Supreme Court bar association of Pakistan (amendment) Rules, 2003

[Gazette of Pakistan, extraordinary, Part II, 19th July, 2003]



            S.R.O. 720(1)/2003, dated 4/7/2003.—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 55 of the legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973(XXXV of 1973) and all other enabling provisions in this Behalf, the Pakistan Bar Council hereby makes the following amendments in the supreme court bar Association of Pakistan Rules, 1989:–


            1.         Name and commencement.—(a) These Rules may be called the “Supreme Court bar Association of Pakistan (Amendment) Rules, 2003.”


            (b)        They shall come into force at once.


            2.         Amendment of Rule 6.—The existing Rule 6 may be substituted by the following:–


            “6(a)    The Membership fee or admission as member shall be as under:–


            (i)         Life Membership fee for new Members                         —-      Rs, 6,000


            (ii)        Life Membership fee for existing Members                    —        Rs, 5,000


            (b)        The Committee may enhance membership fee from tiem to time subject to approval of the Pakistan Bar Council.


            3.         Amendment of Rule 8.— The words “two years” occurring between the words “every” and “an” in Rule 8, may be substituted by the word “year”.


            4.         Amendment of Rule 9.—Clause (a) of rules 9 may be substituted by the following:–


            “(a)      President.—The President shall be elected from amongst the members with not less than ten years standing as an Advocate of the Supreme Court:


            Provided that the office of the President shall be rotated amongst the provinces in the following manner:


(i)                  Balochistan.


(ii)                North-West Frontier Province.


(iii)               Punjab.


(iv)              Sindh


(v)                Punjab:


Provided also that only such member shall be eligible to contest the election for the President who belongs to the Province entitled to President Ship according to the rotation stated above and is otherwise qualified to be elected as President:


Provided further that the members from Islambad/Rawalpindi shall be deemed to belong to the Province of the Punjab.”  


            5.         Amendment of Rule 12.—the words “two years” occurring between the words “every” and “on” in rule 12 may be substituted by the word “year”.


            6.         Amendment of Rule 14.—The works “two years” appearing in clause (d) or rule 14 may be substituted by the works “one year” and the word “relevant” appearing in the said clause shall be omitted.


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