[Gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary, Part-II, 20th July, 2011]
S.R.O. 718 (I)/2011, dated 9.5.2011.—In exercise of the powers conferred under clause (o) of sub-section (2) of Section 5 of the Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-organization) Act, 1996 (Act XVII of 1996) the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority is pleased to make the following Regulations:
1. Short Title and Commencement.—(1) These Regulations shall be called as “Number Allocation & Administration Regulations, 2011”.
(2) They shall come into force from the date of gazette notification of these regulations.
2. Definitions.—(1) In these regulations, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context:—
(i) “Applicant” means a licensee of PTA or any other person(s) requiring allocations of numbering capacity and considered by the Authority as eligible for allocation of a number resource;
(ii) “Area code” means a set of 2, 3 or 4 digits, beginning with ‘0’, at the start of a geographic number, indicating the part of Pakistan where:–
(a) a customer, to whom the geographic number is issued, is located; or
(b) a service, content service, or a service associated with a service or content service, is supplied or operated.
(iii) “Authority” means the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority established under the Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-organization) Act, 1996;
(iv) “Call-by-call carrier selection” means that the end-user, in connection with each individual call, may choose another provider by using a short code or an ordinary subscriber number;
(v) “Carrier pre-selection” means a permanent agreement to the effect that the end-user generally wants to use a specific provider other than the provider with whom the end-user otherwise has a customer relationship, for transport of all or parts of the end-user’s outgoing calls;
(vi) “Carrier selection” means a mechanism that permits customers, while subscribing to a specific local access network operator, to choose between telecommunications carriers for carrying part of their calls;
(vii) “Country code” means a set of digits allocated by the ITU that indicates the country to which an international call is made;
(viii) “Customer Number” means the Number (or Numbers) which any telecommunication operator’s system recognizes as relating to a particular customer of that operator;
(ix) “Emergency number” means a number which, in an emergency or disaster situation, makes the public able to call the public emergency service;
(x) “End users” means the final customers of service providers including closed user groups and those providing services only to organizations under substantively the same ownership; which also mean users of telecommunications networks or telecommunications services who do not make such telecommunications networks or telecommunications services available to others on a commercial basis;
(xi) “Exchange service area” means an area:–
(a) surrounding an exchange to which blocks of numbers are assigned; and
(b) defined by the service provider to which the numbers are allocated as the area in which the numbers will be made available for issue.
(xii) “Free phone service” means a service in which:–
(a) a customer issued with a number is charged for calls to the number for the service; and
(b) the call charge for calls made to the number for the service from a standard telephone service (other than a public mobile telecommunications service) is zero.
(xiii) “Geographic number” means a number from the national numbering plan where part of its digit structure contains geographic significance used for routing calls to the physical location of the network termination point of the subscriber to whom the number has been assigned;
(xiv) “indirect access” means a situation where a customer contracts to buy a telecommunication service from an operator to which the customer is not directly connected and where the second operator pays the first operator for the use of that connection;
(xv) “Local number” means subscriber number and includes a set of digits that is a component of a geographic number and that, when dialed, gives the caller access to:-
(a) a customer at a place that has the same area code as the caller; or
(b) a service, content service, or a service associated with a service or content service, supplied or operated at a place that has the same area code as the caller.
(xvi) “National rate” means the rate for calls within the national call area, the area being defined by the telecommunications operator serving the customer;
(xvii) “Network operators” means the operator of a telecommunication network, usually, but not always, with a Public Telecommunications Operator license, which provides, amongst other things, network services;
(xviii) “Number series” means a block of numbers from the national numbering plan for telephony, ISDN and mobile communications that has the same initial digits;
(xix) “Number Translation” means a facility whereby calls made to special numbers such as free phone, part paid, premium rate, national rate and personal numbers are directed to their real numbers following translation of the special number concerned;
(xx) “Operator” means any person authorized to provide telecommunication services not being prohibited from receiving any financial benefit from such provision, and obliged, by virtue of provisions in the license authorizing provision of such services, to adopt a Numbering Plan for such Numbers as may have been allocated by the Authority to that person in accordance with the Numbering Regulations;
(xxi) “Over-ride” means the ability of the CPS customer to choose alternative operators to their pre-selected operator(s) on a call-by-call basis;
(xxii) “Parties” means and includes licensees or such other allottees authorized to use the number resource under these regulations;
(xxiii) “Person” means and includes an individual, partnership, association, company, joint ventures, trust or corporation etc.
