Knowledgebase Rent Laws

Articles in this category

When land lord Refund of Security to Tenant?
When land lord Evict his property from Tenant?
What is Sub-letting?
Do tenancy agreements need to be witnessed?
What is Fair Rent?
How to valid a Rent or Tenancy Agreement?
Is a verbal tenancy agreement legal?
When there is no written agreement of tenancy between landlord and tenant? What can land load do?
If Rent agreement has been expired, now tenant has been overstaying. The agreement was not renewed; tenant now refuses to vacate house. What legal action can be taken?
Can make rent agreement for more than 11 months or is it compulsory to make agreement for less than 11 months?
What can a tenant do if a landlord refuses to return his security?
Who will pay taxes on the property, landlord or tenant?
What is subletting? Can a tenant without consent of landlord sublet rented premises?
What is subletting? Can a tenant without consent of landlord sublet rented premises?
How does the eviction of tenant take place according to Rent law?
If mode of payment is not mentioned in the tenancy agreement?
What is the mode of payment of rent?
Who is responsible for registration of the tenancy agreement before Rent Registrar?
How is tenancy agreement made?
What is tenancy or Rent agreement?
Who will pay taxes on the property, landlord or tenant?
Can make rent agreement for more than 11 months or is it compulsory to make agreement for less than 11 months?
Question: Definition of tenant?
Question: Person includes in the definition of tenant:
Question: Definition of landlord:
Question: Definition of Pagri:
Question: Definition of Rent:
Question: Obligation of landlord:
Question: Obligation of Tenant:
Question: If a landlord interferes with the amenities of tenant, how can tenant take action against the landlord?
Question: Content of Tenancy Agreement:
Question: where the date of payment is not mentioned in the tenancy agreement?
Question: where the mode of payment is not mentioned in the tenancy agreement?
Question: Payment of Rent: