An Ordinance to reform and repeal the National Tariff Commission Act, 1990 (VI of 1990)
[Gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary, Part-I, 26th February, 2015)
No. 2(1)/2015-Pub.–The following Ordinance promulgated by the President is hereby published for general information:–
WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for certain reforms in the National Tariff Commission by repealing the National Tariff Commission Act, 1990 (VI of 1990) and re-enacting it for matters connected therewith or ancillary thereto;
AND WHEREAS the Senate and the National Assembly are not in session and the President is satisfied that circumstances exist which render it necessary to take immediate action;
Now, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of Article 89 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the President is pleased to make and promulgate the following Ordinance:–
- Short title, extent and commencement.–(1) This Ordinance may be called the National Tariff Commission Ordinance, 2015.
(2) It extends to the whole of Pakistan.
(3) It shall come into force at once.
- Definitions.–In this Ordinance, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,–
(a) “Commission” means the National Tariff Commission established under Section 3;
(b) “Interested party” means any party having interest in the product under investigation including domestic producers, importers, consumers, exporters, foreign producers, trade or business associations of the investigated product or such other persons or group of persons as the Commission may specifically through notification in official gazette;
(c) “Member” means a member of the National Tariff Commission and included the Chairman;
(d) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Ordinance;
(e) “Repealed Act” mean the National Tariff Commission Act, 1990 (VI of 1990)
(f) “Trade Remedy Laws” includes the Anti-Dumping Ordinance, 2000, the Countervailing Duties Ordinance, 2001 and the Safeguard Measures Ordinance, 2002;
- Continuation of National Tariff Commission.–The National Tariff Commission established by the Repealed Act shall be deemed to have been established under this Ordinance. Notwithstanding the repeal of the “Repealed Act”, the Commission shall be deemed to have been validly constituted, subject to Section 5, under this Ordinance and shall continue to perform its functions accordingly.
- Constitution of the Commission.–(1) The Commission shall comprise five members, appointed by the Federal Government in the prescribed manner. The Federal Government shall appoint one of the members to be Chairman of the Commission.
(2) The Commission shall be a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal. It shall have the authority and duty to exercise the functions assigned to it by or pursuant to this Ordinance or any other law for the time being in force, shall have the power and authority to acquire, hold and dispose of property, both movable and immovable, in its own name, shall have the power and authority to open a personal ledger account in its own name and may sue and be sued in its own name.
(3) The head office of the Commission shall be at Islamabad and the Commission may establish offices at such places as it may deem necessary.
(4) No act, proceeding or decision of the Commission shall be invalid by reason only of the existence of a vacancy or defect in the Constitution of the Commission.
- Qualification and eligibility of members.–(1) All members of the Commission shall be citizens of Pakistan and shall be employed with the Commission on a full-time basis.
(2) A member of the Commission shall,–
(a) have at least a masters or professional degree or qualification from an accredited university or institute in international trade laws, business and commercial laws, economics, accountancy, tariffs and trade, commerce and trade, or a trade-related subject; knowledge of trade remedy Laws would be an advantage; and
(b) have at least fifteen years of professional work experience in international trade law, business and commercial laws, economics, accountancy, harmonized tariffs, commerce and trade, tariffs and trade or other trade-related technical field; direct work experience in trade remedy laws would be an advantage.
(3) The Federal Government shall select upto two members from the Commission’s experienced technical officers provided that they meet the eligibility and qualification requirements specified in sub-sections (1) and (2).
- Disqualification.–(1) No person shall be appointed or continue as member or an employee of the Commission if such person;
(a) has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude;
(b) has been or is adjudged insolvent;
(c) is incapable of discharging his duties by reasons of physical, physiological or, mental unfitness and has been so declared by a duly constituted Medical Board appointed by the Federal Government;
(d) fails to disclose any conflict of interest at or within the time provided for such disclosure by or under this Ordinance or contravenes any of the provisions of this Ordinance pertaining to unauthorized disclosure of information.
- Term of office.–(1) The Chairman and members of the Commission shall hold office for a term of five years and shall have their term extended for one additional term of three years unless the Federal Government directs otherwise.
(2) If the Chairman’s position becomes vacant, the Federal Government shall appoint and notify a new member or may designate and notify the most senior member as Chairman. In the absence of either notification, the most senior member, in terms of service in the Commission, shall perform the duties and functions of the Chairman.
- Function of the Commission.–(1) The functions of the Commission shall be to advise the Federal Government on,–
(a) tariff and other trade measures to,–
(i) provide assistance to the domestic industry; and
(ii) improve the competitiveness of the domestic industry;
(b) trade remedy actions being faced by domestic producers and exporters;
(c) rationalization of tariff and proposals for tariff reform;
(d) removal of tariff anomalies; and
(e) any other matter relating to tariff or trade measures that the Federal Government may refer to the Commission.
(2) In addition to the functions specified in sub-section (1), the Commission shall also perform such functions with respect to international trade and other matters that may be assigned to it by the trade remedies laws or any other law for the time being in force.
(3) Where the Federal Government has adopted the recommendations of the Commission in whole or part, the Commission shall periodically review the effect of such recommendations and in consequence of the review may give further recommendations to the Federal Government.
(4) The Commission shall advise, where possible, the domestic exporters and producers facing trade remedy investigations abroad.
(5) The Commission shall assist the Federal Government at the World Trade Organization dispute settlement body in respect of matters pertaining, to the Trade Remedy Laws, WTO Covered Agreements and disputes under other trade agreements.
(6) The Commission may undertake research to facilitate effective implementation of Trade Remedy Laws and tariff rationalisation, in a manner to be prescribed.
- Power of Commission to make inquiries on application.–(1) In addition to the matters falling within the scope of the Trade Remedy Laws or any other law, the Commission may initiate inquiries or investigations under this Ordinance on,–
(a) an application that has been submitted by or on behalf of the domestic industry in the prescribed form and accompanied by the prescribed fee;
(b) a reference received by it from the Federal Government; or
(c) on its own motion.
- Power of Commission to access information.–(1) The Commission shall have the powers to solicit, gather, obtain, and verify any relevant information for the purposes of its functions from any Ministry, Division, Federal or Provincial Department, private or public entity or agency.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Ordinance or in any other law for the time being in force, any business confidential information received or obtained, directly or indirectly, by the Commission pursuant to or in connection with an investigation, inquiry or study shall not be subject to disclosure by the Commission to any Ministry, Division, department, agency or instrumentality of the Federal Government or a Provincial Government without the prior permission of the party submitting such business confidential information, unless that confidential business information is liable to be disclosed for National Security and Defence.
(3) The Commission shall take all acts and measures necessary to provide transparent and prompt access to information to all parties, in a prescribed manner.
- Power of Commission as civil Court.–The Commission shall have all the powers of a civil Court while trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908), in respect of the following matters, namely:–
(i) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath; and
(ii) requiring the supply of any information and production of any document which may be useful for the conduct of its inquiry.
- Power of Commission to make recommendations.–(1) While examining, a proposal for tariff rationalisation or assistance to the domestic industry or trade measure and making recommendations to the Federal Government, the Commission shall satisfy itself on the points that,–
(i) the quality of the product to which such protection or assistance it to be given is good and conforms to the standards laid down by the Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority or, where such standard has not been prescribed, it conforms to internationally accepted standards;
(ii) the additional cost to the consumer may not be excessive; and
(iii) the industry is not likely to need the protection or assistance after a reasonable period of time.
