RULES, 2014


[Gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary, Part-II, 20th March, 2015]

S.R.O. 37(KE)/2015, dated 29.12.2014. In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (q) of sub-section (2) of Section 90 read with Section 17 of the National Highways Safety Ordinance, 2000 (XL of 2000), the Federal Government is pleased to make the following rules, namely:–

1.     Short title and commencement.–(1) These Rules shall be called the National Highways and Motorway Police Drivers Licencing Authority Rules, 2014.

(2)  These shall come into force at once.

2.     Definitions.–(1) In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires.

(a)      “Applicant” means a person applying for a licence or permit;

(b)      “Biometrics” means the thumb impression and finger prints or any other legally approved method of establishing identity of the applicant through digital means;

(c)      CDL means a Computerized Driving Licence issued by DLA;

(d)      DLA means the National Highways and Motorway Police, Drivers Licencing Authority established under the Ordinance;

(e)      “Digital Photograph” means picture of the applicant captured in person through the authorized system of the DLA at the premises through digital camera to be printed on the driving licence;

(f)       “Digital Record” means information of the applicant recorded in the computerized database as per First, Second, Third and Fourth Schedules of the Ordinance;

(g)      “Driver” means any person driving a vehicle with a valid driving licence issued by DLA or other competent authorities under the relevant law;

(h)      “Forms” means Data Forms as specified in the First, Second, Third and Fourth Schedules of the Ordinance;

(i)       “Fee” means the prescribed amount to be deposited by the applicant in specified account head of Federal Government for issuance of licences and permits under these rules;

(j)       “HTV Licence” means the document issued by DLA to an applicant to drive the specific class of Heavy Transport Vehicle;

(k)      “International Driving Permit” means the document issued by DLA authorizing the applicant to drive a vehicle, of a specified class;

(l)       “LTV Licence” means the document issued by DLA to an applicant to drive the specific Light Transport Vehicle;

(m)     “Learner’s Driver Permit” means the document issued by DLA authorizing the applicant to drive a vehicle of a specified class for learning purposes;

(n)      “Licence” means the document issued by a licencing authority to drive a Motor Vehicle of a specified class or description;

(o)      “Medical Test” means medical examination conducted by an authorized Medical examiner to ascertain the physical and mental fitness of the applicant to drive a vehicle;

(p)      “Ordinance” means the National Highways Safety Ordinance, 2000 (XL of 2000);

(q)      “Police” means the National Highways and Motorway Police;

(r)      “PSV endorsment” means the endorsement on a licence by the authority to an applicant to drive specified Public Service Vehicle; and

(s)      “Tests” means the theoretical and practical driving test of the applicant conducted by DLA;

(2)  The terms used but not defined herein shall have the same meanings as are assigned to them under the Ordinance.

3.     Drivers Licencing Authority.–The DLA, for the purpose of these rules shall be the Senior Superintendent or Superintendent of Police authorized by the Inspector General of Police.

4.     Types of Licences or Permits.–The DLA may issue Driver Licences or Permits for following categories or to the following categories of persons, namely:–

(a)      Learner’s Driver Permit;

(b)      Motorcycle or Motor car or Jeep;

(c)      Light Transport Vehicle (LTV);

(d)      Heavy Transport Vehicle (HTV);

(e)      Special Person’s Modified Vehicles;

(f)       Diplomats;

(g)      Foreigners;

(h)      International Driver Permits; and

(i)       Agriculture and Construction Machinery.

5.     Documents required for different categories of Licences or Permits.–(1) It shall be mandatory for all applicants for all categories of licences to provide following documents, namely:–

(a)      Valid copy of CNIC;

(b)      original receipt of payment of Fee in the prescribed bank account;

(c)      blood group report from an authentic laboratory or hospital; and

(d)      a personal copy of the latest official version of the Highways and Motorways Code at the time of theoretical test.

