Affidavit of Mr._________________________ S/O_______________________



Aged _______Years           NIC. NO. _______________________________



R/O __________________________________________________________________






The named above declare on oath as under : ——



1. That I am __________________________________________________________



2. That I am __________________________________________________________



3. That I have neither __________________________________________________



4. That in case I ever    _________________________________________________




Deponent ______________




Verified on oath at ______________ this __________day of _________(Month),


_________(Year) that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nothing has knowingly been concealed therein.




Deponent ______________



This Agreement to Sell, made at Islamabad on this …………… day of …………, year


…………………… son of …………………… resident of ………………….., hereinafter referred to as the First Party (Seller), which expression shall, where the context so admits, shall include and mean the heirs, executors, successors in interest, legal representatives and assigns, of the one part:


…………………….son of ………………….resident of ………………., hereinafter referred to as the Second Party (Purchaser), which expression shall, where the context so admits, shall include and mean the heirs, executors, successors in interest, legal representatives and assigns, of the other part.
Whereas It Is Agreed As Follows:

1. That the First Party (Seller) is sole, absolute and lawful owner of Property No. ………………….., Islamabad, bounded as follows: NORTH…………., SOUTH………………, EAST…………, WEST………………, hereinafter called the said Property.

2. That the said Property stands transferred in the name of the First Party (Seller), as sole, absolute and lawful owner vide Sale Deed dated …………… executed between ……………… and ………… and in favour of ………………… and registered vide Sale Deed No. …………….. Book No. ………….., Volume No. ………………… Page No. ……………………….. on …….. day of …………, 19…….., with the sub-registrar Islamabad.

3. That the said Property is free from all charges and/or encumbrances, etc., whatsoever.

4. That the First Party (Seller) has agreed to sell and the Second Party (Purchaser) has agreed to purchase the said Property in consideration of Rs. ……………… (Rupees ……………….. only), which is the total and final price settled between the parties to this Agreement to Sell for the sale of the said property by the First Party (Seller) to the Second Party (Purchaser).

5. That a sum of Rs. ……………. (Rupees …………….. only) has been paid by the Second Party (Purchaser) to the First Party (Seller) as earnest money for the sale of the said Property under this Agreement to Sell, vide ……………………..

6. That the First Party (Seller) acknowledges receipt of the above mentioned amount of Rs. …………. (Rupees ……………….. only) from the Second Party (Purchaser) as earnest money for the sale of the said Property under this Agreement to Sell, vide …………………………

7. That the balance price of the said property, amounting to of Rs. ……………. (Rupees …………… only) will be paid by the Second Party (Purchaser) to the First Party (Seller) by or before ……… day of ………., year.

8. That at the time of, or before receipt of said balance amount of Rs. …………….. (Rupees …………. Only), the First Party (Seller) will cause the Sale Deed of the said Property executed and registered in the name of the Second Party (Purchaser) or his nominee.

9. ………………………….

10. It is agreed and understood that the time is the essence of this agreement.

11. That the First Party (Seller) is enjoying the sole, exclusive, vacant and peaceful possession of the said Property and the same will be retained by the First Party (Seller), from the date of execution of this Agreement to Sell till the handing over of peaceful, exclusive and vacant possession of the said Property to the Second Party (Purchaser).

12. That it would be the sole responsibility of the First Party (Seller) to get the Sale Deed of the said Property, under this
Agreement to Sell, duly executed and registered in the name and favour of the Second Party (Purchaser) or his nominee, within the above mentioned Prescribed Period, at the cost and convenience of the Second Party (Purchaser).

13. That the First Party (Seller) will hand over the sole, exclusive, peaceful and vacant possession of the said Property to the Second Party (Purchaser) at the time of or before receiving the said balance price of the said Property, amounting to Rs. ……………………… (Rupees ……….. only).

14. That if the First Party (Purchaser) refuses to execute the Sale Deed in pursuance and under this Agreement to Sell or fails to hand over the sole, exclusive, peaceful and vacant possession of the said Property in pursuance of and under this Agreement to Sell or fails to get registered the Sale Deed of the said Property in the name of and in favour of the Second Party (Purchaser) or his nominee, in furtherance of and under this Agreement to Sell, within the Prescribed Period at the cost and convenience of the Second Party (Purchaser), the First Party (Seller) will be liable to pay double amount (amounting to Rs. ………………) of the said earnest money of Rs. …………….to the Second Party (Purchaser), immediately.