(2) Where it has decided to undertake any inquiry or investigation, the Commission shall take such measures as it deems necessary to ensure that all units engaged in economic activities similar to those being carried on by any industrial undertaking or trading, business which has made an application or in respect of which an inquiry or investigation has been undertaken by the Commission are informed that such inquiry or investigation has been undertaken.
- Timelines for submission of recommendations by Commission.–(1) The Commission shall complete inquires and investigations under this Ordinance and submit a report to the Federal Government within a period not exceeding one hundred and twenty days.
(2) The enquiries and investigations undertaken by the Commission under this Ordinance shall be completed within the periods as specified in the schedule.
(3) The Federal Government shall, take a decision on the recommendations of the Commission within fifteen days of the issuance of the same.
- Delegation of powers of the Commission.–(1) The Commission, may delegate any of its functions or powers to one or more of its members or one or more of the officers, employees, consultants or agents of the Commission:
Provided that the Commission may not delegate its power or authority to initiate an investigation, to make preliminary or final determination, including review, refund and termination of investigations in cases governed by Trade remedy Laws or any other law that requires the Commission to make such determination:
Provided further that a delegation under this sub-section may be revoked or modified by the Commission at any time and shall otherwise not prevent the Commission from concurrently performing or exercising any function or power so delegated:
Provided also that the person to whom powers or functions are delegated pursuant to this sub-section shall not further delegate such powers or functions.
(2) The Commission may, by and through, one or more of its members, officers, employees and/or agents who have been duly designated by the Commission for such purpose carry out any inquiry, investigation or function necessary or appropriate for the proper exercise of the Commission’s duties, powers and/or authority, whether provided under this Ordinance or any other law in any part of Pakistan or in any foreign country.
- Meeting procedure and quorum.–(1) Decisions and determinations of the Commission shall be taken by majority vote.
(2) At least two members, one of whom shall be Chairman, shall constitute a quorum, provided that in case of quorum of two Members, the decision shall be taken by consensus.
- Administration and Secretariat of the Commission.–(1) The Commission shall have a Secretariat which shall be headed by a Secretary to the Commission. The Secretary shall be appointed by the Commission as prescribed.
(2) The Secretary to the Commission shall perform functions and duties, including the following, namely:–
(a) to keep in custody the records and seal of the Commission;
(b) to authorize payment of monthly salaries and allowances to the employees of the Commission;
(c) to propose budget estimates and revised budget estimates and place the same before the Commission;
(d) to receive applications for investigations on behalf of the Commission; and
(e) to perform any other duties that may be assigned to him by the Commission.
- Employees of the Commission.–(1) The Commission may do all such acts and take all such steps as are necessary for the performance of the functions of the Commission including the appointment of such officers etc. as it considers necessary for the efficient performance of its functions, on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed.
(2) Subject to sub-section (3), the Commission may employ, on market-scale salary, consultants, agents and technical, professional and other advisers including lawyers, economists, accountants, bankers, actuaries and other professionals to do any act necessary or appropriate to the exercise of the Commission’s powers or the performance of its functions as specified in Section 7.
(3) The employees of the Commission and other persons authorized to perform any function under this Ordinance shall be deemed to be a public servant within the meaning of Section 21 of the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 (XLV of 1860).
- Terms and Conditions of services of the Commission and its Employee.–(1) From the date of appointment, the benefits of the Commission and of an employee appointed on full-time basis in the Commission shall commensurate with market-based salaries or comparative.
(2) From the date of appointment, the pension, gratuity, GP fund and other retirement benefits of an employee appointed on full-time basis in the Commission shall be the same as Federal Government employees of the equivalent status, grade and scale.
(3) Employees appointed on full-time basis shall be provided time-scale promotions. For this purpose, the Commission shall make necessary regulations with approval of the Federal Government.
(4) All other matters relating to rules, orders, terms and conditions of services of the employees of the Commission shall be dealt with in accordance with the National Tariff Commission Employees’ (Service) Rules, 1995, as revised or repealed and re-enacted from time to time.
- Fund of the Commission.–The Fund of the Commission shall consist of–
(a) grants from the Federal Government;
(b) fee collected by the Commission;
(c) aid from international agencies; and
(d) such sums as the Federal Government may allocate to the Commission.
- Budget, audit and accounts.–(1) The Commission shall cause proper accounts to be kept as prescribed by the Controller General of Accounts. As soon as practicable, after the end of the financial year, the Commission shall prepare a statement of accounts of the Commission for that year. This shall include a balance sheet and an account of income and expenditure.
(2) Within sixty days after the end of each financial year, the annual financial statements shall be audited by the Auditor-General of Pakistan.
(3) The auditors shall make a report to the Commission upon the balance sheet and accounts. They shall state whether the balance sheet is a full and fair balance sheet containing all necessary particulars and properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of affairs of the Commission. In case the Auditors have called for any explanation or information from the Commission, it shall be stated by the Auditors as to whether such explanation or information was provided to the auditors to their satisfaction or not.
- Representation before the Commission.–Any person duly authorized by a party is entitled to appear, plead and act on behalf of such party before the Commission.
- Penalty for false statement or failure to disclose correct information.–(1) Any person who knowingly or willfully furnishes any information or document or book of accounts which he is bound to produce under this Ordinance or any Trade Remedy Laws and he has reason to believe to be false or incorrect shall be liable to imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years, or a fine not exceeding five million rupees, or both.
(2) Notwithstanding, anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898 (V of 1898), no Court other than a Court of sessions shall have jurisdiction to try a person charged with an offence under sub-section (1).
- Duty of members, officers, etc., to maintain secrecy.–(1) Except in the performance of his duties under this Ordinance or any other Trade Remedy Law. every member, officer, consultant and adviser of the Commission shall preserve and aid in preserving, secrecy with regard to all matters relating to the financial or other affairs of any undertaking or person that may come to his knowledge in the performance of his duties.
(2) Every such member, officer, consultant or adviser who communicates any such matter, except when required by law to do so or in the discharge of his duty as such, shall be punishable with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three months, or with fine not exceeding five million rupees, or both.
(3) Any information referred to in sub-section (1), if prejudicial to the National Security or Defense, shall be disclosed to the Agency seeking such information, with the approval of the Commission.
- Disclosure of interest.–(1) The following shall apply to all employees serving in any capacity whatsoever on the Commission.
(2) A person shall be deemed to have an interest in a matter if he has any interest, pecuniary or otherwise, in such matter which could reasonably be regarded as giving rise to a conflict between his duty to honestly perform his functions, so that his ability to consider and decide any question impartially or to give any advice without bias, may reasonably be regarded as impaired.
(3) A person having any interest in any matter to be discussed or decided by the Commission, shall prior to discharge of any function or business of the Commission, disclose in writing to the Secretary to the Commission, the fact of his interest and the nature thereof.
(4) Every person shall give written notice to the Secretary to the Commission of all direct or indirect pecuniary or other material or personal interests that he has or acquires in a body corporate involved in a matter at the Commission.
(5) A disclosure of interest under sub-section (2) shall be made a part of the record of the Commission in that particular matter.
(6) Where there is such disclosure of interest,–
(a) such person shall not, save as provided in sub-sections (7) and (8) take part nor be present in any investigation, research, deliberation or decision of the Commission as the case may be; and
(b) such person shall be disregarded for the purpose of constitution of a quorum or performance of a task, as the case may be.
(7) Any person who fails to disclose his interest as required by this section shall, on proof of such act, be liable to removal from the Commission.
