of the Board.

(6)     To associate any person interested in any sport or game, or any member of any association whose assistance or advice is desired and to prescribe by regulations terms and conditions thereof; and

(7)     To frame, subject to the approval of Government, regulations for carrying out the purposes of this Act.

8.       The Board shall have full Powers.—To register/formation of sports associations/other sports organizations and Gilgit-Baltistan Olympic Association on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed under rules and regulations:-

(i)      To take such disciplinary action as may be necessary against any sports association in Gilgit-Baltistan, its office bearers or members or clubs/sportsmen in the interest of the sports and in order to maintain discipline.

(ii)     To withhold grant to such association/organization that violates any provision of its constitution, rules or bye-laws, or fails to carry out the directives of the Board.

9.       Executive Authority of the Board.--There shall be an executive authority of the Board constituted through official notification comprising of the following:-


10.     The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary Sports Gilgit-Baltistan, Secretary Finance, Secretary Education, Secretary P & D, Director Sports Board / Secretary of the Board, one elected-representative of GBLA to be nominated by Chief Minister Gilgit-Battistan. Two representatives of sports associations to be nominated by the Secretary Sports Gilgit-Baltistan, one representative of women sports associations to be nominated by Secretary Sports Gilgit-Baltistan, in consultation with the Chairman.

11.     Divisional Sports Committee.—There shall be Divisional Sports Committees which shall consist of the following:-

(a)     Commissioner of the Division                Member

(b)     DIG Police of the Division                     Member

(c)     Director LG of the Division                   Member

(d)     Director Education                                 Member

(e)     A woman member shall be nominated
by the Chairman                                     Member

(f)      One non-official member nominated
by the Chairman from each District
of the Division.                                      Member

(g)     One representative of each five
Sports Organization of the Division
to be appointed by the Chairman for
a period of two years.                            Member

(h)     Two Principals of the Colleges
one man and one female until the
creation of the post Divisional Sports
Officer the Director LG & RD of the
Division shall act as Secretary of
the Division.                                           Member

12.     Powers and Functions.—The Committee shall have the powers to:–

(i)      Register the division sports organizations subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed.

(ii)     To make grants-in-aid to such sports organizations as are registered with the Divisional Committee and the District Committees in the Division.

(iii)    Take such disciplinary action as may be necessary against any sports organization of the division, its office bearers, or members as it deems fit in the interest of the games and in order to maintain discipline.

(iv)    Collect sports share in the income of the Local Councils in accordance with policy instructions of the Government.

(v)     See and ensure that the funds of the Division Sports Committee and its sub-ordinate organizations at district level are utilized exclusively for organization and promotion of sports and for no other purposes.

13.     The fund of Divisional Sport Committee shall include:-

(a)     Annual grants-in-aid from the Board.

(b)     Special grant-in-aid from the Board.

(c)     Donation, etc.

(d)     Income from tournaments, matches, camps, stadia and other properties.

14.     The Chairman, Divisional Sport Committee shall have the power to incur expenditure on sports in the Division in line with the policy and objectives laid down by the Board subject to such limits as may be prescribed.

15.     The accounts of the Division Sports Committee shall be got audited in such a manner as may be prescribed.

16.     A meeting of the Divisional Committee shall be held not less than once in six months. The Chairman shall, however, be competent to call additional meetings of the Committee.

17.     For the meeting of the Committee, at least 1/3rd of the total membership shall form the quorum.

18.     District Sports Committees.—There shall be District a District Sports Committee consisting of:-

(a)     Deputy Commissioner of the District     Chairman

(b)     Four/five elected Members of Local
Council to be nominated by the Chairman
for a period of 2 years.                          Member

(c)     Superintendent of Police of the District  Member

(d)     Assistant Director, of Local Government           Member

(e)     District Education Officer (Male)           Member

(f)      District Education Officer (Female)       Member

(g)     Five non-official members to be
nominated by the Deputy Commissioner
with at least one from each Tehsil          Member

(h)     Three representatives of District Sports
Associations to be appointed in rotation
for a period of two years.                       Member

(i)      Two philanthropists/industrialists to
be nominated by the Chairman for a
period of two years                                Member

(j)      Three female members to represent
women sports to be nominated by the
Chairman for a period of two years       Member

(k)     One Principal                                         Member

(l)      One Headmaster                                     Member

(m)    District Sports Organizers                       Ex-officio Secretary

19.     Powers and Functions.—The Committee shall have the powers to:-

(i)      Register District Sports Organizations and Clubs on such terms and condition as may be prescribed.