15. That if the Second Party (Purchaser) backs out from the deal in furtherance of and under this Agreement to Sell or fails to pay the said balance price of the said Property, amounting to Rs. ……… (Rupees …………. Only) within the Prescribed Period, provided the First Party (Seller) is ready and willing, expressly and practicably, to do whatever he is under an obligation to do and is required to do in furtherance of and under this Agreement to Sell, this deal will be considered cancelled and the said earnest money of Rs. ……………… (Rupees …………. Only) will be forfeited by the First Party (Seller) and thereafter, there will remain no obligation, whatsoever, of the Second Party (Purchaser) under this Agreement to Sell.

16. That all liabilities and dues of the said Property, which have been accrued or will occur or be incurred in respect of the said Property by or before the date at which the Sale Deed of the said Property will be got registered, in furtherance of and under this Agreement to Sell, in the name and in favour of the Second Party (Purchaser) or his nominee and the handing over of the sole, exclusive, vacant and peaceful possession of the said Property by the First Party (Seller) to the Second Party (Purchaser) [in case these above mentioned two events occur on two different dates, the operative date, for the purposes of this Clause will be the one which will be later in time], including rents, all types of Govt. taxes, cesses, rates, charges & bills, etc., all types of utility bills including those of electricity, telephone, water, gas, etc., installed at the said Property, charges from Revenue Department, dues of Capital Development Authority, etc., if any, will be the sole liability of the First Party (Seller) and will be cleared/paid by him.

17. That all the reasonable and due expenses of registration of Sale Deed of the said Property in furtherance of and under this Agreement to Sell will be paid by the Second Party (Purchaser).

18. That the First Party (Seller) has no objection to and has expressly agreed to get the said Sale Deed of the said Property, in furtherance of and under this Agreement to Sell, executed and registered in the name and favour of the Second Party (Purchaser) or his nominee.

19. The First Party (Seller) Hereby Assures The Second Party (Purchaser) :

i. That the First Party (Seller) has paid all dues, rents, taxes, assessments, cesses, etc., payable in respect of the said Property upto date and any of such unpaid amount will be the sole and absolute liability of the First Party (Seller) to pay immediately on coming to know about such any unpaid amount.

ii. That the First Party (Seller) has not taken any loan against the said Property from any person, Bank, Co-operative Society or any natural or juristic person, body corporate or organization, whatsoever, nor does any liability of any kind, whatsoever exist against the said Property.

iii. ……………….

iv. That the said Property has not been sold/agreed to be sold/mortgaged or has otherwise been held under lien or any other charge, whatsoever, to any one.

v. That the First Party (Seller) has not entered into any deal of any kind, whatsoever, overtly and/or covertly with any person, natural or juristic or party in respect of the said Property.
In Witness Whereof, both the parties have set their respective hands on this Agreement to Sell on the day and year first above mentioned.

(SELLER)                                                                                                                              (PURCHASER)


I,___________________ , adult, residing at _____________________, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under:-1.      That I have on this day of ___________________ out of my own free will and choice and out of natural love and affection gifted to my ____, ____________________ absolutely and irrevocably a sum of Rs. __________/- (Rupees _________________ only) in cash.

2.      That the Donee ___________________________, is a major and he has accepted the gift personally.

3.      That what is stated above is true.




I, ___________________ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that I have accepted the above gift.




Solemnly affirmed by the above named deponents before me at Karachi this _______ day of _______________, 19____.





This Deed of Partnership is made at Karachi this _____ day of __________________, ________ BETWEEN:






All muslim, adults, residing at Karachi, hereinafter referred to as the Partners. The term ‘Partner’ wherever the context so admits shall always mean and include his/her legal heirs, successors, executors, administrators, legal representatives and nominees.

WHEREAS the parties hereto have mutually decided to form themselves into Partnership to carry on business and WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to reduce into writing the terms and conditions governing the Partners interse;


1.      That the name of the Partnership Business shall be “________________”.

2.      That the Partnership Business shall be deemed to have commenced with effect from _______ day of _________________, ______ and the same shall be Partnership at WILL.

3.      That the nature of Partnership Business shall be that of _________ ___________________________________ and Allied Work and any other business as the Partners may mutually decide from time to time.

4.      That the Partnership Business shall be carried at ______________________________________________________, and at such other place or places as the Partners may mutually decide from time to time.

5.      That the capital required for the conduct of Partnership Business shall be contributed by the partners No. ________________ in such proportion as may be mutually agreed from time to time and that partner No. _____ is only working partner and shall not contribute any amount towards capital.

6.      That the net profit of the Partnership Business shall be divided between the Partners and losses if any shall be borne by them in equal proportions.

7.      That the Partners shall be entitled to withdraw reasonable amounts for their personal and household expenses with the consent of all the partners which shall be debited to the respective accounts of partner in the books of the firm.

