The Registration of Foreigners (Exemption) Order, 1966

[26th December 1966]

1. Short title: This Order may be called the Registration of Foreigners (Exemption) Order, 1966.

2. The provisions of the Registration of Foreigners Rules, 1966 (hereinafter in this Order referred to as the Rule) shall not be applied to, or in relation to, any person who has not attained the age of sixteen years.

3. The provisions of Rules 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 and the provisions other than those which relate to the signing and furnishing of name and nationality of a foreigner under rules 4, 15, 16 and 17 of the Rules shall not be applied to or in relation to,---

(Clause (a) omitted by S.R.O. 17 (1)/87, dt. 6-1-1987, Pub. in Gaz. of Pakistan Extd., Part II, dt. 8-1-1987. [P L D 1987 Cent. St. p. 15].)[(a) a Commonwealth Citizen, as defined in Section 2 of the Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 (II of 1951) provided that at the time of his entry in Pakistan he shall given his intended address and places to be visited by him in Pakistan and at the time of his departure, his last address in Pakistan].

(Subs. by Notification No. S.R.O. 1023 (1)/77 Pub. in Gazette of Pakistan, Extra, Part II, dt. 27-10-77. [P L D 1978 Cent. St. p. 28].)[other than a Citizen of India or Bangladesh or the holder of a British passport ordinarily residing in Kenya or Uganda].

(b) a Citizen of India holding ‘A’ ‘C’, or, in the case of a transport worker, E Category visa for Pakistan;

(c) a Citizen of India holding ‘C’ category visa, to the extent they are not applicable to, or in relation to, a tourist;

(d) any foreigner in the service of the Central or Provincial Government and his wife and children;

(e) the members of the diplomatic corps holding diplomatic passports; and

(i) their spouses and children;

(ii) servants (if they belong to the Country of the Mission),

(f) Countries holding diplomatic passports;

(g) non-diplomatic staff of Foreign Missions (if they belong to the Country of the Mission) whose names are notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the Foreign Missions;

(h) (i) Consul-General;

(ii) Consul and their spouses and children;

(iii) Vice-Consul

(i) any person of Asiatic birth who by any law for the time being in force is not required to obtain a passport or a visa for the purpose of entering Pakistan ; (any foreigner to whom immunity from alien registration is granted under clause (d) of Section 18 of the Schedule to the United Nations (Privileges and Immunities) Act, 1948 (XX of 1948), read with Section 17 of the Schedule to that Act;

(j) any foreigner not specified in any of the preceding clauses who enters Pakistan solely in transit to a destination beyond Pakistan for so long as he is authorised to travel in Pakistan, under a licence previously obtained by him from the Registration Officer of the place at which he enters Pakistan and complies with such conditions as to route and other matters as may be specified in the said licence;

(k) any foreigner invited by the Central or Provincial Government for attending any function in Pakistan or a State Guest, class 1, and his entourage;

(l) Citizen of Iran and Turkey whose stay in Pakistan does not exceed three months;

(m) a Citizen of the United States of America holding a special or Service Passport.

4. The provisions of the Rules except those of rules 9 and 15 shall not be applied to, or in relation to any passenger who arrive in Pakistan on any vessel in transit to a destination beyond Pakistan and who re-embarks and continues his journey on the vessel on which he arrived in Pakistan provided that he has obtained permission from the Registration Officer to land in Pakistan.

5. The Provisions of the Rules except those of rules 9, 16 and clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 17 shall not be applied to, or in relation to, any seaman as defined in the Rules who is not a resident of Pakistan and does not land in Pakistan for discharge or on shore leave for so long as the vessel on which he is employed remains at a port in Pakistan.

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