6.     Minimum age for issuance of driver Licence or Permit.–The following shall be the minimum age for applying for different categories of Licences or Permits, namely:–

(a)      for Motorcycle, Motorcar, Jeep or any licence—18 years;

(b)      for LTV licence—21 years;

(c)      for HTV, agricultural and construction machinery licence—-24 years; and

(d)      for applying for PSV licence—–25 years;

7.     Validity for different kinds of Licences or Permits.–The following shall be the validity period for different categories of Licences and permits, namely:–

(a)      Learner’s driving permit of Motorcycle or Motorcar or LTV or HTV or Motor Cab or PSV or LTV or PSV or HTV or PSV or Tractor (Agriculture) shall be valid for six months, however the applicant can appear for practical driving test after forty two days;

(b)      Learner’s driving permit of construction machinery shall be valid for one year, however the applicant can appear for practical driving test after six month;

(c)      Foreigners Driving Licence shall be valid for the duration of valid Pakistani Visa;

(d)      Diplomats Driving Licence shall be issued for the duration of diplomatic card;

(e)      International Driving Permit shall be valid for one year;

(f)       all other categories of Driving Licences issued under these rules other than PSV licences shall be valid for five years;

(g)      PSV Licences shall be valid for three years unless otherwise provided in these rules; and

(h)      Drivers Licence issued by any other licencing authorities shall remain valid and acceptable licence till the time of validity mentioned in that Licence.

8.     Learner’s Driver Permit.–A separate Learner Driver’s permit shall be required for each type of Motor Vehicle. The applicant having a Learner’s Driver Permit can appear in the practical driving test for issuance of Driver Licence after forty two days of the issuance of the Learner’s Driver Permit. The applicant of learner’s Driver Permit shall pass the theoretical test. In case of failing in the the-oretical test the applicant shall reappear for theoretical test after fourteen days. Instructions for Learner’s Driver during the Learner period are contained in Schedule-II.

9.  Driver Licence for Special Persons.–A special person is eligible to apply for a CDL for a specific type of vehicle, suitably modified in accordance with his needs. The applicant shall provide a special person’s CNIC. The medical examiner should be satisfied about the fitness of the applicant to safely drive the modified type of vehicle.

10.  Light Transport Vehicle (LTV).–The applicant for a LTV Driver Licence must possess a three years old valid Motorcar or Jeep driver licence. An applicant having a valid LTV Driver Licence from any other licencing authority, is eligible for issuance of LTV CDL, subject to verification from concerned licencing authority, and after successfully undertaking the driving and medical examination test.

11.   Heavy Transport Vehicle (HTV).–The Heavy Transport Vehicle (HTV) licences shall be of the following categories, namely:–

(A)      HTV Category-A (more than fourteen (14) wheeler)

(a)      The applicant shall possess a CDL HTV Category-B issued, at least one year prior to applying for CDL HTV Category-A learner’s driver permit;

(b)      the applicant shall be required to qualify the prescribed test for issuance of category-A CDL HTV Licence;

(c)      in case of applicant with driver licence issued by other districts, the verification of the licence from the issuing authority shall be mandatory before issuance of CDL HTV Category-A driver licence; and

(B)      HTV Category-B (up to Fourteen (14) wheeler)

(a)      The applicant must possess at least three years old CDL valid LTV driver licence prior to applying for HTV Category-B learner’s driver permit;

(b)      the applicant shall be required to qualify the prescribed driving test for issuance of category-B CDL HTV; and

(c)      in case of applicant with driver licence issued by other licencing authorities, the verification of the licence from the issuing authority shall be mandatory before issuance of CDL HTV Category-B driving licence.

12.   PUBLIC SERVICE VEHICLE (PSV).–(1) The Public Service Vehicle (PSV) shall be an endorsement on the regular licences. There shall be four categories of PSV, namely:–

(a)      an applicant applying for a Motor-Cab and Taxi PSV Category-D CDL must possess one year old valid motor car or jeep licence;

(b)      an applicant applying for issuance of LTV PSV Category-C CDL (LTV with up to eight passengers capacity excluding the driver) must possess one year old valid LTV Licence issued;

(c)      an applicant applying for issuance of LTV PSV Category-B CDL (LTV up to twenty two passengers capacity) must possess one year old valid PSV LTV with up to eight passengers capacity excluding the driver) licence; and

(d)      an applicant applying for issuance of HTV PSV Category-A CDL (HTV with more than twenty two passengers capacity excluding the driver) must possess one year old PSV LTV Category-B CDL (up to twenty two passengers capacity excluding the driver).

(2)  An applicant applying for issuance of PSV Categories A,B,C and D must have one year old valid driver licence in the relevant category issued by DLA or licencing authority; subject to verification from licencing authority and successfully undertaking the prescribed driving and medical examination test as provided under these rules.

