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Question: What is Physical Remand?
Category: Criminal Laws
Question: What is Judicial Remand?
Category: Criminal Laws
Q: what is 164-B CrPC?
Category: Criminal Laws
Question: What is the Punishment of Qatl-i-Amd under section 302 Pakistan Penal Code?
Category: Criminal Laws
Q: What is the meaning of section 174?
Category: Criminal Laws
Can gift deed be challenged in court?
Category: Civil Laws
What happens to the original proposal if a counter-proposal is made?
Category: Civil Laws
Can an acceptance of an offer be withdrawn after it has been accepted?
Category: Civil Laws
Can a contract be revoked or modified after it has been completed?
Category: Civil Laws
When does a bid made at an auction mature into a contract?
Category: Civil Laws
Can a bidder at an auction sale withdraw their offer before it is accepted?
Category: Civil Laws
Can a conditional acceptance be revoked before it becomes unconditional?
Category: Civil Laws