(8) It shall be a valid defense for a person charged with the allegation of failure to disclose such interest under sub-section (7), if such person proves that he was not aware of the facts constituting such allegation and that he exercised due care and diligence in discovering the facts which he ought reasonably to have known in the circumstances.
- Removal.–Subject to sub-section (2), appointment of any member or employee of the Commission may, at any time, be revoked by Order of the Federal Government if it is found that such person stands disqualified on the grounds and in the manner as prescribed.
- Powers to make rules.–(1) The Commission may, with the prior approval of the Federal Government, and by notification in the official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Ordinance.
(2) The Commission shall make regulations for terms and conditions of employment for its employees.
- Indemnity.–No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against any member or any officer or employee of the Commission or any other person in respect of anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done in pursuance of this Ordinance, Any Trade Remedy Laws, any rules or orders made thereunder or in respect of the publication by or under the authority of the Commission of any report, paper or proceedings.
- Repeal.–The National Tariff Commission Act, 1990 (VI of 1990) is hereby repealed.
- Savings.–(1) Notwithstanding the repeal under Section 28, nothing in this Ordinance shall affect or be deemed to affect anything done, action taken, investigation or proceedings commenced, order, rule, regulation, appointment, document, or agreement made, fee directed, resolution passed, direction given, proceedings taken, or instrument executed or issued under or pursuant to the Repealed Act and any such thing, action, investigation, proceedings, order, rule, regulation, appointment, document, agreement, fee, resolution, direction, proceedings or instrument shall, if in force on the commencement date and not inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Ordinance, continue in force and have effect as if it had been respectively done, taken, commenced, made, directed, passed, given, executed or issued under this Ordinance.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other Law, judgment or decision of the Courts, all acts, procedures and decisions of the Commission made from September 2013 shall till date, shall be deemed to have been validly made by the Commission.
- Ordinance to override other laws.–The provisions of this Ordinance shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in any other law for the time being in force.
[See Section 13(2)]
The Commission shall complete its enquiries and investigations under this Ordinance as follows, namely:–
(i) an enquiry or investigation for tariff and non-tariff protection or assistance to domestic industry shall, except in special circumstances, be completed within a period not exceeding sixty days, and in no case more than one hundred and twenty days after initiation;
(ii) an enquiry or investigation for increase or decrease in tariff on the application of trading business or importers shall, except in special circumstances, be completed within a period not exceeding sixty days, and in no case more than one hundred and twenty days after initiation;
(iii) an enquiry or investigation for removal of tariff anomaly shall, except in special circumstances, be completed within a period no exceeding thirty days, and in no case more than one hundred twenty days after initiation;
(iv) Any other matter relating to tariffs or tariff policies shall be completed expeditiously but in any event no later than one hundred and twenty days; and
(v) an enquiry or investigation initiated on the request of the Federal Government or on its own motion depending on the nature thereof shall be completed within the time periods given in clauses (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) above:
Provided that the Federal Government may, in situations constituting an urgency direct the Commission to expedite the enquiry or investigation to the extent possible as may be required to protect or assist the domestic industry.
An Order to adapt and to enforce certain laws of Pakistan in Gilgit-Baltistan
[Gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary, Part-I, 6th March, 2015]
WHEREAS it is expedient to adapt and to enforce certain laws of Pakistan in Gilgit-Baltistan;
AND WHEREAS the subject of election to Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly is not enumerated in the Council Legislative List or the Assembly Legislative List and the aforesaid matter falls within the exclusive power of the Government of Pakistan to make laws;
Now, THEREFORE, in exercise of the power conferred by clause (3) of Article 47 of the Gilgit-Baltistan (Empowerment and Self-Govemance) Order, 2009, the Government of Pakistan is pleased to make the following Order:–
- Short title, extent and commencement.–(1) This Order may be called the Gilgit-Baltistan Adaptation of Laws Order, 2015.
(2) It shall extend to the whole of Gilgit-Baltistan.
(3) It shall come into force at once.
- Interpretation.–In this Order, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, ‘previous law’ shall mean a law in force in Gilgit-Baltistan immediately before the commencement of this Order and corresponding to any law adapted by this Order.
- Adaptation of laws.–(1) The laws of Pakistan specified in the Schedule to this Order, and all rules, notifications and orders made thereunder and in force immediately before the commencement of this Order are adapted and shall, as far as may be practicable, be in force in Gilgit-Baltistan subject to the following modifications, namely:–
(a) reference to Pakistan or any part of Pakistan shall be construed to refer to Gilgit-Baltistan;
(b) reference to “President” and “Prime Minister” shall be construed to refer to “Chairman of the Gilgit-Baltistan Council”;
(c) reference to “Commission” and “Election Commissioner” shall be construed to refer to “Chief Election Commissioner” appointed under Article 82 of the Gilgit-Baltistan (Empowerment and Self-Governance) Order, 2009 as the context may require;
(d) reference to “Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)” or its constituents viz. National Assembly or Senate or Provincial Assemblies shall be construed to refer to “Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly” as the context may require;
(e) reference to High Court or Supreme Court shall be construed to refer to the Chief Court or the Supreme Appellate Court, as the case may be;
(f) reference to provision of a Pakistan Law shall be construed to refer to the corresponding law in force in Gilgit-Baltistan; and
(g) reference to the citizen of Pakistan shall be construed to refer to the citizen of Gilgit-Baltistan.
(2) As soon as an amendment is made after the commencement of this Order in the laws of Pakistan specified in the Schedule to this Order, or in any rule, notifications or order made or issued thereunder, as in force in Pakistan, the said law, rule, notification or order as in force in Gilgit-Baltistan shall stand amended to the same extent and in the same manner.
- Previous laws to cease to have effect.–If immediately before the coming into force of this Order, there is in force in Gilgit-Baltistan any law corresponding to any law adapted by this Order, it shall, subject to the other provisions of this Order, cease to have effect on and from the date of the commencement of this Order:
Provided that the provisions of this Order shall not render invalid anything duly done before the coming into force of this Order under the provisions of any previous law.
- Removal of difficulty.–If any difficulty or question arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Order or in regard to the construction to be placed on any adaptation, the Government of Pakistan may, from time to time, make such provisions or give such directions as appear to it to be necessary for the purpose of removing such difficulty.
[See Article 3]
(a) The Electoral Rolls Act, 1974 (XXI of 1974).
(b) The Del imitation of Constituencies Act, 1974 (XXXIV of 1974).
(c) The Representation of the People Act, 1976 (No. LXXX V of 1976).
(d) The Election Commission Order, 2002 (Chief Executive’s Order No. 1 of 2002).
(e) The Political Parties Order, 2002 (Chief Executive’s Order No. 18 of 2002).
(f) The Allocation of Symbols Order, 2002.
RULES, 2015
[Gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary, Part-II, 6th March, 2015]
S.R.O. 25(KE)/2015, dated 26.2.2015. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 23 of the Surveying and Mapping Act, 2014 (I of 2014), the Federal Government is pleased to make the following rules, namely:-
- Short title and commencement.–(1) These rules may be called the Surveying and Mapping Rules, 2015.
(2) These shall come into force at once.