13.   Construction or Agricultural Machinery.–The applicant must possess at least one year old CDL HTV Category-B driver licence for applying for this licence. In case of applicant with driver licence issued by other licencing authority, the verification of the licence from the issuing authority shall be mandatory before issuance of CDL. The applicant must possess machinery operating certificate from a machinery training institute authorized by DLA. The applicant shall qualify specified practical driving test for issuance of regular driver licence.

14.   CDL issuance to Diplomats.–(1) The diplomats may apply for a CDL without undergoing the theoretical or practical driving tests subject to provision of following documents, namely:–

(a)      Note Verbal from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad;

(b)      passport having valid Pakistan visa (in original) alongwith its copy;

(c)      copy of Diplomatic Card showing the status of diplomat in Pakistan; and

(d)      copy of driver’s licence of country of origin.

15.   CDL issuance to applicants with overseas licence.–The applicants may apply for a CDL without undergoing the theoretical or practical driving tests subject to provision of the following documents, namely:–

(a)      in case of Pakistan, Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) or National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistan (NICOP) or Pakistan origin Card;


(b)      in case of foreign nationals, valid passport of country of origin, valid Pakistani visa and letter from his employer; and

(c)      copy of driving licence of countries as per the country list maintained by the Inspector General’s office.

16.   International Driver Permit (IDP) For Pakistani Nationals.–(1) The applicants possessing a valid CDL shall be eligible to apply for international driver permit, for same category of vehicles for which the CDL was issued.

(2)  The application for an IDP shall be accepted only after submission of verified copy of a valid passport and visa.

17.   Medical and Physical fitness test.–(1) The applicant shall clear the medical fitness test to be conducted by the Medical Examiner as per requirement of Form-A (iii) First Schedule of the Ordinance. The Medical Examiner shall satisfy himself about the fitness of the applicant to drive safely.

(2)      In case of applicant requiring renewal of LTV or HTV or PSV Licences, a fresh medical test shall be conducted.

(3)      person above the age of sixty years shall be required to undergo fresh Medical test by the Medical Examiner at the time of every renewal.

18.   Practical driving test.–(1) After completion of Learner Driver Permit period the applicant shall appear for practical driving test as described in Schedule III.

(2)      Practical Driving test shall be conducted by a committee of the DLA or its member.

(3)      The applicant may use private vehicle for practical driving test. However the vehicle being used for this purpose must be of the same Category of vehicle for which the licence has been applied i.e. Motorcycle or Motorcar or Jeep or LTV or HTV or PSV.

(4)      “L” plates should be displayed on the front and rear screens of the vehicle. The examiner shall check the fitness certificate of the vehicle before conducting test and shall ensure that the vehicle is road worthy and that the indicators, lights and breaks are fully functional.

(5)      Special Person may use his or her own special or modified vehicle for practical driving test. “L” plates should be displayed on the front and rear screens of the vehicle. Moreover, sign or sticker of disabled person should also be displayed on the front and rear of the vehicle.

(6)      In case an applicant fails the driving test thrice, the applicant shall apply afresh and shall deposit full fee for learner’s driver permit.

19.   Licence Renewal.–On expiry, a new CDL shall be issued on request to the applicant as per Section 11 of the Ordinance on form E after payment of requisite Fee.

20.   Licence addition.–Any person holding a CDL under one category of vehicles may apply for addition of any other category of vehicle as per Section 8 of the Ordinance on Form “D”.

21.   Duplicate Licences.–A duplicate permit or licence shall be issued on application after payment of prescribed Fee for the relevant permit or licence.

22.   Cancellation of Licence on grounds of disease or disability.–The DLA may cancel a driving licence under Section 12 of the Ordinance.

23.   Power of Licencing Authority to disqualify for holding a Licence.–(1) The DLA may disqualify a person for a specified period under Section 14 of the Ordinance.

24.   CDL issuance and renewal Fees.–(1) The Fees shall be charged from different categories of applicants as per Schedule-I of these Rules;

(2)      The Fee shall be payable for issuance and renewal of driver licence under these rules.

(3)      The prescribed Fee shall be paid in advance in accordance with the instructions notified by Government from time to time.

(4)      Fee on account of issuance or renewal of all categories of licences shall be deposited in the treasury through National Bank of Pakistan in Head of Account C02037 duly filled on Form “32 A”.

25.   Special Delivery of Licence.–To facilitate the citizens and to ensure veracity of mailing address, the driving licence shall only be delivered through courier service on the mailing address mentioned in CNIC. In case of any change in mailing address, the new address should be incorporated in NADRA database.


