Objective: To strengthen the control procedures under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (1987), to extend the coverage of the Protocol to new substances and establish financial mechanisms for the Protocol.
Summary of provisions: The Parties agree to:
(a) Amend the Protocol to phase out the production of fully halogenated CFCs and Carbon tetrachloride by the year 2000. Methyl Chroloform is to be phased out by the year 2005. Between 1990 and 2005, Parties agree to gradually reduce and finally phase out the controlled substances;
(b) Establish a financial mechanism, including a Multilateral Fund and a Clearing-house function, for the implementation of the Protocol, financed by the contributions of the Parties assessed on the basis of United Nations scale of assessment. Policy guidance for the financial mechanism if provided by an Executive Committee established for the purpose;
(c) Provide for tighter provisions on reporting of data, trade with non-parties to the Protocol, and the special position of developing countries and transfer of technology;
(d) Adopt a new annex B to the Protocol which extended control to 10 chlorofluorocarbons, carbon tetrachloride and methyl chloroform, substances not previously covered by the Protocol;
(e) Adopt a new annex comprising transitional substances.
Open to the Parties to the Montreal on Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (1987).
Date of adoption 29. 6.1990
Place of adoption London, UK
Date of entry into force 10. 8.1992
Languages Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish
Depositary Secretary-General of the United Nations
(Status as of 30 June 1993)
Participant Ratification
Accession (Ac)
———– Acceptance (At)
Approval (Ap)
Algeria 20.10.1992 (Ac)
Antigua and Barbuda 23. 2.1993 (Ac)
Argentina 4.12.1992
Australia 11. 8.1992 (Ap)
Austria 11.12.1992
Bahamas 4. 5.1993 (Ac)
Bahrain 23.12.1992 (Ac)
Brazil 1.10.1992 (At)
Cameroon 8. 6.1992 (Ac)
Canada 5. 7.1990 (Ac)
Chile 9. 4.1992 (Ac)
China 14. 6.1991 (Ac)
Denmark 20.12.1991 (Ac)
Dominica 31. 3.1993 (Ac)
Ecuador 23. 2.1993
Egypt 13. 1.1993
Finland 20.12.1991 (Ac)
France 12. 2.1992 (Ap)
Germany 27.12.1991
Ghana 24. 7.1992
Greece 11. 5.1993
Guinea 25. 6.1992
Iceland 16. 6.1993 (Ac)
India 19. 6.1992 (Ac)
Indonesia 26. 6.1992
Ireland 20.12.1991 (Ac)
Israel 30. 6.1992
Italy 21. 2.1992 (Ap)
Jamaica 31. 3.1993 (Ac)
Japan 4. 9.1991 (Ac)
Korea, Republic of 10.12.1992 (Ac)
Lebanon 31. 3.1993 (Ac)
Luxembourg 20. 5.1992
Malaysia 16. 6.1993 (Ac)
Maldives 31. 7.1991
Marshall Islands 11. 3.1993 (Ac)
Mauritius 20.10.1992 (Ac)
Mexico 11.10.1991 (At)
Monaco 12. 3.1993 (Ac)
Netherlands* 20.12.1991 (Ac)
New Zealand 1.10.1990 (Ac)
Norway 18.11.1991
Pakistan 18.12.1992 (Ac)
Papua New Guinea 4. 5.1993 (Ac)
Paraguay 3.12.1992 (Ac)
Peru 31. 3.1993 (Ac)
Portugal 24.11.1992
Romania 27. 1.1993 (Ac)
Russian Federation 13. 1.1992 (Ac)
Saudi Arabia 1. 3.1993 (Ac)
Senegal 6. 5.1993
Seychelles 6. 1.1993 (Ac)
Singapore 2. 3.1993 (Ac)
Slovenia 8.12.1992 (At)
South Africa 12. 5.1992 (Ac)
Spain 19. 5.1992 (Ac)
Sri Lanka 16. 6.1993 (Ac)
Sweden 2. 8.1991
Switzerland 16. 9.1992
Thailand 25. 6.1992
United Kingdom 20.12.1991
United Republic of Tanzania 16. 4.1993 (Ac)
United States of America 18.12.1991
European Economic Community 20.12.1991 (Ap)
* Territorial application to Aruba.
Convention Secretariat
Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol
1800 McGill College Avenue, Quebec
Canada H3A 3J6
Tel: 1-514-282-1122
Fax: 1-514-282-0068