(xxiv) “Premium Rate Service” means a service provided by telephone, charged at a higher rate than a normal call because the price includes both the cost of conveying the call and a charge levied by the provider of the service accessed, and a service for which the call charge for calls made by a standard telephone service is at a premium rate, independent of content or delivery technology;
(xxv) “Primary Assignment” Assignment of numbering resources by the Authority to public telecommunications network operators and public-use telecommunications services providers, henceforth known as operators and providers;
(xxvi) “Providers of telecommunications networks or telecommunications services” means parties who, on a commercial basis, provide networks or services that are made available to a number of end-users or providers of telecommunications networks or telecommunications services who have not been specified in advance;
(xxvii) “Providers of telecommunications networks or telecommunications services to end-users” means parties who make networks or services available to several end-users on a commercial basis;
(xxviii) “Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)” means the telecommunications networks of the major operators, on which calls can be made to all customers of the PSTN;
(xxix) “Recipient” means the receiver of a numbering resource assignment;
(xxx) “Secondary Assignment” means assignment subsequent to primary assignment carried out by operators or providers to their customers during normal usage of the resources assigned by the Authority;
(xxxi) “Selection” means the opportunity by the user to select the required access, transport or service providers of his choice. In some cases no selection but only identification is possible;
(xxxii) “Service Provider” means a person whose business comprises the provision, for reward to the public, of any service delivered entirely by means of a telecommunication system it includes those (whether network operators or not) providing services over telecommunication networks to the public, where such activity comprises substantially all of their business, which also includes service providers means those who provide services over telecommunication networks to the public-at-large; they may install their own networks (i.e. they may also be network operators), or, in the case of independent service providers, use the networks of others;
(xxxiii) “Short code” means a 3-digit or 4-digit number giving access to various services;
(xxxiv) “Subscriber” means any natural or legal person who is party to a contract with the provider of publically available telecommunications services for the supply of such services;
(xxxv) “Universal service” means a provision in the licenses requiring the licensee to provide certain services to all specified persons; and
(xxxvi) “Universal Access Number (UAN)” means a service that allows a subscriber with several terminating lines in any number of locations or zones to be reached with a unique directory number from the categories determined by the Authority under these regulations;
(2) Words and expressions used but not defined herein shall bear the meanings given thereto in the Act and the Rules.
3. Criteria for the Eligibility of Applicants for Number Allocations.—(1) All the organizations possessing a valid license issued by the Authority to establish, maintain & operate telecommunication system and provide services are eligible to apply for allocations of numbering capacity.
(2) Organizations other than Authority licensees are also eligible for allocation of Short Codes as well as Universal Access Number (UAN) and Toll free numbers.
(3) Organizations requiring allocations of numbering capacity not covered by the sub-regulation (1) and (2) may seek a sub-allocation from those eligible to apply:
Provided the sub-allocations shall be fairly and reasonably available from those with rights to allocations of numbers from the Authority.
Provided further that all applications from foreign missions shall be forwarded through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and for all Government Organizations shall be forwarded through the controlling ministry.
4. Timing of Applications.—Applications for numbering allocations shall not be made more than six months prior to the planned in-service date.
5. Application Procedure.—(1) The following information shall be supplied in all applications on a prescribed application form available for the allocation of numbers:–
(a) the applicant’s name, Company’s Registration Number (if applicable), postal address and the name, telephone number, facsimile number and e-mail address of a contact person;
(b) the name and signature of the person authorized by the applicant to request allocation of numbers;
(c) the kind of service for which numbers are requested;
(d) the date when the service for which the numbers are requested shall stop operating, or date by which the numbers shall be vacated (if applicable);
(e) details of the license under which it operates;
(f) National Tax Number Certificate of the applicant;
(g) Copy of Computerized National Identity Card of the authorized representative of the applicant;
(h) Backend numbers of each intended terminating location. If Primary Rate Interface is to be used as a back-end number, split Primary Rate Interface numbers may be allowed against different UAN(s) as long as different UAN(s) terminate at a different handling (operator) stations;”
(i) Detail of services for which the allocation in required;
(j) statement that the numbers shall be used in accordance with the Rules and these Regulations; and
(k) any other information that the applicant considers necessary or appropriate to justify the application.
