



Title and Commencement




Business of Union Administration


Distribution of work in Union Administration


Transaction of business


Responsibilities of Union Nazim


Responsibilities of Naib Union Nazim



General Procedure for Disposal of Business


Orders, Instruments, Agreements and Contracts




Information to be supplied to a Monitoring Committee


Processing of fresh receipts


Dealing with the public representatives and visitors


Approach to public representatives in service matters


Action on the Reports of the Monitoring Committees


Complaint Cell


Inspection by the Union Nazim


Action on the reference received from Zila Mohtasib


Directions to the Chairman of Village Council/Neighbourhood Council


Protection and communication of official information


Channel of correspondence





No. ____ In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 191 of the SBNP Local Government Ordinance, 2001, the Government of SBNP is pleased to make the following Rules:-


1. Title and Commencement.–

(1) These rules may be called the “SBNP Union Administration Rules of Business, 2001”.

(2) They shall come into force at once.

2. Definitions. –

(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires –

(i) “business” means all work done by the Union Administration in pursuance of the provisions of the SBNP Local Government Ordinance, 2001 and these Rules;

(ii) “case” means a particular matter under consideration and includes all papers relating to it and necessary to enable the matter to be disposed of, viz., correspondence and notes and also any previous papers on the subject or subjects covered by it or connected therewith;

(iii) “committee means a committee constituted under the SBNP Local Government Ordinance, 2001 and under these Rules;

(iv) “Council” means the Union Council of the Union concerned;

(v) “Union Administration” is a body corporate and comprises the Union Nazim, Naib Union Nazim and not more than three Union Secretaries, and, where required, the members of ancillary staff;

(vi) member” means a member of the Union Council ;

(vii) “Ordinance” means the SBNP Local Government Ordinance, 2001;

(viii) public representative” means an elected person to any political office;

(ix) “Rules” mean SBNP Union Administration Rules of Business, 2001;

(x) “Secretaries” means secretaries mentioned in Schedule -I to these Rules; and

(xi) “Schedule” means a schedule to these Rules.

(2) All words and expressions used in these Rules, but not defined, shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the same meanings as in the SBNP Local Government Ordinance, 2001.

3. Business of Union Administration.–

(1) The business of the Union Administration shall be disposed of by the secretaries of the Union Administration.

(2) The Union Secretaries, under the supervision of the Union Nazim shall coordinate and facilitate in community development, functioning of the Union Committees and delivery of such municipal services as are provided by the Union Administration.

(3) The functions of the Union Administration may be assigned to one or more secretaries.

(4) The Union Nazim shall be responsible for efficient administration and discipline and for proper conduct of the business assigned to the Union Administration and for the due execution of the sanctioned policy.

4. Distribution of Work in Union Administration.–

(1) Where there is more than one Secretary of the Union Administration, the distribution of work among the Union Secretaries shall be as under:-

i. Union Secretary (Union Committees) shall be responsible for all work relating to the Council meetings and the work of all committees and any other function entrusted to him by the Union Nazim.

ii. Union Secretary (Municipal Services) shall be responsible for Municipal Services provided by the Union Administration and shall be responsible for all other functions entrusted to him by the Union Nazim.

iii. Union Secretary (Community Development) shall be responsible for the Community Development work of the Union Administration and shall be responsible for all other functions entrusted to him by the Union Nazim.

(2) Union Administration shall be organized as shown in Schedule-II

5. Transaction of business.–

(1) No important decision relating to the administration of the Union shall be taken without the approval of the Union Nazim. The Union Secretary concerned shall be responsible for implementation of decisions of the Union Nazim.

(2) Decisions taken by the Union Nazim under the provisions of the Ordinance shall not be varied, reversed or infringed without consulting him.

(3) Where the orders of the Union Nazim appear to involve a departure from the provisions of the Ordinance, Rules, Regulations or Government policy, the Union Secretary concerned shall resubmit the case to the Union Nazim inviting his attention to the relevant Laws, Rules, Regulations or Government policy.

