(Punjab Act V of 1936)
27th November 1936
An Act to facilitate the recovery
of fees payable for copies made or supplied of records in
offices under the control of Revenue, Judicial and other officers of Government
Preamble : —
WHEREAS it is expedient to facilitate the recovery of fees payable for copies made or supplied of records kept in offices under the control of Revenue, Judicial and other officers of Government, in the Punjab, and whereas the previous sanction of the Governor-General, required under sub-section (3) of section 80-A of the Government of India Act, has been obtained;
It is hereby enacted as follows : —
1. Short title, extent and commencement : — (1) This Act may be called the Punjab Copying Fees Act, 1936.
(2) It extends to the Punjab.
(3) It shall come into force on such date, as the Provincial Government may by notification appoint in this behalf.
2. Definition : — In this Act “record” includes any portion of a record and any document, plan, map or other paper attached thereto or forming part of the record of any suit or appeal, enquiry or trial or other proceeding in any Court or office.
3. Mode of recovery of fees : — When any copy of any record has been made at the request of any applicant or his agent and such applicant or his agent has refused to accept delivery of the same or when any copy has been supplied to any such applicant or his agent, and the fee or any portion of the fee leviable for the supply of such copy remains unpaid the said fee or portion thereof may be recovered from the applicant as if it were an arrear of land revenue:
Provided that a pleader presenting such an application on behalf of a client will not be held personally responsible where the application bears the signature or thumb-impression of such client.