(2) The Authority will assign resources after the applicant has fulfilled all the requirements within a reasonable time period but not beyond thirty (30) days.
(3) Ineffective and inefficient use of previous assignments to the same applicant, if any, shall lead to a rejection of the application.
6. Additional Information from Applicants.—(1) In addition to the information required under Regulation 5 the following information shall be included in an application for the allocation of:–
(2) Geographic Numbers,—
(a) the reasons for applying for the allocation of numbers of geographic significance;
(b) the exchange service area for which the numbers are requested;
(c) the region for which the numbers are requested;
(d) the detail of requested numbers for use in the service area;
(e) the detail of other numbers allocated to the applicant for use in that exchange service area;
(f) the data as per the “Utilization Performa”, where applicable at the time of number allocation request to the Authority; and
(g) the “VLR Data” by cellular mobile licensees as and when required by the Authority.
(3) Special Services Numbers,—
(a) an assessment of the impact on end-users including the structure of call charging;
(b) the level of awareness of end-users about the numbers and the services that is to be supplied using the numbers:
Provided that this information is only required for a requested number, if no other special services number, as the requested number, has previously been used.
(c) cogent reasons for allocation of special services numbers; and
(d) whether or not the number is for use only in connection with the supply of services for which the call charge for calls to the number, made using a standard telephone service other than a public mobile telecommunications service.
(4) Emergency and Helpline Numbers,—
(a) How people/household will convey first hand emergency information to the said service?
(b) What equipment would be used to originate and terminate the calls?
(c) What media would be used to connect the calls?
(d) What all communication facilities are available at the premises?
(e) Preferably the requirement may be supported with diagrammatic layout of communication facilities available or planned to be made available in the near future.
7. Consideration of Applications.—While making number allocations, the Authority shall consider the following–
(a) the provisions of the relevant license conditions;
(b) the views of the applicant and other interested parties;
(c) these Regulations;
(d) the proof of payment of application fee and any other fee; and
(e) any other matter that may be considered fit by the Authority.
8. Consultation on Applications.—(1) Additionally and in the exceptional circumstances described below, the Authority may choose to consult on the relevant details of an application for numbering capacity or an application either for expansion of an existing allocation or for a change of use of an existing allocation.
(2) Such consultation shall normally take place where, in the Authority’s judgment, the allocation of numbering capacity while consistent with the structure of the Plan and with these Regulations would be unusual or might set a precedent in such a way that the views of interested parties shall be sought.
(3) Such consultation shall normally commence within 30 days of receipt of the application.
(4) Where the Authority determines that consultation on any or all of the details of an application shall compromise national security it may consult on only those details which do not compromise the same.
(5) Where such a consultation has commenced, any comments on the application shall be sent to the Authority within 30 days or any other period notified at the time of consultation by the Authority:
Provided that the Authority shall consider the responses and advise the applicant and respondents of its decision within a maximum period of 30 days from the end of the consultation period.
9. Timescale for Handling Applications for Numbering Capacity.—(1) The Authority shall use all reasonable endeavors to make an allocation in accordance with these Regulations in response to applications for numbering capacity within a maximum period of 30 days after the complete information required by the Authority has been provided,–
(2) The following may be the exceptions to the period mentioned in sub-regulation (1):
(a) where additional information is required from the applicant;
(b) where a period of consultation is required, to be initiated by the Authority;
(c) where there are significant issues relating to the application that cannot be reasonably handled within that period;
(d) where the use of the numbers is dependent upon receipt by the applicant of a license under the Act; or
(e) where the Authority judges that an alternative period of time is justified.
(3) Where the Authority judges that an exception to the normal period is required, then it shall inform the applicant in writing of the reasons for the exception and of the revised period:
Provided that this period shall generally not exceed 90 days from receipt of the application containing all the information required.
(4) Where the number resource has been cancelled/withdrawn from a user, it is to be held for “Sterilization” and the maximum Quarantine period will be 90 days and further allocations will only be made after expiry of the said Quarantine period:
Provided that the quarantine period of thirty (30) days shall be applicable in the case of UAN(s).
10. Refusal of Applications for Numbering Capacity.—(1) The Authority may refuse an application for an allocation of numbering capacity, or may not grant the application in full, or may attach specific conditions to the allocation which are consistent with these Regulations related to the use and management of the numbering capacity allocated, having taken into account the criteria for eligibility.
