Government Buildings Act, 1899
ACT No. IV of 1899
(For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Gaz of India, 1896, Pt. V, p. 256 ; for Report of the Select Committee, see ibid., 1899, Pt. V, p. 15; and for Proceedings in Council, see ibid., 1899, Pt. VI, pp. 2, 15 and 20.
This Act has been declared to be in force in Baluchistan by the British Baluchistan Laws Regulation, 1913 (2 of 1913).
It has also been extended to the Leased Areas of Baluchistan, see the Leased Areas (Laws) Order, 1950 (G. G. O. 3 of 1950); and applied in the Federated Areas of Baluchistan, see Gazette of India, 1937, Pt. I, p. 1499.)
[3rd February, 1899]
An Act to provide for the exemption from the operation of municipal building laws of certain buildings and lands which are the property, or in the occupation, of the Government and situate within the limits of a municipality.
WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for the exemption from the operation of municipal building laws of certain buildings and lands which are the property, or in the occupation, of the Government and situate within the limits of a municipality;
It is hereby enacted as follows:‑–
1. Short title and extent—-‑(1) This Act may be called the Government Buildings Act, 1899.
[(2) It extends to the whole of (Subs. by the Central Laws (Statute Reform) Ordinance, 1960 (21 of 1960), s. 3 and 2nd Sch. (with effect from the 14th October, 955), for the original sub‑section (2), as amended by A. O., 1949, Arts. 3(2) and 4.) Pakistan] ; (The word “and” and sub‑section (3) rep. by the Repealing and Amending Act, 1914 (10 of 1914), s. 3 and Sch. II.)
(The word “and” and sub‑section (3) rep. by the Repealing and Amending Act, 1914 (10 of 1914), s. 3 and Sch. II)* * * * * * * * * *
2 “Municipal authority” defined——In this Act the expression “municipal authority” includes a municipal corporation or a body of municipal com*missioners constituted by, or under the provisions of, any law or enactment for the time being in force.
3. Exemption of certain Government building from municipal laws to regulate the erection etc., of building within municipalities—-Nothing contained in any law or enactment for the time being in force to regulate the erection, re-erection, construction, alteration or maintenance of buildings within the limits of any municipality shall apply to any building used or required for the public service or for any public purpose, which is the property, or in the occupation, of (Subs. by A. O., 1937, for “the Govt.”.)[The (Subs. by A. O., 1961, Art. 2, for “Crown” (with effect from the 23rd March, 1956))[Government]], or which is to be erected on land which is the property, or in the occupation, of (Subs. by A. O., 1937, for “the Govt.”.)[The (Subs. by A. O., 1961, Art. 2, for “Crown” (with effect from the 23rd March, 1956))[Government]]:—
Provided that, where the erection, re-erection, construction or material structural alteration of any such building as aforesaid (not being a building connected with (The word “Imperial” omitted by A. O., 1949, Sch,)* defence, or a building the plan or construction of which ought, in the opinion of (Subs. by A. O., 1937, for “the Govt.”.)[the Government concerned], to be treated as confidential or secret) is contemplated, reasonable notice of the proposed work shall be given to the municipal authority before it is commenced.
4. Objections or suggestions as to erection etc., of certain Government building within municipalities how to be made and dealt with—‑(1) In the case of any such building as is mentioned in the last preceding section (not being a building connected with (The word “Imperial” omitted by A. O., 1949, Sch,)* defence or a building the plan or construction of which ought, in the opinion of (Subs. by A. O., 1937, for “the Govt.”.)[the Government concerned], to be treated as confidential or secret), the municipal authority, or any person authorized by it in this behalf, may, with the permission of the (Subs. ibid., for “L. G.”.)[Provincial Government] previously obtained, but not otherwise, and subject to any restrictions or conditions which may, by general or special order, be imposed by the (Subs. ibid., for “L. G.”.)[Provincial Government], inspect the land and building and all plans connected with its erection, re-erection, construction or material structural alteration, as the case may be, and may submit to the (Subs. ibid., for “L. G.”.) [Provincial Government] a statement in writing of any objections or suggestions which such municipal authority may deem fit to make with reference to such erection, re-erection, and construction or material structural alteration.
(2) Every objection or suggestion submitted as aforesaid shall be considered by the (Subs. ibid. for “L. G.”.)[Provincial Government], which shall, after such investigation (if any) as it shall think advisable, pass orders thereon, and the building referred to therein shall be erected re-erected, constructed or altered, as the case may be, in accordance with such orders:—
Provided that, if the (Subs. ibid., for “L. G.”.)[Provincial Government] over‑rules or disregards any such objection or suggestion as aforesaid, it shall give its reasons for so doing in writing.