- Definitions.–In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,–
(i) “accuracy” means Degree of conformity with a standard or accepted value and relates to the quality of a result, and is distinct from precision, which relates to the quality of the operation by which the result is obtained;
(ii) “Act” means the Surveying and Mapping Act, 2014 (I of 2014);
(iii) “Class” means categorization of a coordinate’s local accuracy to be used when classifying the local accuracy of Pakistan control system data;
(iv) “coordinates system” means a system for allocating coordinates to points in space in some specified way in relation to designated axes, planes, or surfaces. The simplest coordinates system consists of orthogonal coordinates axes, known as a Cartesian coordinates system;
(v) “delimitation of boundary” refers to the agreement on alignment of the boundary, natural or artificial, and its descriptions with respect to topographical features and co-ordinates on the ground or on an agreed map;
(vi) “delineation” involves survey and portrayal of the demarcated boundary in correct relation to topography on a map of suitable scale;
(vii) “demarcation of boundary” means identification of the delimited boundary on the ground and establishment of pillars and other markers wherever necessary to identify the line on the, ground in an unambiguous manner. Usually the geographical co-ordinates of such pillars and markers, and sometimes of other points on the boundary or reference pillars, are also fixed, and a schedule of coordinates is prepared;
(viii) “DEM” means a digital elevation model or 3D representation of barren earth surface only representing the height information without any further definition about the surface;
(ix) “DSM” means a digital surface model or 3D representation of earth surface including all objects on it like vegetation, infrastructure and buildings;
(x) “DTM” means a digital terrain model or 3D representation of all terrain information available on the earth;
(xi) “error” means the difference between an observed or calculated value of a quantity and the ideal or true value of that quantity, provided that the ideal or true value of a quantity cannot be known with exactness and “error” is applied to a difference between an observed or computed value of a quantity and some standard or accepted value used instead of the ideal or true value;
(xii) “Everest 1830” means the ellipsoid, designed to best-fit Indo-Pak sub-continent adopted as national datum to which geodetic measurements are referred to;
(xiii) “Inertial Navigation System (INS)” means a system of mutually orthogonal gyros and same number of mutually orthogonal accelero-meters that can provide information for position, velocity and heading at every instant time. Using gyroscopes one can determine rotation elements whereas accelerometers provide sensor velocity and position in 3D space;
(xiv) “Lambert conformal conic projection” means a conformal conic projection in which geographic meridians are represented by straight lines which meet at pole and geographic parallels are represented by a series of arcs of circles with this point as their centre;
(xv) “LIDAR” means Light Imaging, Detecting and Ranging System an emerging technology of earth scanning system using LASER beams;
(xvi) “local accuracy” means a value that represents the uncertainty of a coordinate relative to other nearby coordinates;
(xvii) “network accuracy” means a value that represents the uncertainty of a coordinate relative to a datum;
(xviii) “order” means a combined categorization of a coordinate’s local and network accuracy used to describe the accuracy of coordinates in the order. It shall be used when classifying the accuracy of coordinates. A coordinate must only be assigned to an order if it achieves both the tier and class standards for that order;
(xix) “POS” means Position Orientation System on board with imaging sensor for direct orientation parameters of each image. The system is a combination of Global Navigational Satellite System (GNSS) and Inertial Navigation System (INS);
(xx) “projection” means a systematic method of representing the whole or part of the curved surface of the Earth upon another surface usually flat;
(xxi) “SAR” means Synthetic Aperture Radar. It is earth scanning system using microwave part of electromagnetic spectrum of light source;
(xxii) “Survey of Pakistan (SoP) set procedures and codes” means technical instructions, policies, professional orders, Technical Hand Books held by or issued for the purpose of carrying out surveying and mapping activities including extra departmental jobs and Accounting Procedure with regards to deposit works;
(xxiii) “tier” means a categorization of a coordinate’s network accuracy. It shall be used when classifying the network accuracy of Pakistan control system data;
(xxiv) “Transverse Mercator Projection” means a conformal cylindrical projection in which the surface of ellipsoid, such as the earth, is projected onto a cylinder tangent along a meridian;
(xxv) “UAV” stands for Un-manned Aerial Vehicle used for low altitude aerial photography;
(xxvi) “Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Projection” means Transverse Mercator Projection accepted universally;
(xxvii) “Videogrammetry” means art of photogrammetric survey using moving video scenes instead of still photographs or images; and
(xxviii) “WGS 84” stands for World Geodetic System 84 and means the ellipsoid which is designed to best fit the whole earth, adopted as universal datum, to which geodetic measurements are referred to.
- Research and development activities.–(1) The researcher shall intimate, the area of research and development, purpose of research, probable results to be achieved and benefits of the research under the provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) of Section 7 of the Act, to Survey of Pakistan.
(2) The outcome of research activities carried out under sub-rule (1) shall be shared with the Survey of Pakistan.
(3) A certificate shall be submitted to SoP by the researcher through concerned university or organization that the research work conducted under sub-rule (1) does not include any classified geo-spatial data and information.
- Surveys and demarcation, etc.–(1) SoP shall carry out surveying and mapping of whole of Pakistan including, Provinces, districts and tehsils, upto parcel level, as a deposit work, as and when required by any agency under SoP’s set procedures.
(2) SoP shall carry out delineation and demarcation of boundaries between Federal Government and Provinces, divisions, districts, tehsils, union councils, up to basic administrative unit i.e. mauza level, as the case may be, on mutually agreed terms and conditions between the concerned parties, as a deposit work, under SoP’s set procedures.
(3) Fifty percent of the money received against the deposit including paid for jobs, registration, fee for site coordinates and heights, sale of maps and fee received from private students at STI shall be utilized for capacity building of Survey of Pakistan, including Human Resource Development, purchase of instrument or equipment, transport and infrastructure development according to SoP’s set procedures.
(4) Survey of Pakistan shall operate bank account for handling of money received against the deposit in any scheduled bank of Pakistan.
- Authorization to enter into any land.–(1) Any person, authorized by the Survey of Pakistan, may enter into any land or public building, office or structure for the purposes of carrying out assigned tasks under the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 9 of the Act.
(2) Before entering into the land or public building, office or structure, the authorized person shall make contact, telephonically or in person or in writing and, if required, through local administration or authority.
- Datum, projection and standards.–(1)There shall be two systems of Datum and projections separately for Defence Map and Open Map Series.
(2) Spatial data for Defence map series shall be prepared exclusively by Survey of Pakistan using national datum and projection systems. Presently Everest-1830 and Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) are being used as datum and projection systems respectively.
(3) Spatial data for open map series (with different scales) shall be provided to and supplied by SoP in Universal Transverse Mercator Projection for Pakistan (UTM) and Local Transverse Mercator Projection for Pakistan (LTM), both with WGS-84 datum. The same projection and datum of the system or that revised by Survey of Pakistan from time to time shall be used for geospatial data production.
(4) The respective accuracy parameters being used by SoP shall be used when referring to the network accuracy of Pakistan control system data. This network accuracy shall be assessed at the ninety-five percent confidence level.
(5) The network accuracy of a coordinate shall be quantified at the ninety-five percent confidence level calculated using the mathematical relations as defined by SoP from time to time.
(6) The accuracy standards for classification or order for gravity survey as defined by SoP from time to time, shall be used for all references.
(7) The accuracy standards for vertical control network, as defined by SoP from time to time, shall be used for all references.
- Registration.–(1) No public or private organization, private firm or individual, national or international, shall undertake any geospatial data collection, production or analysis work and surveying and mapping activities unless it is registered with Survey of Pakistan. However, all jobs of surveying and mapping activities or production of geospatial data through any source, in any form, and using any technology or tool, indented by any Government department, organization or agency (Federal, Provincial or semi-autonomous body); private firm or individual or group including NGOs (both national and international), shall be referred to SoP for information. The jobs related to sensitive, classified nature or falling in security areas of the country shall be executed by SoP as paid-for jobs.