(2) When the Authority refuses an application for numbering capacity, or does not grant the application in full, or attaches specific conditions to the allocation then the Authority may inform the applicant, in writing, of the reasons.
(3) The Authority may, following consultation with the applicant, make an alternative allocation that has the potential to satisfy the applicant’s requirements without conflicting with the criteria which caused the application to be refused.
(4) Where the Authority refuses an application for numbering capacity, or does not grant the application in full, or attaches specific conditions to the allocation (on allocation or subsequently), the applicant may write to the Authority within 30 days disputing the reasons given by the Authority for its decision or giving further information for consideration regarding the application:
Provided that the Authority shall consider the request and respond to the applicant within 30 days.
11. Resource Administration.—In order to have a transparent and non-discriminatory allocation of the scarce numbering resource in the competitive environment, the following criteria shall be taken into account:–
(a) the Authority shall be responsible for the administration of primary assignments, in accordance with criteria of equity and transparency;
(b) secondary assignments shall be the responsibility of the operators/service providers under the supervision of the Authority;
(c) the primary assignment shall be treated as surrendered/withdrawn when:–
(i) the primary assignment is not utilized within a period of one year;
(ii) the primary assignment shall stand surrendered to the Authority upon discontinuation of O&M contract between the parties for re-allocation to meet the demands by other operators.
(d) numbering resources shall be assigned in proportion to the needs of the applicant and in a transparent and timely fashion; and
(e) the assignment of toll free numbering resources shall be on chronological order basis and subject to approval of the Authority.
12. Numbering Resource Allocation and Utilization Procedure.—(1) The following criteria shall be used for allocation of Carrier Selection Code, Carrier Access Codes, Common Short Codes, Intelligent Network (IN) Platform Service Code, Mobile Network Code (MNC), Network Destination Code (DNC) and Premium Rate Service Numbers and Universal Access Numbers.
(2) General.—
(a) All applicants shall submit candidatures for the allocation of code on the prescribed application form available at;
(b) the process for allocation of number resource for provision of telecommunication service or as otherwise specified by the Authority, shall be open and transparent;
(c) the number allocation shall be made in chronological order on first come first served basis from the available resources by the Authority. However, the Authority may consider the request of the applicant for allocation of specific resource number(s) and the decision of the Authority shall be final:
Provided that in case of more than one request for same code the Authority’s decision will be final and binding.
(d) the short codes shall contain four digits, or as determined by the Authority from time to time, from the available numbering resource.
(3) Emergency Service Codes.—
(a) emergency codes shall only be allocated to those organizations working under the umbrella of Government of Pakistan or such organizations providing philanthropic and humanitarian services throughout the country, provincial level or in telecom regions;
(b) emergency services shall be extended by all telecom operators to the subscribers/ consumers without payment of any charges purely on humanitarian grounds from their respective telecom networks:
Explanation: Emergency services means and includes Police Emergency, Fire Brigade, Ambulance Services or other as specify/declared by the Authority as Emergency Service from time to time.
(4) Obligatory Helpline Service Codes.—
(a) The criteria for allocation of Obligatory Helpline Service Codes shall be the same as specified for Emergency Helpline Service in sub-regulation (3) above:
Provided that the Obligatory Helpline Services shall be provided on normal tariff to be charged from the consumers.
(5) Common Short Codes.—
(a) The common short code shall be allocated to licensees. Licensee shall make Service Level Agreement (SLA) with their respective Access Service Providers and provide the copy of SLA alongwith the application for allocation of common short code.
(6) Carrier Selection Codes (CS).—
The Carrier Selection Codes shall be allocated to LDI licensees only.
(7) Signaling Point Codes (SPC).—
(a) The Signaling Point Code shall be allocated to all licensed operators for telecommunication system as per the ITU-T recommendations;
(b) The SPC should be efficiently utilized and managed;
(c) The allocation of a SPC in national network does not entitle the licensee to utilize the same as an ISPC;
(d) The SPC shall stand withdrawn if not utilized within a period of one year from the date of allocation.
(8) International Signaling Point Codes (ISPC).—
(a) The International Signaling Point Code shall be allocated to LDI licensees as per ITU-T recommendations. ISPC should be efficiently utilized and managed and only one single ISPC will be allocated to a signaling point;
(b) ISPC resources to be allocated with fairness and equity;
(c) The allocation of ISPC does not imply ownership by the licensee and shall be allocated on non-exclusive basis; and
(d) The ISPC shall stand withdrawn if not utilized within a period of one year from the date of allocation.
