Governor-General’s Pension Act, 1954

ACT No. IX OF 1954

(For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Gaz. of P., Ext., 1954, p. 550)

[14th May, 1954]

An Act to make provision for the payment of a pension to persons who have held the office of Governor-general of Pakistan

WHEREAS it is expedient to make provision for the payment of a pension to persons who have held the office of Governor General of Pakistan;

It is hereby enacted as follows:‑–

1. Short title and commencement.-(1) This Act may be called the Governor-general’s Pension Act, 1954.

(2) It shall come into force at once.

2. Amount and condition of pension—-[(1)] There (Section 2 renumbered as sub‑section (1) of that section by the Governor General’s Pension (Amdt.) Ordinance, 1962 (11 of 1962), s. 2.)shall be payable to every person who, having held the office of the Governor‑General of Pakistan for not less than two years and not having been removed there-from for misconduct, has ceased to hold such office, a pension of two thousand rupees a month for life (Added ibid.)[unless he elects under sub‑section (2) to receive gratuity in lieu thereof]

Provided that the right to receive pension under this Act shall be suspended for the period that a person entitled to receive it holds any office in respect of which he draws salary or other remuneration from the public exchequer.

[(2) A person entitled to receive pension (Sub-sections (2) and (3) ins. By the Governor General’s Pension (Amdt.) Ordinance 1962 (11 of 1962),s.2)under sub‑section (1) may, within one month from the date on which he becomes so entitled, elect to receive gratuity in lieu of pension and, if he so elects, shall be paid as gratuity a sum free from all taxes, calculated at the rate of twenty‑five thousand rupees for every one year proportionately for each completed calendar month of his office subject to a maximum of two lakhs of rupees.

(3) If any person dies without receiving any pension under sub‑section (1) or electing for gratuity under sub‑section (2), he shall be deemed to have elected for gratuity and the sum due to him as gratuity shall be paid to the person nominated by him in this behalf or, in the absence of such nomination, to his heirs.]

3. Pension be charged on the central revenues—The pension aforesaid shall be charged on the revenues of the (Subs. By A.O., 1961 Art. 2 and Sch. For “Federation”) [Centre].

4. Definition—–(Section 4 added by A.O 1961 Art. 2 and Sch. (with effect from the 23rd March 1956)In this Act “Governor‑General of Pakistan” includes and shall be deemed always to have included “the President of Pakistan”.

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