[Gazette of Punjab, Weekly, Part-III, 25th October, 2023]

In exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 56 of the Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973 (XXXV of 1973), the


Punjab Bar Council has made the certain Amendments in The Punjab Legal Practitioners and Bar Council Rules, 1974 and The Punjab Advocates Benevolent Fund Rules, 2023 to the following effects:-

After Rule 2.13, the amended as aforesaid, following new rule shall be added, namely:

“2.14 (1) Vice Chairman and Chairman Executive Committee Punjab Bar Council after passing the rules and resolutions etc, will ensure its implementations in letter and spirit within fourteen (14) days positively. Copy of it be transmitted to all the members.

(2) Copy of said minutes be put in next ensuing meeting of the Bar Council for approval.”

After Rule 5.49, the amended as aforesaid, following new rule shall be added, namely:

“5.50 (1) Applicant for enrollment of an advocate lower court, will deposit the fee according to his age group.

(2) Age group will be determined according to the age mentioned in the matriculation certificate and computerized national identity card.

(3) Age group of an applicant will be determined from the date of depositing his enrollment fee after fulfilling above mentioned four basic requirements.

(4) If any one out of four, is remaining then the age group for depositing the enrollment fee, will be considered after fulfilling all the four above mentioned basic requirements.”




[Gazette of Punjab, Weekly, Part-III, 3rd January, 2023]

In exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 56 of the Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973 (XXXV of 1973), the Punjab Bar Council has made the certain Amendments in The Punjab Legal Practitioners and Bar Council Rules, 2023, Memorandum of Association, 2023 and The Punjab Advocates Benevolent Fund Rules, 2023 to the following effects passed by the Bar Council Meeting dated 09.12.2023:-


In Rule 5.2, the existing provision thereof shall be numbered as Rule 5.2 sub-rule (1) thereof.

In Rule 5.2, after sub-rule (1) the amended as aforesaid, following new sub-rule (2) shall be added, namely:

“(2) After submitting the intimation form/application before the Punjab Bar Council and before the filing of enrollment file, the applicant is duty bound to get his/her identity verification through bio-metric system/facility provided by the Punjab Bar Council in its offices, established in the Province of Punjab.”

After Rule 5.3, the amended as aforesaid, following new Rules 5.3-A & 5.3-B shall be added, namely:

“5.3-A (1) After receiving the enrollment file in the office of Punjab Bar Council, said file firstly be forwarded in the finance section, who will verify the fees vouchers attached with the file. Concerned  official will verify the fees vouchers and put his signature with official stamp, bearing his name and designation.

(2) After this, file be forwarded to the enrollment section, who will peruse the file, check the concerned documents as per its legal requirements and also verify the degrees, Law-gat result (and See-law result, if any) put his signature with official stamp, bearing his name and designation.

(3) Additional Secretary will also check the whole file, and will verify all the educational degrees, Law-gat result, Fees vouchers and other verifications required as per the provisions of the Act, 1973 and the rules framed thereunder.

(4) Secretary Punjab Bar Council, after all verifications, will approve the file for final enrollment.

5.3-B. Wrong verifications of the educational degrees / Certificates, Law-gat result, Fees vouchers etc, by the official of the Punjab Bar Council amounts to criminal misconduct on the part of the said official. Said employee shall liable to be dismissed from his service after its verification and there is no need for any regular inquiry.”

In Rule 5.4, after sub-article (5) the amended as aforesaid, following new sub-article (6) shall be added, namely:

“(6) The applicant, who seeks any exemption, relating to the enrollment according to the provisions of the Act, 1973 and rules framed thereunder, will also pay the prescribed verification fee and without verification, is not entitled for enrollment.”

In Rule 5.39, after third proviso the amended as aforesaid, following new proviso shall be added, namely:

“Provided further that the advocate who joined the service in Pakistan as an advocate on the basis of his licence, length of experience and his services are connected with law, need not to suspend their practicing licence.”


After Article 18, the amended as aforesaid, following new Article 18-A shall be added, namely:

18-A. Vice President (Women). The Vice President (Women), in the absence of Vice-President, will exercise all the powers and duties of Vice President except the financial powers and the powers, which is assigned to her by the Executive Committee of the Bar Association.”

In Article 24 after sub-article (2), the amended as aforesaid, following new sub-article (2A) shall be added, namely:

“(2A) Vice President (Women)”

Article 45-D sub-article (e), in which table after the second row Vice-President the amended as aforesaid, following new row Vice-President (Women) shall be inserted, namely:

“Vice-President (Women) (i)     6 years in case of Tehsil / Sub-Divisional Bar Association;

(ii)    8 years in case of District Bar Association; &

(iii)   12 years in case of High Court Bar Association.”

Article 45-D sub-article (e), explanation sub-clause (i) in which table second row for the word “Vice-President/Secretary” the word


“Vice-President/Vice-President (Women)/ Secretary” shall be substituted.

In Article 91 sub-article (12), for the full stop at the end, a colon shall be substituted and thereafter the following proviso shall be added, namely:

“Provided that any fund or contribution from the Bar Association Accounts or Funds or grants for Tour, Picnic or Recreation purpose etc by the President or Secretary or any Member of Executive Committee, amounts to misconduct. Finance Committee of Punjab Bar Council will ensure the recovery of the said fund or contribution and will send the case to the Disciplinary Committee of the Punjab Bar Council for further proceedings in accordance with the act and the rules framed there under.”


In Rule 2.3, for the full stop at the end, a colon shall be substituted and thereafter the following proviso shall be added, namely:

“Provided that any advocate who has not attained the age of forty (40) years and has not deposited the Benevolent Fund contribution under rule 2.2, may join the Benevolent Fund scheme while depositing the required contribution of
Rs. 30,000/-.”

Asif Shahzad Chaudhry
Chairman Executive Committee

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