(9) Issuer Identifier Number (UN).—
Issuer Identifier Number shall be issued to recognized operating agencies which are authorized by Authority to issue SIM Cards within Pakistanas per ITU-T recommendations.
(10) Mobile Country Code & Mobile Network Code (MCC & MNC).–
Mobile Country Code and Mobile Network Code shall be allocated to Cellular Mobile Network Operators as well as WLL operators as authorized under their license.
(11) System Identification Codes (SID).—
(a) System Identification Code (SID) shall be allocated to WLL operators and CDMA cellular Mobile operators as authorized under their license. This would allow to uniquely identify each area as well as each operator with its own SID for both MSC identification and accounting; and.
(b) The licensee shall follow the standard operating procedures for utilization of SID issued by the Authority from time to time.
(12) Premium Rate Numbers.—
Premium Rate Numbers shall be allocated to Class Voice Licensees.
(13) Toll Free Numbers —
(a) Any pcrson(s) can make a request for toll free number(s);
(b) Toll Free Numbers shall be allocated on first come first basis to all persons; and
(c) Toll Free Numbers shall be allocated on non-ownership basis.
(14) Universal Access Numbers.—
(a) Any person can apply for allocation of UAN(s);
(b) UAN (s) shall be allocated on first come first serve basis in accordance with the terms and conditions as determined the Authority from time to time;
(c) The UAN shall be allocated on non-ownership basis for a period of five years on such charges as specified in sub-regulation (3) of Regulation 19 of these regulations;
(d) The UAN will be allocated from the available resource of numbers after the applicant has fulfilled all the requirements;
(e) The applicant will abide by UAN Allocation guidelines issued by the Authority from time to time; and
(f) Upon expiry of the period of five years of an allocation, the UAN holder shall pay all charges as applicable and prescribed in sub-regulation (3) of Regulation 19 of these regulations.
13. Terms and conditions for usage of primary assignments.—(1) The number resource allocated by the Authority to the applicants shall be used effectively and efficiently.
(2) The number resource allocated shall be activated within twelve months counting from the date of their allocation, after which the Authority shall require a justification.
(3) Number resource holders shall provide the following information to the Authority;
(a) date of deactivation of the number resource allocated to them; and
(b) any other substantial alteration in the allocated number resource.
(4) The recipient of a primary assignment shall not transfer or sell their allocated number resource, except in exceptional circumstances and with prior written permission of the Authority.
(5) All cellular mobile licensees shall only sell STM(s) in the specific geographical areas for which the number series is allocated.
14. Conditions for use of Numbering Capacity.—(1) The following general conditions relating to the use and management of numbering capacity shall apply to all allocations made by the Authority:-
(a) the numbers allocated shall be in service within a period of one year from the date of allocation by the Authority after which the Authority shall require a justification;
(b) the allocation shall be used for the specified purpose in the manner as approved by the Authority;
(c) the allocation shall be controlled by the original applicant;
(i) the holder of the allocation shall maintain a record of the percentage of numbers in use and reserved;
(ii) the holder of the allocation shall maintain a record of numbers that have been transferred, at the end users’ request, to another operator; and
(iii) the allocation must be used in accordance with any specific conditions made by the Authority including any classification by type or tariff.
(d) at the time of allocating numbering capacity or at any time thereafter, the Authority may, at its discretion, apply a number of specific conditions of use to that allocation where the Authority considers that it is in the general interest to impose such conditions.
(2) Resource users shall provide the Authority with information about:–
(a) the date on which the resources allocated to them are being deactivated; and
(b) any other substantial alteration that occurs in relation to the use being made of the assigned resources.
(3) The recipient of a primary assignment shall not transfer or sell their assigned resources, except in exceptional circumstances and with prior authorization of the Authority.
(4) The holder of UAN shall be not allowed to assign, lease or transfer the UAN allocation to any person except with the prior written approval of the Authority.
(5) The licensee shall not translate, alter or delete the telephone number or other identification associated with its subscribers.
(6) The licensee shall not translate, alter or delete the signaling or other data associated with all calls routed through its network.
(7) Each party shall program the number series in their switches in accordance with number series allocated by the Authority and National Numbering Plan issued by the Authority and shall comply with the numbering provisions.
(8) The parties shall ensure that sufficient and correct numbering information is sent from one network to the other for correct delivery of domestic and international calls.