(2) The eligibility for registration of Government departments shall be determined subject to its mandate defined by Federal or Provincial Government.
(3) Government departments and private organizations shall not assign any geospatial data collection, production or analysis work and surveying and mapping activities, to such firms which are not registered with Survey of Pakistan.
(4) Survey of Pakistan shall register Government department, private organization, firm, individual, national or international, etc. according to the procedures specified by Survey of Pakistan as Annex-I to these rules.
(5) Survey of Pakistan, for carrying out the purpose of the Act, shall create a registration cell comprising the following:-
(i) Director as Registrar;
(ii) Deputy Director as Deputy Registrar;
(iii) Assistant Director to act as Secretary;
(iv) Assistant Director as legal officer;
(v) three Survey officers;
(vi) five Technical Assistants of various disciplines;
(vi) an office Supervisor; and
(vii) three Clerks.
(6) Any individual or private firm or Government organization interested in collaboration with any foreign company or firm or non-governmental organization for joint work related to surveying and mapping, collection and production of geospatial data within Pakistan, shall apply to Survey of Pakistan by providing all details of work scope. Survey of Pakistan shall process the case by observing the requisite channels.
(7) Sub-sections (1) and (2) of Section 11 of the Act shall not apply to operations of geospatial data production, analysis, surveying and mapping carried out by,–
(a) any student of surveying studying in public educational institutions or university for academic and research purpose only; and
(b) any person who produces geospatial data under immediate supervision of a registered organization, firm or individual. The outcome can be utilized for academic and research purposes only.
(8) SoP shall publish the list of registered organizations, firms, individuals, groups, etc. on its website and in print media.
- Joint survey and mapping and geospatial data production work with foreign companies.–(1)The individual or private firm or Government organization working under the provisions of Section 13 of the Act, shall be responsible for security clearance of the foreigners from concerned security agencies prior to execution of work, under intimation to SoP and for security of data, existing or produced as such, during all phases of its production.
(2) Any individual or private firm or Government organization interested in collaboration with any foreign company or firm or non-governmental organization for joint work related to surveying and mapping, collection and production of geospatial data within Pakistan shall give undertaking that the foreigners shall not carry and export such data out of the country.
- Correction of erroneous data.–(1) In case of erroneous data produced by a registered individual or group or firm or organization, Survey of Pakistan shall nominate authorized officers and staff to approach concerned registered individual or group or firm or organization through notice in writing, requiring correction of such erroneous data, within the time specified in the notice.
(2) In case of failure of concerned registered individual or group or firm or organization in correction of the erroneous data within the time specified in the notice, Survey of Pakistan shall have the authority to engage another registered individual or group or firm or organization for correction of the erroneous data or producing the data afresh.
(3) The costs or expenses incurred on correction of the erroneous data or producing the data afresh, shall be recovered from the defaulting registered individual or group or firm or organization as a payment to the other registered individual, firm or organization engaged for its correction or survey, within the meaning of sub-section (3) of Section 14 of the Act.
(4) The defaulting registered individual or group or firm or organization under sub-rule (2) shall be warned in writing by Survey of Pakistan for the future and its registration shall be cancelled and black listed in case of default for another time.
- Management of geospatial data.–(1) All Government Departments engaged with production of geospatial and thematic data shall be bound to share the data forNSDI.
(2) The technical, institutional and legal frameworks for NSDI shall be prepared through collaboration with key stakeholders.
(3) The secretariat of NSDI shall be established by SoP at Rawalpindi/Islamabad.
(4) For maintenance, dissemination and sharing of Geospatial Data, the following shall be strictly observed, namely:–
(a) Standards: All stakeholders shall follow the standards for geospatial datasets recommended by SoP.
(b) Spatially referenced and attributed data sets: All stakeholders shall be bound to generate attributed and geo-referenced data using coordinate system mentioned under Section 10 of the Act.
(c) Updation: All stakeholders must update their data holdings. The organizations are bound to inform SoP whenever datasets possessed by them are updated.
(d) Database: All stakeholders engaged in generation of geospatial and thematic data are liable for development and maintenance of their database based on the latest updated data.
(e) Metadata: All stakeholders shall be bound to develop metadata of their geospatial and thematic data adopting SoP Metadata Standards and copy of the prepared metadata shall be submitted to SoP.
(f) Geoportal: SoP is exclusively responsible for designing, developing and deploying geoportal as well as publishing metadata on the portal.
(5) All registered organizations, firms, individuals and groups developing geospatial data shall, in accordance with the procedure laid down in sub-rule (4), forward a copy of the data to SoP free of cost.
- Supply and use of geospatial data.–(1) Supply and Security of Geospatial Data or aerial photographs or other relevant data sets shall be dealt in accordance with the rules and instructions contained in Rules for Classification, Issue and Custody of Maps, Soft Data Dissemination Policy, issued from time to time.
(2) Supply of Geospatial Data or aerial photographs or other relevant data sets shall be on payment to any individual or group or firm or organization in accordance with SoP’s set procedures.
- Classified data.–(1) All Geospatial Data or aerial photographs or satellite imageries or other relevant data sets shall be classified as “TOP SECRET”, “SECRET”, “RESTRICTED” and “PUBLIC” in accordance with the rules and instructions contained in Rules for Classification, Issue and Custody of Maps, Soft Data Dissemination Policy, issued from time to time.
(2) All data producers must prepare data catalogue for quick access and sharing of data. The data catalogue shall contain all information including particulars of indentor, purpose of data, date of production and complete metadata. The catalogue as above shall be shared with SoP.
- Protection, use and maintenance of survey marks.–(1) The individual or group or firm or organization violating the procedure mentioned in sub-section (3) of Section 18 of the Act, shall bear all expenses incurred on re-establishment of the survey mark and shall be liable to be dealt under Section 20 of the Act.
(2) Under the provision of sub-section (5) of Section 18 of the Act, all Deputy Commissioners or Political Agents or officers of local administration equivalent in rank, shall submit the report on condition of survey marks falling in their area of administration, to SoP annually, on Form specified by SoP for this purpose.
(3) Wherever any survey mark exists within the premises of rest houses, schools, hospitals, any Government or semi-Government body, autonomous body buildings, no auction or sale shall be carried out by local, district, Provincial or Federal Government, without consulting SoP and without ensuring protection of the survey mark.
- Geographical names.–(1) Survey of Pakistan, through Federal Government, shall get notified the National Naming Authority chaired by Surveyor General of Pakistan and consisting of other members as per following composition, with its secretariat at SoP’s Headquarters:-
(i) One member (BS-19 or above) from each Province to be nominated by concerned Chief Secretary.
(ii) One member (BS-19 or above) from FATA to be nominated by Governor KPK.
(iii) One member (BS-19 or above) from AJK and GB to be nominated by the respective Chief Secretary.
(iv) Two members (BS-19 or above) from SoP to be nominated by Surveyor General of Pakistan.
(2) The functions of the National Naming Authority, under the provisions of sub-Sections (1) and (2) of Section 19 of the Act shall be–
(a) to appropriately name the particular geographical location;
(b) to provide advice on the use, spelling and application of geographical names;
(c) standardization of the names of natural features and thinly populated places;
(d) dissemination of all types of official geographical names;
(e) to promote nationally, geographical standardized names on maps and in documents;
(f) to encourage collaboration between countries on trans-boundary feature names; ,
(g) to promote the use of geographically standardized terminology;
(h) to adopt single Romanization System for the conversion of each non-Roman writing system to the Roman alphabet.
