An Act further to amend the Punjab Local Government
Ordinance, 2001.

[Gazette of Punjab, Extraordinary, 18th April, 2012]


No.PAP-Legis-2(117)/2012/576. The Punjab Local Government (Second Amendment) Bill 2012, originally passed by the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab on the 7th day of March 2012, was sent to the Governor of the Punjab for assent. The Governor returned the Bill for reconsideration by the Assembly. The Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, after reconsideration, again passed the Bill on the 30th day of March 2012. The Bill was again sent to the Governor for assent on the 6th day of April 2012. Since the Governor has not assented to the Bill within the stipulated period of ten days, the same is deemed to have been assented to in terms of clause (3) of Article 116 of the Constitution, and is published as an Act, of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab.

Preamble.–Whereas it is expedient further to amend the Punjab Local Government Ordinance, 2001 (XIII of 2001), for purposes hereinafter appearing;

It is enacted as follows:–

  1. Short title and commencement.–(1) This Act, may be cited as the Punjab Local Government (Second Amendment) Act, 2012.

(2)  It shall come into force at once.

  1. Amendment in Section 179-A of Ordinance XIII of 2001.–In the Punjab Local Government Ordinance, 2001 (XIII of 2001), in Section 179-A, after sub-section (5), the following sub-section (5a) shall be inserted:

“(5a) The Government may, subject to previous publication and by notification in the official Gazette, change the boundaries of a union, tehsil or town and such change shall take effect from the date of the notification.”

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