(9) The parties shall convey to each other telephone numbers in the national and international formats as contained in National Numbering Plan issued by the Authority.
(10) The Parties shall adopt and comply with the numbering system and number format as specified in Authority’s National Numbering Plan and framework and guidelines on the usage, allocation and assignment of numbers.
15. Conditions for the use of UAN Numbers.—(1) In case the backend numbers are terminated on one or more PRI(s) then separate number ranges shall be allocated by the service provider such that the number ranges shall not be less than in multiple of 10 (DSOs).
(2) No overlapping of backend numbers is allowed on more than one UAN or any other category of numbers.
(3) Two or more UAN(s) cannot share the same master number.
(4) The caller may have to dial an access code depending on inter connection arrangements between the originating and terminating networks.
(5) Alternate routing arrangements can be made by the Access Provider to terminate the call at prescribed flat rates as approved by the Authority from time to time.
16. Number Portability.—(1) The local loop licensee shall not be required to make available number portability to its customers or other operators unless the Authority so requires.
(2) The Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Licensee shall be required to make available number portability to its customers as per policy issued by the Federal Government on the subject.
17. Rights of the Licensee.—(1) The licensee has the right to request geographic and non-geographic numbers as well as short codes in accordance with the national numbering plan developed by the Authority for use in the provision of the licensed service.
(2) The licensee shall allocate individual numbers to customers from the blocks allocated to it by the Authority and shall maintain suitable record of its utilization of numbering capacity subject to the following:–
(a) the block of numbers and short codes allocated to the licensee and individual numbers allocated by the licensee to its customers are national resource; and
(b) allocation of number does not confer ownership of the number by the operator.
(3) An allocation establishes an ongoing right of use which can be withdrawn or changed on a three months notice to the either side.
18. Application Processing Fee.—(1) The applicant shall submit the application form alongwith application processing fee amounting to Rs. 1000 (Rupees one thousand) or any other amount as determined by the Authority from time to time. The application processing fee shall be paid through Pay Order or Bank Draft drawn in favour of PTA designated Bank Account.
(2) A processing fee amounting to Rs. 1000 (Rupees one thousand) shall be charged for the addition or deletion of locations of numbers.
19. Number Allocation Fee.—(1) For each number in use whether allocated/assigned to a person on or before the promulgation of these regulations, the annual charges payable in advance by 31st July each year on such terms and conditions as determined the Authority from time to time.
(2) The fee for number allocations shall be as follows:
S.N. |
Number Category |
Annual Fee (Rs.) |
1. | Six (or higher) digit number for PSTN/ WLL & Mobile Phone Numbers |
0.50 |
2. | Short Codes, Common Short Codes, Carrier Selection Codes, Carrier Access Codes, NSPC, 1SPC, SID, Toll Free Numbers, UIN, Premium Rate Service numbers and other special numbers etc. |
5000.00 |
(a) The annual standard rate of charge for most seven digit numbers including mobile numbers (excluding NDC) shall be as Rs. 0.50/-;
(b) The maximum amount of charge that shall be imposed on any individual number is Rs.5,000. This maximum rate of charge shall be imposed on short codes as well;
(c) Payment of Annual Numbering Fee for number allocation shall be made in advance at the time of application:
Provided that the annual numbering fee shall not be charged for the numbers allocated for less than six (6) months i.e. number resource allocated between 1 January and 30 June of any year.
(3) The fee for UAN allocations shall be as follows:
Categories of Universal Access Numbers |
Charges |
A |
Rs.20,000 (for every five years) |
B |
Rs. 160,000(for every five years) |
C |
Rs.64,000 per annum |
D |
Rs. 100,000 per annum |
(a) Payment of UAN Charges shall be made in advance for the periods specified in the table.
(b) Where an organization requests a second allocation of a category ‘C’ and ‘D’ UAN number the charges that shall be applicable will be a multiple of the first one i.e If an organization is allocated THREE Category-C numbers, the charge for the first number would be Rs.64,000, for the second Rs.l28,000(2xRs.64,000) and for the third
Rs. 192,000 (3xRs.64,000).
(c) The details of the list and formulas of the categories of Universal Access Numbers may be seen by the applicant from the website of the Authority at
(4) The parties shall be liable to pay a penalty @2% per month or part thereof on the amounts outstanding if the dues are not paid by 31st July each year.