- Committee for assessing gravity of offence.–(1) A committee comprising three members at directorate level for their respective area of jurisdiction, headed by an officer not below a BPS-16 officer, shall assess the gravity of offence, pinpoint the culprits and shall represent the department in the Court of law, under the provisions of Section 20 of the Act.
(2) The organization, firm, individual or group may submit a representation against the decision of the committee to the concerned Director within thirty days of the announcement of the decision by the committee.
(3) If the organization, firm, individual or group is not satisfied with the decision of Director, then the concerned may approach the Surveyor General of Pakistan for such purpose within fifteen days after decision of Director or within thirty days after the submission of representation to the concerned Director, in case no decision is made by the Director.
- Printing and publishing of maps and geospatial data.–For the purposes of sub-section (2) of Section 22 of the Act, the Printing Corporations of Pakistan at Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore; Sindh Government Press, Karachi and Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, shall be included in the list of selected printing presses.
See Rule 22 under heading “Registration” of SRO ——-/2015 dated —–
Procedure for registration of Firm/Organization with
Survey of Pakistan
- Any firm or organization or group interested in registration with Survey of Pakistan shall apply for registration on prescribed form (Appendix-A) to Annex-I, alongwith request/application on letterhead.
- The request for registration/renewal/ up-gradation shall enclose bank draft/pay order, in favour of Deputy Registrar SoP’s Registration Cell, against fee required for the registration and processing as per schedule (Appendix-B) to these procedures and as amended by SoP time to time.
- Before registration, the Registration cell may obtain clearance of such firms, organizations and from concerned agencies, as it may deem appropriate.
- Registration cell shall scrutinize, evaluate and recommend for registration or otherwise. Upon these recommendations, the Surveyor General of Pakistan shall accord approval for registration or otherwise.
- A public or private organization/firm, national or international shall be registered with SoP, in one of the following categories, for which proficiency shall be established through the cell for each category to be evaluated on the basis of aggregated scores of technical man power, technical resources, experience and logistic facilities and shall take up the projects with limits defined for each category.
Category | Aggregated Score | Project cost (relating to Surveying and |
S1 | > 80 | No limit |
S2 | 71-80 | Up to Rs. 100 million |
S3 | 61-70 | Upto Rs. 50 million |
S4 | 51-60 | Upto Rs. 10 million |
- The disciplines, categories and scores for evaluation shall be as under:
a Disciplines:
Geodetic Survey
(i) Gravimetric Survey (ii) Magnetic Survey (iii) Traverse (iv) Triangulation (v) High Precise Leveling (vi) Leveling (vii) GPS Survey |
Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing
Sources: Aerial cameras (with or without POS), Satellite imagery (mono or stereo), terrestrial cameras, Video-grammetry, UAVs, LIDAR, SAR etc. Techniques: Analytical or digital Products: Maps (topographic or thematic); Digital products (DEM, DOM, DSM, DTM, DBM, DLG etc.) |
Topographic Survey
i. Plane-Tabling Survey ii. Total Station Survey iii. GPS Survey |
Manual or Digital |
Geographic Information System(GIS) and Application Development | Any other Survey, like bathymetric/ hydrographic survey; cadastral survey, construction survey, route survey, etc. |
- Categorization of Firms: Firms shall be categorized on following basis and/or as amended by SoP from time to time:
- Capability and experience of professionals staff of firms.
- Surveying and Mapping equipment, hardware, software possessed by firms.
iii. Experience of firms.
- Logistic facilities of firms.
Criteria for Professionals (Maximum Score 30)
Code | Type of Professional | Methodology for evaluation of scores | |||
(30) | (25) | (20) | (15) | ||
SS | Senior Surveyor
Masters in any discipline of Surveying & Mapping with 5 years working experience or Bachelor in any discipline of Surveying & Mapping with 10 years working experience or Ex- technical employee of SoP with graduation & 20 years working experience |
4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
S | Surveyor
Bachelor in any discipline of Surveying & Mapping with 5 years working experience or Diploma from Survey Training Institute (SoP) with 5 year experience. or Ex-technical employee of SoP with 10 years working experience |
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
AS1 | Associate Surveyor
Diploma from Survey Training Institute (SoP) or DAE (civil)/ Diploma in any discipline of surveying & mapping from any recog¬nized Institute with 5 year experience in relevant field |
10 | 7 | 5 | 4 |
AS2 | Assistant Surveyor
Certificate from Survey Training Institute (SoP) or 01 year certificate in civil engineering/ Surveying and Mapping from any recognized Institute with 3 years’ experience in relevant field |
15 | 12 | 10 | 8 |
Criteria for Technical Resources (Maximum Score 30)
Sl. No. | Discipline | Equipment | Methodology for evaluation of scores | |||
(30) | (25) | (20) | (15) | |||
1 | Geodetic
Survey |
i. Dual Frequency GPS
ii. Single Frequency GPS iii. Level with Stave iv. Gravity meter v. Magnetometer vi. Theodolite |
10 15 05 05 10 |
08 10 03 03 08 |
06 08 02 02 05 |
04 05 01 01 03 |
2 | Topographic
Survey |
i. Total Station
ii. Single Frequency GPS iv. Hand Held GPS iv. Theodolites v. Plane tables |
10 10 10 10 |
08 08 08 08 |
05 05 05 05 |
03 03 03 03 |
3 | Cartography | i. Computers with relevant software
ii. Scanners iii. Plotters |
05 05 |
03 03 |
02 02 |
01 01 |
4 | Geographic Information System (GIS) | i. Computers with relevant software
ii. Scanners iii. Plotters |
05 05 |
03 03 |
02 02 |
01 01 |
5 | Photogram-metry and Remote Sensing | i. Aircraft/UAV
ii. Aerial Camera (Analogue/ digital/LIDAR video) iii. Photo scanner (if required) iv. Photogrammetric Workstation with relevant Softwares v. Image pre-processing software/ LIDAR processing software |
01 01 20 03 |
01 01 15 02 |
01 01 10 02 |
01 01 05 01 |
Criteria for Experience (Maximum Score 30)
Experience in years | Methodology for evaluation of scores |
> 15 | (30) |
10-15 | (25) |
05-10 | (20) |
Upto 05 | (15) |
Criteria for Logistic Facilities (Maximum Score 10)
- Must have permanent office with staff up to the satisfaction of SoP’s Registration Cell.
- Fleet of vehicles for transportation of equipment and technical staff from/to the area up to the satisfaction of SoP’s Registration Cell.
- The cell reserves the right to recommend relaxation in the above criteria after physical verification/assessment of the firm.
- After completing the codal formalities, the registered firm, organization shall be allotted a registration number, which shall be invariably used in all correspondence with SURVEY OF PAKISTAN and other indenters.
- Each firm will be registered initially for a period of 02 years and subsequently to be renewed annually.
- The registered firm, organization, national or international, shall apply for renewal at least 03 months before the expiry of stipulated time. However, the firm can apply for up-gradation at any time. The requests shall be made on the Prescribed form with requisite information /evidences as mentioned below or as required by SoP for necessary verification or so:-
- Application form duly filled in.
- Previous Original Registration Certificate (where applicable).
- Copy CNIC/passport of Owner/Owners.