(See Rule 24)


i.        Learner’s Driver Permit.                        Rs. 300/-

ii.       Driver Licence.                                       Rs. 600/-

iii.      International Driver permit.                   Rs. 800/-

iv.      Driver Licence on urgent basis.              Rs. 1000/-


i.        Renewal of Driver Licence within
30 days after expiry                                Rs. 600/-

ii.       Urgent Renewal of Driver Licence.         Rs. 1000/-

iii.      Renewal of Learner’s Driver licence.       Rs. 100/-

iv.      Renewal of Driver Licence after
30 days but within one year from
the date of expiry of the licence              Rs. 700/-

v.       Renewal of Licence after One year
of expiry of driving Licence but
within three years from the date
of expiry of the licence                            Rs. 1000/-

vi.      Duplicate Driver Licence                        Rs. 600/-

vii.     Duplicate Learner’s Driving Permits      Rs.100/-

viii.    Conversion of other District DL              Rs. 600/-

ix.      Addition/Endorsement of class                Rs. 600/-


(See Rule 8)


(a)      The Person holding learner’s Driver permit is not allowed to drive on “A” Category roads / Highways and Motorways;

(b)      The Person holding Learner’s Driver Permit can only drive a vehicle under the supervision of a valid licence holder having at least three (03) Years of driving experience;

(c)      A Learner’s Driver Permit holder must paste Red colored alphabet “L” on the front and rear screens while driving a vehicle;

(d)      The person holding a Learner’s Driver Permit shall drive the car at extreme left of the road;


(See Rule 18)


After completion of Learner’s Driver Permit period the applicant would have to appear for Driving test described as below:


          The theoretical test would be conducted in accordance with Section 6 (6) of NHSO-2000 on touch screen format consisting of following two parts:


          The applicant must correctly answer 9 out of 10 questions as per the requirements of Seventh Schedule of National Highways Safety Ordinance (NHSO)-2000.


          The applicant must correctly answer 7 out of 10 questions to qualify the Rules test.

*        The applicant must complete the sign and the Rules test in 10 minutes. An audio facility would be available for applicants on request.

          The applicant failing theory test can re-appear after 14 days for theory test.


(a)      The applicant shall qualify a practical driving test showing driving proficiency specially starting, stopping, turning, parking and reversing the vehicle;

(b)      The applicant failing practical driving test-1 cannot re-appear before 14 days;

(c)      The applicant who fails to qualify this test for three times shall have to go through the whole process again;

(d)      The applicant may use his own vehicle for practical driving test. “L” plates should be displayed on the front and rear screens of the vehicle. The examiner shall check true fitness certificate of the vehicle before conducting test, shall ensure that the vehicle is road worthy and that the indicators, lights and breaks are fully functional;

(e)      For special persons/disabled drivers, “sign/sticker” should be displayed on the front and rear of the vehicle;


(a)      The applicant shall qualify on-road test demonstrating not only required driving skills/etiquettes but also adherence to all traffic Rules and signs etc;

(b)      The applicant failing road test cannot re-appear before 14 days. The applicant however would not be required to re-appear in practical test-I;

(c)      The applicant disqualifying this test three times would be required to undergo the whole process again after depositing the prescribed fee for regular licence;

(d)      The applicant may use his own vehicle for practical test. “L” plates should be displayed on the front and rear screens of the vehicle. The examiner shall check the fitness certificate of the vehicle before conducting test, shall ensure that the vehicle is road worthy and that the indicators, lights and breaks are fully functional;

(e)      For special persons disabled drivers sign/sticker should be displayed on the front and rear of the vehicle.



(a)      Motorcycle                      Up to 125-Cc and More than

(b)      Jeep/Car/Mini Van          Maximum Mass not exceeding
3500 kg.

(c)      Motor Cab/Mini               Maximum Mass not exceeding
Vans (PSV)                      3500kg. seating capacity upto
8 passengers in addition to

(d)      LTV (Light Transport     Above 3500 kg. with
Vehicle)                          seating capacity up to 22.

(e)      LTV (PSV)                      Above 3500 kg. with Seating capacity up to 22.

(f)       HTV (Heavy Transport
Vehicle)                          Up to 40000 kg.

(g)      HTV (Heavy Transport
Vehicle)                          More than 40000 kg.

(h)      HTV (PSV)                      seating capacity more than 22.

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