(5) In the case of a request for permanent cancellation of an allocation under these regulations, no charges shall be payable for the allocation for the subsequent year provided the request is received by 30th June in that year.
20. Withdrawal of Numbering Allocations.—(1) The Authority shall withdraw allocated capacity, or part of such capacity on the following grounds:–
(a) It at any stage the allocation is found not in line with:–
(i) these Regulations; or
(ii) the Plan; or
(iii) any specific conditions applied to that numbering allocation or where there are overriding national interests.
(b) withdrawal of an in-service numbering allocation shall only be made after the Authority has consulted with interested parties and, where the Authority considers it appropriate, with end users affected by the withdrawal and normally shall be subject to a period of notice of not less than three months following the consultation;
(c) if an allocation, or part of an allocation, is not brought into service within a period of one year from the date of allocation, it shall stand surrendered/withdrawn automatically without any further correspondence;
(d) if the dues payable to the Authority on account of annual number allocation fee including penalty, if any, are not cleared within a period of one year from the due date; and
(e) in case, an allocation or part of an allocation is withdrawn by, the Authority the applicant shall have to apply afresh for the allocation or part thereof.
(f) If the UAN is not utilized for a continuous period of six months from the date of allocation it shall be considered which shall be quarantined for a period of thirty (30) days.
21. Notifications of Bringing Into Service.—(1) It shall be the responsibility of the holder of the allocation to negotiate with and to notify relevant operators and where appropriate, overseas authorities on the implementation of allocations within the timescales agreed between the organization and the operators concerned, under intimation to the Authority.
(2) Operators and others to whom allocations of numbering capacity have been made are required to advise the Authority of the contact in their organizations who is to receive notifications of the dates for activation of the allocated codes and number blocks.
(3) The Authority shall maintain a list of such contacts and shall make it available on request.
(4) The Authority shall, in collaboration with operators and service providers, review the process for the notification of the bringing into service of new numbering ranges, in particular taking into account the impact of direct allocations to service providers.
22. Service Provider’s Obligations to Consumers for use of Numbers.—The terms and conditions for the number resources reallocated by the service provider to its customers shall be based on the following principles:—
(a) Telephone numbers are a national resource, and not owned by a person to whom they are allocated or issued;
(b) a customer to whom a telephone number has been legitimately issued may enjoy the beneficial use of the number, freely and without hindrance;
(c) a customer to whom a telephone number has been legitimately issued is entitled to continuous use of the number while an appropriate service is provided using the number; and
(d) a customer to whom a number has been allocated shall be solely responsible for its use and ensure that its number shall not be used for services other than specified in its contract with the service provider.
23. Audit Process.—(1) Each holder of an allocation shall submit to the Authority each year an Annual Numbering Return.
(2) The return shall refer to information at the calendar year end and shall be submitted to the Authority within one (1) month of the year end.
(3) The return shall normally specify the following information for each allocation:
(a) the current use of the allocation;
(b) the percentage of numbers which have been allocated to end users or which for other reasons are unavailable for further allocation the reasons for unavailability should be specified;
(c) the allocation of blocks of numbers to any person for purposes other than specific use, if any;
(d) the return shall also provide:
(i) forecasts of demand within significant ranges specified by the Authority; and
(ii) any other information required by the Authority.
(e) the information shall be supplied in a format acceptable to the Authority; and
(f) the data collected shall be published in summarized form in the Annual Report produced by the Authority.
24. Existing Structure of Numbering Plan.—(1) The numbering plan shall be an open numeric scheme and it shall comprise of 9-digit numbers. There shall be 99 Numbering Plan Areas (NPAs) and a unique National Destination Code (NDC) shall be allocated against each NPA.
(2) For 2-digit NDC, the subscriber’s number, shall comprise of 7-digits.
(3) For 3-digit NDC, the subscriber’s number shall comprise of 6-digits.
(4) A number series shall comprise of blocks of numbers of 10K & 100K.
(5) The cellular subscriber shall be allocated in 8-digit numbers.
(6) The structure of existing numbering plan shall be as follows:
(a) CC is Country Code (which is 92 for Pakistan);
(b) NDC is National Destination Code or Area Code; and
(c) SN is Subscriber Number.