- Works executed in last five years with certificate of satisfactory completion of works from the indentor.
- List of Machinery and Equipment etc. with present state of machinery.
- List of Professionals and other staff along with their qualification and experience and their License No. issued by SoP
- Organizational Chart of the firm.
- Affidavit of Sole Proprietor/ Partnership Deed/Clause of Association/ Memorandum (as applicable).
- National Tax Number along with tax statement duly authenticated by the tax department.
- Bank statement.
- SoP reserves the rights for amendment, suspension or cancellation the registration in case of:–
- The registration was approved on the basis of incorrect or misleading information;
- The registrant is no longer eligible for the registration;
- The registrant is convicted of an offence under this Act;
- The registrant fails to pay an amount that is payable by the registrant to SoP;
- The registrant fails to inform SoP, in writing about any change in address or in any particular provided at the time of registration, within 30 days of such change.
- SoP shall reserve the rights to conduct surprise visits of firms/organizations/to check/confirm the technical manpower, instrument/equipment to avert the chances of mischiefs.
- SoP shall ensure compliance with data standards as prescribed under relevant rules of the Act. Survey of Pakistan reserves the right to conduct surprise visits during execution of work to ensure the pursuance of SoP’s standards.
- Public or Private organizations/firms/companies, registered with SoP, shall forward a copy of data produced to SoP.
- Survey of Pakistan will examine for correctness of data with job specification, conformity to SoP’s standards for data production. Substandard data shall be dealt with in accordance to Clauses 26-29 of the rules.
- No registered firm/organization shall engage in surveying and mapping activities by exceeding the scope allowed for their codes/category.
- The registered firm, organization national or international, shall follow all the rules framed for the execution of the Act from time to time. SoP shall keep checks on any violation by the firms and shall impose penalties or prosecute as defined under Clause 20 of the Act.
Appendix -A to Annex-I
Form-A (Regd. Firm/Org.)
Registration Number ______ Present Category ______ Year _____
CATEGORY APPLIED FOR | S-1 | S-2 | S-3 | S-4 | Previous Category | Present Category | Category Applied for | |
(Tick relevant column)
Fields of specialization | ||||||||||||||||
(Supported by detail of
previous work) |
(Add pages if required) | ||||||||||||||||
1. Name of firm/ company |
2. Country of origin | Pakistani | Foreign | Name of Country |
Nationality of Owner/
Head of Firm |
3. CNIC No. | – | – |
4. NTN No. (if any): |
5. Type of ownership
(Tick One Only) |
5.1 | Individual | 5.2 | Sole Proprietor |
5.3 | Partnership | 5.4 | Private Limited | |
5.5 | Public Limited Company | 5.6 | Others |
- Mailing address
- Permanent address of head office
- Address of Regional offices/Sub Offices–
(Add pages if required)
- Phone, Fax, Cell No./E-mail
- List of organization Chart
- List of machinery, instruments, hardware and software
- List of professionals and others and their undertaking
- Office (Covered area, Total area)
- List of Major Projects Completed
- Copy of CNIC of the Owner
- Bank statement
- Pay order/Bank Draft No ………………. bank ………….. dated ………….. Amount deposited for registration Rs. ………..
Processing fee Rs. ……….. Challan No ……….. Bank ……….. dated ……….. Amount deposited ………..
Department use only
Recommended by:
(i) Deputy Registrar ………. (ii) Registrar ………..………..
Recommended Category ……. dated ………………………
Approved by ……………….. dated ………………………
- Undertaking
It is hereby certified that the informations/facts stated are correct to my best of knowledge belief and nothing has been conceled there of. I take full responsibility for its authenticity and undertake to abide by the Surveying and Mapping Act and relevant rules and procedures, prescribed for the Registration in SoP. I also undertake that in case any information is proved incomplete or incorrect or misleading at any stage, I will be liable for legal action for cheating the Government of Pakistan.
Signature of Owner/Head
Name …………………………….
Date ………………………………
- A late fee @3% per month will be charged after 31st march of the current year subject to maximum of 20% of the annual fee.
- For initial registration, change in category, and renewal, the applicant for the surveyor’s license shall submit application to SURVEY OF PAKISTAN in the form prescribed. The application for renewal shall be submitted to SURVEY OF PAKISTAN by the 5th day of July of the year based on surveyor’s status as on the 30th day of June of the same year. The license shall stand expired on 30th day of June each year
(Note:-The affidavit would be on Rs.10/- Stamp Paper and attested
by a First Class Magistrate/Oath Commissioner /Notary Public)
I, _____________ an applicant for registration with SURVEY OF PAKISTAN as FIRM OWNER in Category _________ (applied for), certify that names, registration numbers and affidavits of Surveyors employed by me will be supplied to SURVEY OF PAKISTAN under Surveying and Mapping Act, when any work is awarded to the firm.
Name of Owner/Head:_____________________
Name of Firm:____________________________
Contact No./Cell No_______________________
- Witness ___________________
CNIC No. __________________ - Witness____________________
CNIC No. __________________
Appendix -B to Annex-I
Detail of Fee for Registration of Surveying & Mapping Firms
Processing fee per registration= Rs. 25,000/- (non-refundable)
Category | Registration Fee (in Rupees) | Renewal/Change in Category Fee (in Rupees) | ||
Pakistani applicant | Foreign applicant | Pakistani applicant | Foreign applicant | |
S1 | 200,000 | 300,000 | 100,000 | 150,000 |
S2 | 100,000 | 150,000 | 50,000 | 75,000 |
S3 | 75,000 | 125,000 | 40,000 | 60,000 |
S4 | 50,000 | 75,000 | 30,000 | 50,000 |
Application Fee for Registration of Individual Surveyor
Processing fee per registration = Rs. 1,000/- (non-refundable)
Code | Registration Fee (in Rupees) | Renewal/Change in Code Fee (in Rupees) | ||
Pakistani applicant | Foreign applicant | Pakistani applicant | Foreign applicant | |
SS | 30,000 | 100,000 | 15,000 | 50,000 |
S | 20,000 | 75,000 | 10,000 | 40,000 |
AS1 | 15,000 | 50,000 | 8,000 | 25,000 |
AS2 | 10,000 | 40,000 | 5,000 | 20,000 |
See Rule 22 under heading “Registration” of SRO ——/2015 dated ——
Procedure for registration of Individuals with Survey of Pakistan (SoP)
- An individual, national or international, will be registered with SoP in following categories as per his/her qualification and experience defined below:-
Code | Surveyor |
SS | Senior Surveyor |
S | Surveyor |
AS1 | Associate Surveyor |
AS2 | Assistant Surveyor |
Criteria for Professionals (Maximum Score 30)
Code | Type of Professional | Methodology for evaluation of scores | |||
(30) | (25) | (20) | (15) | ||
SS | Senior Surveyor
Masters in any discipline of Surveying & Mapping with 5 years working experience or Bachelor in any discipline of Surveying & Mapping with 10 years working experience or Ex- technical employee of SoP with graduation & 20 years working experience |
4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
S | Surveyor
Bachelor in any discipline of Surveying & Mapping with 5 years working experience or Diploma from Survey Training Institute (SoP) with 5 year experience. or Ex-technical employee of SoP with 10 years working experience |
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
AS1 | Associate Surveyor
Diploma from Survey Training Institute (SoP) or DAE (civil)/ Diploma in any discipline of surveying & mapping from any recognized Institute with 5 year experience in relevant field |
10 | 7 | 5 | 4 |
AS2 | Assistant Surveyor
Certificate from Survey Training Institute (SoP) or 01 year certificate in civil engineering/ Surveying and Mapping from any recognized Institute with 3 years’ experience in relevant field |
15 | 12 | 10 | 8 |
- Individual may apply to SoP for registration in one of above categories on prescribed Form-B (Regd svy) (Appendix-C) along with fee required for the registration and processing.
