Rules U/S 75 and 36
OF The Canal and Drainage Act, 1873
In exercise of the powers conferred on him by Section 75 read with Section 36 of the Canal and Drainage Act, 1873 ,the Governor of West Pakistan is pleased to make the following rules, namely:–
1. The following shall be assessed at garden rates, namely:—
(a) lawns and grassy plots forming part of private of public gardens;
(b) tennis lawns and plots of grass which are kept as lawns and rolled or weeded for decorative or others purposes.
2. The following grown with grass shall be assessed at the ordinary grass rate , namely:—
a) School and college play grounds rolled and weeded,
b) Other fields (not levelled or rolled) the grass where of is used as fodder; Subject to condition that such ground or field receives no more than the ordinary water allowance.
3. Notwithstanding anything contained in the following rules the area under grass and ornamental trees in residential and non-residential buildings owned by Government and in the Canal Rest House Gardens shall be exempted from assessment of the Occupiers’ Rate.