25. Network Destination Codes—The Network Destination Codes are summarized in the following table:
S.No. |
Allocation |
Code |
1 |
Special Services/ Short Codes |
1 |
2 |
PSTN – Southern Sind |
2 |
3 |
Mobile and other operators |
3 |
4 |
PSTN – Central Punjab |
4 |
5 |
PSTN – Northern Punjab/ Islamabad/ AJK & Northern Areas (SCO) & UPT / Personal Numbers |
5 |
6 |
PSTN – Southern Punjab |
6 |
7 |
Northern Sind PSTN – Balochistan/ Value added/ Tariff |
7 |
8 |
Services/MM |
8 |
9 |
PSTN – NWFP/ Prime Rate Services |
9 |
10 |
Prefixes |
0 |
26. Network Destination Codes – NDC 3.—The NDCs relating to Level 3 shall be allocated in the following manner:
Codes |
Service |
3 x (x=0 to 6) |
Mobile Services |
3 x(x=7 to 9) |
Reserved for other Operators |
27. International Signaling Point Code (ISPC).—International Signaling Point Code shall be comprised of 14-bit (in 3-8-3 format) used at the international level for signaling message routing and identification of signaling points involved. The ISPC shall be used in signaling messages containing the Network Indicator (NI)=00. The format of the TSPC shall be as follows:
N |
M |
L |
K |
J |
I |
H |
G |
F |
E |
D |
C |
B |
A |
3 bits |
8 bits |
3 bits |
Signaling Area Network Code (SANC) |
Signaling point identification |
International Signaling Point Code (ISPC) |
28. Signaling Point Code (SPC).—(1) Signaling Point Code shall be comprised of 14-bit (in 4-4-6 format) used at the level for signaling message routing and identification of signaling points involved for national use according to ITU-T recommendations Q-704.
(2) The SPC shall be allocated in a structured and decimal format to the licensee and only one single SPC will be allocated to a signaling point.
(3) The format of the SPC shall be as follows:
N |
M |
L |
K |
J |
I |
H |
G |
F |
E |
D |
C |
B |
A |
4 bits |
4 bits |
6 bits |
Signaling Point Code (SPC) |
29. International Mobile Station Identities (IMSI).—The structure of IMSI shall be as follows:-
410 |
2-digit (00 to 99) |
2-digit |
H1H2xxxxxxxx |
MCC Mobile Country Code
MNC Mobile Network Code
MSIN Mobile Station Identification Number
NMSI National Mobile Station Identity
IMSI International Mobile Station Identity
30. Issuer Identifier number (IIN).—The issuer identifier numbers for SIM Cards based on the IC technology shall have maximum length of the visible card number (primary account number) should be 19 characters as per ITU-T recommendations E-118 and is composed of the following format:
Photo Copies 2591
— Major Industry Identifier (MII),
— Country code; IIN number
— Issuer identifier;
— Individual account identification number;
— Parity check digit
31. Summary of Allocations and Application Forms.—The Table-1 shall be summarized as the plan to a large extent:
Provided that the Tables 2 & 3 may be referred for the used and available levels/short codes in the Plan
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
0 |
1 |
Police |
Fire Brigade |
Directory Info |
Tele-Comp |
CS |
2 |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
V |
V |
V |
G |
V |
3 |
CM |
CM |
CM |
CM |
OO |
OO |
OO |
OO |
OO |
CM |
4 |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
5 |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
V |
V |
6 |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
V |
G |
7 |
G |
G |
G |
G |
V |
V |
V |
V |
V |
V |
8 |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
V |
V |
V |
FPh |
9 |
G |
G |
G |
G |
V |
G |
V |
V |
G |
CS: Carrier Selection IA: Internet Access
SSSC: Special Service Short Code G: Geographic (PSTN)
CM: Cellular Mobile OO: Other Operators
SCO: Special Communication Organization
PRS: Prime Rate Service FPh: Free Phone Service
V: Vacant
32. Directions of the Authority.—All directives, instructions, orders and clarifications issued by the Authority on and before notification of these Regulations shall be binding on the Licensees and persons as the case may be.
33. Repeal and savings.—The Number Allocation and Administration Regulations, 2005, are hereby repealed:
Provided that all orders, directives, notifications and/or actions under the Number Allocation and Administration Regulations, 2005 shall be deemed always to have been made, taken, issued lawfully and validly unless amended, withdrawn, rescinded, or annulled by a person or authority competent to do so under these regulations.
See the Table on Gazette of Pakistan at pages 2593 to 2618.