6. Responsibilities of the Union Nazim.–

(1) The Union Nazim shall perform such functions and exercise such powers as assigned to him under the Ordinance and these Rules.

(2) The Union Nazim shall be the head of the Union Administration and ensure that the business of the Union Administration is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance and the Rules made thereunder.

7. Responsibilities of the Naib Union Nazim.–

(1) The Naib Union Nazim shall deputize the Union Nazim during his temporary absence.

(2) He shall be a member of the Tehsil Council or the town council, as the case may be.


8. General Procedure for Disposal of Business.– All orders shall be made in writing. Where a verbal order is made, the Union Secretary receiving the order shall take appropriate action if the situation so demands and reduce it in writing and, as soon as may be, show it to the Union Nazim for confirmation.

9. Orders, Instruments, Agreements and Contracts.–

(1) All executive actions of the Union Administration shall be expressed to be taken in the name of the Union Administration.

(2) Every order or instrument shall be signed by the Union Nazim and such signature shall be deemed to be proper authentication of such order or instrument.

10. Meetings.– The Union Nazim shall endeavor to convene weekly meetings of all the Union Secretaries to discuss important pending cases and questions of general interests concerning the Union Administration.

11. Information to be supplied to a Monitoring Committee.–

(1) The Chairman or a member of a Monitoring Committee shall ask for information in writing and the Union Nazim shall supply the information as early as possible.

(2) Where the requisite information is of classified nature, the information shall be supplied after observing all the formalities as prescribed in the relevant rules and instructions.

12. Processing of fresh receipts.– All fresh receipts/cases shall be processed promptly and no case shall be kept pending for more than three days by a Union Secretary. If processing of a case requires more time, the Union Nazim shall be informed.

13. Dealing with the Public Representatives and Visitors.–

(1) All Union Secretaries and other ancillary staff working in the Union Administration shall use polite and decent language while dealing with the public representatives and visitors to the Union Administration.

(2) The Union Nazim shall be responsible to ensure that citizens do not face any inconvenience due to absence of staff of the Union Administration.

14. Approach to public representatives in service matters.– No employee shall, directly or indirectly, approach any public representative or any other nonofficial person to intervene on his behalf in his service matters.

15. Action on the Reports of the Monitoring Committees.–

(1) The reports of the Monitoring Committees regarding Union Administration shall be examined by the Union Secretaries and shall be submitted to the Union Nazim for action.

(2) The Union Nazim shall inform the Council about the action taken by him on the report (s) of the Monitoring Committees.

16. Complaint Cell.– The Complaint Cell established under section 188 of the Ordinance shall function under the direct supervision of the Union Nazim.

17. Inspection by the Union Nazim.–

(1) The Union Nazim shall regularly inspect the working of offices in Union Administration. He shall pay special attention to:

(i) compliance with the Rules;

(ii) security arrangements;

(iii) general office management; and

(iv) proper use and care of property, equipment and stationery etc under the control of the Union office.

(2) The Union Secretaries shall take follow up actions required to be taken for corrective measures.

18. Action on the reference received from Zila Mohtasib.–

(1) The reference received from the office of the Zila Mohtasib regarding the Union Administration shall be attended to promptly for compliance and a reply shall be submitted after obtaining the approval of the Union Nazim.

(2) The references requiring action by the Union Administration shall be implemented in letter and spirit.

19. Directions to the Chairman of Village Council/Neighbourhood Council.– Only the Union Nazim may issue directive to a Chairman of Village Council/Neighbourhood Council.

20. Protection and communication of Official Information.– No classified information acquired directly or indirectly from official documents or relating to official matters shall be communicated by a Union Secretary or staff of the Union Administration to the press, non-officials, unless specially empowered to do so.

21. Channel of Correspondence.– All correspondence of the Union Administration shall be conducted through the Union Nazim.

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