8.      That Bank Account or Accounts in the name of the firm shall be opened in any scheduled bank or banks and the same shall be operated by the Partners severally as well as jointly.

9.      That the partners can authorize any one or more of them to draw, accept, endorse and sign Cheques, Hundies, Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange, Bank Drafts, other negotiable instruments, and obligation affecting the firm and other related Commercial and Shipping Documents and also to deposit, borrow, draw or over-draw money for the firm in respect of merchandise or goods or property belonging to the firm.

10.  Every Partner is hereby authorized to institute legal proceedings against any party from whom the firm may be entitled to receive any money and for that purpose to engage advocate or advocates as may be necessary and or as may be advised.

11.  That __________________ S/o ____________ will be the Managing partner and entitled to engage the staff including labour, contractor or whatever may be necessary for the purpose of the business of the Partnership.

12.  That the partners shall be just and faithful to each other and shall at all times, render full and correct information relating to Partnership Business which shall be carried on in a way so as to yield maximum benefit to all the Partners.

13.  That any Partner intending to retire from the Partnership shall do so by serving on other Partners a notice in writing of three months duration disclosing such intention to retire and the Partner giving such notice shall be deemed to have retired from the Partnership on the expiry of such notice and business shall be taken over by the ‘Remaining Partners’.

14.  That no partner shall sell, mortgage or transfer his/her share or interest in the Partnership Concern without the written consent of the other partners.

15.  That proper books of accounts shall be maintained at the place of business and all the partners or their nominees shall have access to the books of accounts, vouchers and other papers and will be entitled to make copies of the same.

16.  That the first set of books shall be closed on 30th June, ______ and thereafter on 30th June each year accounts shall be closed and adjusted, Balance Sheet prepared and Profit or Loss allocated to partners shall be clearly shown in the account books.

17.  That in case of death of any partner, the partnership shall not stand dissolved but such of the legal heirs of the deceased or his/her nominees as are approved by the surviving partners shall step in his/her place.

18.  That any dispute or difference in connection with Partnership Business which may arise between the partners, their representatives or nominees shall be referred to one or more Arbitrators nominated by the Partners and his/her or their award shall be binding on the Partners.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their respective hands hereunto on the day, month and year mentioned hereinabove.



1. _________________                       1.___________________

2. _________________                       2.___________________



This deed of lease made this  ____________ day of_________ (month) _________ (year)


________________________________, having its  registered Office at _____________________________,

through its Secretary Mr. ___________________, who has been duly authorized to sign and execute this lease deed regarding this property (referred below as leased property) in favour of the lessee, hereinafter referred to as the lesser, (which expression shall, where the context so admits, include its successor in interest and assigns) of the one part


_________________________     with office at       ________________________________ ,

through its Chair Person Mrs. ________________________, hereinafter referred to as lessee (which expression shall, where the context so admits, include its successors in interest and assigns) of the other part.

Whereas the lesser is the exclusive owner in possession and entitled to lease out a piece of land measuring 16 (Sixteen) Kanals and situated in _____________ in Khawat Nos. ___________ and _________________ at _____________ (hereinafter referred to as leased property).

And Whereas the lessor  has agreed to lease out and the lessee  has agreed to take on lease the leased property on the mutually agreed terms and conditions.

Now Therefore, This Lease Deed Witnessed As Follows:

1. Leased Property

That the lessor (Society) is leasing out and the lessee (Trust) is taking on lease the property/premises/area which is described as follows:

North   ________________

South  _________________

East  _________________

West  ________________
2. Lease Period

That the lease shall be for a period of _______ years .

3. Renewal Of Lease

3.1 That at the expiration of the lease period this Lease Deed will be renewable for a term of another ______ years, at the option of the lessee.

4. Rent

4.1 That the rent of the leased property shall be Rs. ________ (Rupees ____________  only) per month.

4.2 That the advance rent of each month shall be payable by the lessee to the lessor by or before the 5th day of each month.

5.  Sub-Letting

That the lessee shall not sublet, assign, transfer or part in any form and manner with any of the rights granted/conferred on it by the lessor through this Lease Deed or the possession of the leased property or any part thereof to any person or persons.

6.  Government Taxes Etc.

That the lessee will not be liable to pay any taxes regarding the leased property.

7.  Maintenance Of Leased Property.

7.1 That the lessee) shall maintain the leased property in good sanitary condition and will keep in maintained in general
7.2 That the lessor or any authorized personnel of the lessor, duly appointed in this behalf, shall have access to the leased property to carry on inspection at all reasonable times and subject to prior notice in writing.

8. Possession Of Leased Property

That the lessor has given free and vacant possession of the leased property to the lessee in furtherance of the terms and conditions which are the basis of this lease deed.

