RULES, 2017

[Gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary, Part-II, 14th September, 2017]

S.R.O. 926(I)/2017, dated 11.9.2017.–In exercise of powers conferred under sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Pakistan Climate Change Act No. X of 2017, the Pakistan Climate Change Council (Procedure) Rules, 2017 are hereby notified for general information.

1.  Short title and commencement.–

(a)      These Rules shall be called the Pakistan Climate Change Council (Procedure) Rules, 2017.

(b)      These Rules shall come into force at once.

2.  Definitions.–(1) In these Rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,

(a)      “Act” means the Pakistan Climate Change Act, 2017 (X of 2017);

(b)      “Council” means the Pakistan Climate Change Council;

(c)      “Chairman” means Chairman of the Council;

(d)      “Chief Minister” means Chief Minister of a Province;

(e)      “Committees” mean the Committees to be constituted by the Council with specific functions under sub-section (6) of Section 3;

(f)       “Federal Minister” means a Minister in the Federal Government;

(g)      “Minister-in-charge” means a Minister in charge of the subject of environment in a province;

(h)      “Member” means a Member of the Council;

(i)       “Non-official Members” means Members from private sector;

(j)       “Secretariat” means the Secretariat of the Council;

(k)      “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Council;

(l)       “Section” means a section of the Act;

(2)  All other words and expressions used in these Rules but not defined shall have the same meanings as are assigned to them in the Act.

3.  Meetings of the Council.–(1) A meeting of the Council shall be called with the approval of the Chairman, on such date and at such time and place as may be specified by him;

(2)  The date of each meeting of the Council shall be communicated to the members by the Secretary at least fourteen days before the date of the meeting;

(3)  The agenda of a meeting of the Council, after having been approved by the Chairman will be communicated to the Members at least ten days before the date of meeting;

(4)  Any Member may propose any matter, supported by an explanatory memorandum, to the Secretary for inclusion in the agenda of a meeting and the Secretary may, with the approval of the Chairman, include such matter in the agenda of the next meeting;

(5)  Meetings of the Council shall be presided over by the Chairman and in his absence, by his nominee;

(6)  One third of the Members of the Council shall constitute the quorum for its meetings;

(7)  All decisions of the Council shall be taken by consensus, failing which by the majority of the Members present;

(8)  Meetings of the Council shall be held before the close of the first and the third quarters of each financial year and such other times as may be required; and

(9)  Subject to sub-rule (8), wherein the opinion of the Chairman, any matter needs to be brought urgently before the Council, and it is not possible to convene a meeting for the purpose, it may be circulated to the Members and a decision thereon taken in accordance with the views of the majority of the total membership.

4.  Business of the meeting.–The business at a meeting of the Council shall be transacted according to the agenda of the meeting:

Provided that the Chairman may permit discussion and consideration of any matter not included in the agenda.

5.  Invitation to Prime Minister, AJ&K and Chief Minister, GB.­-The Secretary with the approval of Chairman, shall invite the Prime Minister of AJ&K and Chief Minister, Gilgit-Baltistan to participate in the meetings.

6.  Invitation of experts etc.–The Secretary, with approval of the Chairman, may for assistance in performance of the functions of the Council, invite any technical expert or representative of any Government Agency or non­governmental organization or other person processing specialized knowledge of any subject, to participate in its meetings.


7.  Travelling and daily allowance.–(1) The ex-officio members shall draw their travelling and daily allowance for attending the meetings of the Council from the Department or Agency from which they draw their salary or other emoluments; and

(2)  Members, other than ex-officio Members, shall draw their travelling allowance and daily allowance for attending the meetings from the Secretariat of the Council as such rates and in such manner as are admissible to an employee of the Federal Government in BS-22 for travel.

8.  Directions of the Council.–The Council may, either itself or on the request of any person or organization, issue directions through the Secretary to the Authority or any Government Agency to prepare, submit, promote or implement adaptation and mitigation projects of climate change to promote climate-compatible, climate resilient and sustainable development or to undertake climate change related research, as provided in sub-section (2) of Section 4 of the Act.

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