- The request for registration/renewal/ up-gradation shall enclose bank draft/pay order, in favour of Deputy Registrar SoP’s Registration Cell, against fee required for the registration and processing as per schedule (Appendix -B) to these procedures and as amended by SoP time to time.
- Before registration, the Registration cell may obtain clearance of such firms, organizations and individuals/groups from concerned agencies, as it may deem appropriate.
- Registration cell shall scrutinize, evaluate and recommend for registration or otherwise. Upon these recommendations, the Surveyor General of Pakistan shall accord approval for registration or otherwise.
- The cell reserves the right to recommend relaxation in the above criteria after physical verification/ assessment.
- After completing the codal formalities, the registered individual, group national or international shall be allotted a registration number, which shall be invariably used in all correspondence with SURVEY OF PAKISTAN and other indenters.
- Individual or group, national or international will be registered initially for a period of 02 years and subsequently to be renewed annually.
- The registered individual, national or international, shall apply for renewal at least 03 months before the expiry of stipulated time. However, the applicant can apply for up-gradation of his category at any time which will be considered as per procedure. The requests shall be made on the Prescribed form with requisite information/evidences as mentioned below or as required by SoP for necessary verification or so:-
- Application form duly filled in.
- Previous Original Registration Certificate (where applicable).
- Copy of CNIC/passport (attested).
- Works executed in last five years with certificate of satisfactory completion of works from the indentor.
- List of Machinery and Equipment etc. with present state of machinery.
- National Tax Number along with tax statement duly authenticated by the tax department.
- Bank statement.
- SoP reserves the rights for amendment, suspension or cancellation the registration in case of:–
- The registration was approved on the basis of incorrect or misleading information;
- The registrant is no longer eligible for the registration.
- The registrant is convicted of an offence under this Act.
- The registrant fails to pay an amount that is payable by the registrant to SoP.
- The registrant fails to inform SoP, in writing about any change in address or in any particular provided at the time of registration, within 30 days of such change.
- SoP shall reserve the rights to conduct surprise visits of firms/ organizations/ individuals to check/confirm the technical manpower, instrument/ equipment to avert the chances of mischiefs.
- SoP shall ensure compliance with data standards as prescribed under relevant rules of the Act. Survey of Pakistan reserves the right to conduct surprise visits during execution of work to ensure the pursuance of SoP’s standards.
- An individual, national or international registered with SoP shall forward a copy of data produced to SoP.
- SoP will examine for correctness of data with job specification, conformity to SoP’s standards for data production. Substandard data shall be dealt with in accordance to clauses 26-29 of the rules.
- No registered individual shall engage in surveying and mapping activities by exceeding the scope allowed for their codes/category.
- The registered individual or group, national or international, shall follow all the rules framed for the execution of the Act from time to time. SoP shall keep checks on any violation by the firms and shall impose penalties or prosecute as defined under clause 20 of the Act.
Appendix -C to Annex-I
Form –B (regd. Svy) __
Survey of Pakistan
Faizabad Murree Road Rawalpindi, Islamabad
051-9291057, Fax: 051-9290205’
E-mail: ___________
As Professional Surveyor
Passport Size |
The Registrar
Survey of Pakistan
Dear Sir,
It is requested that I may kindly be registered as professional surveyor in the ________ category. The requisite form, duly filled in, and supported documents are attached herewith for further processing, please.
Signature of Applicant
Name ……………………………….
Date …………………………………
Postal address ……………………
Appendix-C to Annex-I
Registration Number | RENEWAL | UPGRADATION | NEW LICENCE | ||||||
Present Category | |||||||||
Present Category | Category Applied for | Present Category | Category Applied for | Category Applied for | SS | Syr | AS1 | AS2 | |
(Tick relevant column)
Registration Number (if any) ___________ Present Category _________
Name of Surveyor |
Father/Husband Name |
Present Postal Address | ||||||||||||||||||
Date of Birth | – | – |
Contacts | Tel Off # ______ Res # ______ Fax # ______ |
Cell# ___________ Email _________________ |
CNIC No. | – | – |
NTN No. (if any): |
Nationality: |
In case of Foreign National.
Name of Country | |
Passport No. | |
Postal Address | |
E-mail address |
Sl. No. | Qualifications | Name of University/College/ Institute | Year of Passing | % age/CGPA | Major/ Specialization |
1.1 | Matric | ||||
1.2 | FA/F.Sc. | ||||
1.3 | B.A./B.Sc. | ||||
1.4 | Post-graduation | ||||
1.5 | Any other |
(Enclose attested documentary evidence)
(enclose attested documentary evidence)
Sl. No. | Name of Company/ Organization | Status (Govt./Semi- Govt./ Autonomous/ Private | Designation | Experience From – To | Experience Years/Months |
2.1 | |||||
2.2 | |||||
2.3 |
Project Name | Year/Duration | Type of Work | Firm/Company |
- Pay order/Bank Draft No. ……… Bank ……… dated ………… Amount deposited for registration Rs. …………………………… Processing fee Rs. ………………….. Challan No. ………………. Bank …………………..…… dated ………………………. Amount deposited ……………………
- It is hereby certified that the informations/facts stated are correct to my best of knowledge/ belief and nothing has been conceled there of. I take full responsibility for its authenticity and undertake to abide by the Surveying and Mapping Act and relevant rules and procedures, prescribed for the Registration in SoP. I shall inform the Registrar. SoP, of any change in my postal address and profession. I also undertake that in case any information is proved incomplete or incorrect or misleading at any stage, I will be liable for legal action for cheating the Government of Pakistan.
Yours sincerely
Signature of Applicant
Name …………………………….
Date ………………………………
(three specimen signatures)
Department use only
Recommended by:
(i) Deputy Registrar ………… (ii) Registrar ………………….
Recommended Category …… dated ……………………….
Approved by: ……………… dated ……………………….
Appendix-B to Annex-I
Detail of Fee for Registration of Surveying & Mapping Firms
Processing fee per registration = Rs. 25,000/- (non-refundable)
Category | Registration Fee (in Rupees) | Renewal/Change in Category Fee (in Rupees) | ||
Pakistani applicant | Foreign applicant | Pakistani applicant | Foreign applicant | |
S1 | 200,000 | 300,000 | 100,000 | 150,000 |
S2 | 100,000 | 150,000 | 50,000 | 75,000 |
S3 | 75,000 | 125,000 | 40,000 | 60,000 |
S4 | 50,000 | 75,000 | 30,000 | 50,000 |
Application Fee for Registration of Individual Surveyor
Processing fee per registration = Rs. 1,000/- (non-refundable)
Code | Registration Fee (in Rupees) | Renewal/Change in Code Fee (in Rupees) | ||
Pakistani applicant | Foreign applicant | Pakistani applicant | Foreign applicant | |
SS | 30,000 | 100,000 | 15,000 | 50,000 |
S | 20,000 | 75,000 | 10,000 | 40,000 |
AS1 | 15,000 | 50,000 | 8,000 | 25,000 |
AS2 | 10,000 | 40,000 | 5,000 | 20,000 |