(ii)     Make grants-in-aid to such sports organizations as are registered with the District Committees.

(iii)    Take such disciplinary action as may be necessary against any District Organization and club in the District, its office bearers, or individuals interest of the game and in order to maintain discipline.

(iv)    The grants sanctioned by the Chairman and expenditure incurred by him to be placed before the District Committee in its next meeting for approval.

20.     (i)      The accounts of the district Committee shall be audited in such manner as may be prescribed.

          (ii)     The Chairman shall have the powers to sanction funds and incur expenditure for organization and promotion of sports in the district subject to such as may be prescribed.

          (iii)    Collect share in the income of the Local Councils in accordance with instructions of the Government.

          (iv)    The fund of District Sports Committee shall include:-

          (a)      Annual grant-in-aid from the Board.

          (b)     Special grants-in-aid from the Board.

          (c)      Donations.

          (d)     Income from tournaments, matches, camps, stadia, local councils and properties.

21.     The Committee shall meet at least once in six months. For a meeting, 1/3rd of the membership of the Committee shall form the quorum. The Chairman may, however, call additional meetings of the District committee as he may deem it necessary.

22.     Registration.–The Provincial Sports Association shall be registered with the Sports Board Gilgit-Baltistan subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed under rules and regulations:

Provided that any other sports organization in the Province may be registered with the Board subject to such conditions as the Board Rules and Regulations may prescribe.

23.     The Divisional Sports Organizations shall be registered with the Divisional Sports Committees subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed under Rules and Regulations.

24.     The District Sport Organizations and clubs shall be registered with the District Sports Committee subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed through Rules and Regulations.

25.     Penalties.—Wherever a Provincial Sports Association, Divisional, District, Sports Organization or a club is found to violate its constitution, Rules/Bye-Laws, the Board, Divisional, District, Committee, as the case may be, shall be competent to cancel the registration shall be made without giving the Association, Organization, Club, an opportunity of being heard:

Provided further that an appeal against an order of cancellation under this clause shall lie with the Board.

26.     Funds, Accounts and Audit.—(1) There shall be a fund known as the Sports Board Gilgit-Baltistan Fund.

(2)     The fund shall consist of:-

(a)     The grants made by Government.

(b)     Donations made by any person, institution or organization.

(c)     Income accruing from any property of the Board with the prior approval of the Government; and

(3)     The Board shall utilize the funds provided by the Government as grants-in-aid for the promotion and development of sports and games in the Province.

(4)     The funds of the Board shall be maintained in such manner as prescribed by the Government in this behalf.

(5)     The fund shall be utilized for encouragement and furtherance of games, sports and any other purpose incidental or ancillary to the purposes of this constitution.

27.     The accounts of the Board shall be audited once in every financial year by the Accountant General Gilgit-Baltistan or his nominee.

28.     The audit report shall be submitted to the Board and with the comments of the Board to Government, and the Board shall comply with any directions issued by the Government for rectification of an audit objection.

29.     (1) The Secretary of the Board shall prepare the annual budget for the utilization of the funds to be approved by the Board in its meeting.

(2)     The Board shall have full powers to incur expenditure.

(3)     The executive committee shall have full powers to incur expenditure within the approved budget.

(4)     The Chairman of the Board shall have such powers to sanction and incur expenditure as the Board may delegate with the prior approval of the Government.

(5)     The sanction of various grants-in-aid accorded by the Chairman shall be placed before the Board in its next meeting for approval.

(6)     The Secretary of the Board shall have full powers to incur expenditure on the items approved in the budget of the board.

30.     The accounts of the Board shall be operated by the Secretary of the Board.

31.     General Provision.–Government may give such directions to the Board or require it to furnish such documents, returns, statements or any other information regarding any matter under the control of the Board, and the Board shall comply with such direction or requisition.

32.     The Chairmen and the Secretaries of the Board, Divisional and District Committees shall exercise such powers and perform such functions as may be prescribed through Rules and Regulations.

33.     The Board may, subject to the approval of the Government, frame Rules and Regulations not inconsistent with the provision of this constitution to manage and run the affairs of the Board.

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