9. Arbitration.

9.1 That in the event of any dispute arising between the parties in connection with any matter arising out of this Lease Deed, the same shall be referred to the ___________  for arbitration.

9.2 The decision of the said arbitrator, i.e., _______________ , shall be final and binding upon the parties.

9.3 That the venue of arbitration would be city.
In Witness Whereof the parties aforementioned have signed this Lease Deed on the date mentioned on their respective signatures.

LESSOR      __________________                                                                          LESSEE    _______________
Date:                                                                                                                                                                     Date:

Witness.                                                                                                                                                               Witness.



THIS TENANCY AGREEMENT is made at Karachi this ______ day of _______________, between Mr.________________, son of Mr. ____________________, Muslim, Adult, Resident of __________________________, herein after called the “LESSOR” which expression shall, where the context so admits include its successor and assigns of the One part;


Mr. _____________________ son of Mr. _____________________, Muslim, Adult, resident of, __________________________ hereinafter called the “LESSEE” of the Other part (which expression wherever the context so permits shall mean and include their legal heirs, successors, administrators, attorneys, nominees and representatives, assigns).


The Lessor who is the owners of the House/Shop No. _______ situated at ______________________          desire to give on Lease the same house/shop on monthly lease rental basis, on the following terms & conditions:-

1.      It is mutually agreed that the monthly lease rent shall be Rs. ___________(Rupees __________________________only).

2.      This Tenancy agreement shall commence from _____________ and shall be valid for the period of 11 months and can be renewed by mutual consent of the parties to this agreement.

3.      The lessee hereby agree and covenant with the lessor, as follows:-

a.       The Lessee has examined the Leased Premises and is satisfied that the same are in good tenantable condition.

b.      The Lessee shall not misuse or store any dangerous or inflammable material on the Leased Premises throughout the terms of this lease.

c.       The Lessee shall promptly pay all charges for telephone and other maintenance, or utility charges in the use of the Lessee.

d.      Subject to prior notice, the Lessee shall permit the Lessor and his agent during reasonable hours in the daytime with or without workmen or others to enter and inspect the Leased Premises.

e.       At the expiration of this Lease, the Lessee shall quietly hand over to Lessor the Leased Premises in good tenantable condition (fair wear and tear excepted) and shall put the Lessor in vacant possession thereof.

f.        The Lessee shall not use the Leased Premises for any purpose other than as office and shall not sublet or assign the same.

g.       The Lessee shall be responsible to keep the House in good condition.

4.      The Lessor hereby agree and covenant with the Lessee as follows:-

a.       The Lessor shall pay all taxes and other public dues charge on and payable during the currency of this lease in respect of the Leased Premises except for charge mentioned in Clause 3(c), which shall be paid by the lessee.

b.      The Lessor agrees to carry out all major repairs to the Leased Premises and ensure that the electrical, sanitary, gas and water fittings and lines are in working orders at the time of handing over. Any loss or damage to the Leased Premises caused by unfair usage of the Lessee shall be made good by the Lessee before the present Lease.

5.      Any notice required to be given under the Tenancy Agreement shall be sufficiently served on the Lessee if forwarded in writing to them at the address stated above and shall be sufficiently served on the Lessor if forwarded in writing to them at the address first above written and notice sent by post shall be deemed to be delivered at the address to which it is sent.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Tenancy Agreement on the first above written.






LESSOR : ________________

LESSEE  : _________________


I, ______________________ D/O, W/O. __________________

R/O ______________________________________________

Hereby give an undertaking that I shall serve in the primary Health Care for at least one year after completion of my training during this period, if I want to resign from my service, I will deposit the entire salary, which I will receive until that time. Further more if I fail to maintain a proper record of money to be earned for the service allowed through National Health Program. I will deposit the entire amount involved to the National Health Program. During this period if my services terminated due to the un-satisfactory performance or misconduct. I shall deposit the entire salary which I will receive until that time.


After the expiry of this period, if I want to leave the program I will give one month’s notice or will deposit one moth salary in lieu of notice. I shall conduct myself at all times in a manner compatible with my status. I shall devote myself to my duties as directed by my supervising authority. I shall not hesitate to do any work which is assigned to me as a part of the duty. I shall refrain from engaging in any political, commercial or any other activity incompatible with my work. I shall not make any correspondence with foreign authorities. I shall submit my periodical reports as and when required by the authority. I will strictly follow the rules,& regulations. Terms and conditions of the appointment letter and those issued form time to time by the competent authority. I will not challenge any decision of the authorities at any forum including the court.




Name   ________________________

Signature: ______________________

Date: _________________________

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